Is the 350 as good of an engine as they say?

is the 350 as good of an engine as they say?

350 what?
chev 350?

It's better.

There's only one 350 you stupid boot.
Haze yourself.

Inb4 some jap or kraut 350 ci engine. You know damfuckin well what anybody means when they say a 350

>350 what?
>chev 350?

It's more fun than an LS1.


its pretty good but a bit old at this point though it can make well over 500hp na fairly easily especially with its massive after market

damn simple, good power, drop it in anything i guarantee there's a kit for it, can do anything with it overbore stroke etc, every mechanic knows it well, proven for half a century... it's the best engine out there overall no question, anyone who says otherwise is delusional. if you're in the market, check out blueprint. i'm setting aside money for one this coming spring for my 65 impala ss

It is pretty much a universal engine, you can put it in anything.

It’s not even the only GM 350 retard. Buick, Oldsmobile, and Pontiac all have their own. All of which are better engines

debatable, the aftermarket for them will never be as big and they will never be as cheap or easy to find and modify

Yea cuz when people say 350 they totally mean those knock offs and not the prolific small block of the last century

>hurrrrr durrrr Toms not the only Brady in the NFL there's also a Brady on the raiders practice squad!

You are now aware that Chevy was the LAST GM division to develop their own OHV V8. And that they stole the stamped steel rocker arms from Pontiac.

This to be honest, even holdens use the chev 350.

now they're the only ones who use it ironically

its great, parts are everywhere, easy to make power with

>this is engine is better because it’s more common and therefore has more aftermarket

You are now aware that no one gives a fuck about any of those brands, they're literally Copper Manning

>the Janetty 350 motors

What the fuck good is an engine you can't buy parts for?

Because it doesn’t take into account the actual design of the engine bud. Of course it’s easy to find parts for an engine of which there are 100 million of. Doesn’t mean that engine is the best design out there

that literally makes it better parts are much easier to find and it is therefore cheaper to build also the pontiac and oldsmobile 350s were known to have bad valvetrains and the buicks had oiling troubles, there's a reason the 350 lasted longer. but nice try

don't worry this kid has never touched an engine, he's the kind of guy that opens the hood of his shitbox and says 'wow cool' and jokes to himself about how the alternator is the turbo. meanwhile us guys are too busy covered in multiple fluids and grime sweating over our shitboxes wondering 'what the hell kind of hobby is this' and crying ourselves to sleep because we don't have the money to immediately afford a corvette with the body swapped for a classic

look at where we are, and at what time we are here, and what we are doing at this time at this place... we're all fucking losers

Yes. You can buy or build the engine how ever you want on the cheap. The reliability and durability is only rivaled by diesel engines, and most Japanese engines.

yet Chevy is the most widely known

>so mechanically simple even a handful of know nothing Veeky Forumstists could probably put one together and have it run
>parts availability and aftermarket second only to muh LS
>400HP attainable on $1500 budget
>absolutely massive knowledge base, humanity will still know of these engines long after societal collapse, passing down torque specs through song and dance
>drops into 50% of all cars ever made with no modification, the other 50% with a custom motor mount and some elbow grease

Nah m8 it's shit

For the price, they're the best V8 engine around.

The 350 crates are dirt cheap for what you're getting.


lifter tick and piston slap are issues in high milage motors

pretty reliable other wise

yes but don't buy crate motors from GM

>350 crate

Doing it wrong, junkyard rebuild or bust

Get one of the Vortec L31 head engines for funsies.

top 3 best engine ever

Don't be an idio-

Oh well, this is Veeky Forums after all. Do whatever the fuck you want, I guess.

305 is still better.

Yeah and you're gonna love hunting down parts for your one off perfect engine
>smash oil pan
>need to get custom parts made

It's literally cheaper to buy a crate than rebuild 90% of the time.

You're talking like a stupid fucking boot yourself. Only people that say "haze yourself" have never experienced anything tough in the corps.

Lol go haze yourself you pog boot fuck wag bag

Reminder that Ford was using a v8 for 2 decades before Chevy.

But even as a Ford guy, the 350 is a good engine that still has its place in today's world.

I love mine, but if you're going crate engines might as well do a stroker bottom end or ls motor

*blocks ur path*

Fuck if I know man. I just want to pinch a grumpy and hit the sack



Good luck finding one that hasn't rusted to dust. And a brand new 4 bolt main is expensive. Windsor blocks are a much better buy.