How do I cope br/o/s?

How do I cope br/o/s?
I genuinely loved my car. I've been a lonely loser for as long as I can remember and my car was my vent for that. I poured all my affection into her, spending hundreds of hours fixing everything that went wrong with it, and keeping it immaculately clean. Yesterday, some stupid fuckhead boiracer in a Golf blasted through a red light doing twice the speed limit and flattened the back end of my car. Insurance immediately totaled it out and towed it away. I walked away just fine. The shock of what happened didn't dawn on my until now, but they took it away. All the money and time and love I poured into that God damn machine was all for nothing. I feel like I've lost a close friend and I cried for the first time in as long as I can remember.

Has anybody gone through anything similar or am I just a dillusional retard? I feel like absolute shit.

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What kind of car was it?

Wait so your insurance doesn't want to fix it?

A 1972 Datsun 240z

No, the car is old and not worth anything. I couldn't even fix it if I tried. The entire rear end was crushed sideways. I'd have to completely replace the whole body. And the way that the rear was hit, the driveshaft got shunted and destroyed the bellhousing which ripped the engine to shreds on its way out.

I understand those feels. My car is basically the only thing that's keeping me alive. Its an aw11 that I got with money from my first minimum wage job when I was 17. If that thing crashed and got hauled away I'd be crushed because It's just become such a big part of who I am and my life. I feel you man

I'm glad I'm not the only one. I hope for your sake that it never happens, user. It fucking sucks.

Oh jesus. I'm so sorry for your loss.

I can’t even drive my car and I feel like I would have the same reaction. I can’t even imagine having put in all of the work you put in and having it ripped away from you by some faggot in a Golf. I’m sorry, user,

Was the Golf driver fucked at least?

Please, do us a favor and neck yourself

me when I lost my first car due to an idiot. stickshift volvo 740 wagon. quad lights in the front. im still in shock years later

>Le edgy faggot

that's my greatest fear. my cars are all i have. if that ever happened to me i'd kill myself. only advice i can give is to buy a replacement asap to fill the void

stay strong big guy

Mine all died from old age. Pennsylvania winters were rough on them.

Don't be sad that it's over. Be happy because it happened at all.

>Has anybody gone through anything similar or am I just a dillusional retard? I feel like absolute shit.
At least it wasn't your fault. You are blessed to not have to live with killing your best friend (the car, not a person).

Why did you never try to make an effort to winterize it?
I agree with the message though, remember the good times.

Did you at least kill that ignorant fuckboi?

Sadly, not too badly. The fucker walked away with a dislocated shoulder or something. I'm suprised and somewhat disappointed he didn't get fucked. It was some 18 year old kid in a brand new GTI that he probably got with his parents money.
I came into the intersection on a green light and he came wailing through the red light at, what the cops think, was around 60 miles an hour in a 35 zone. He hit my rear right quarter and spun me around like a top. His airbags went off and his car skidded into the other lane where the other car stopped in time.

Fuck dude, that sucks. I'm a sucker for old Volvos.

He died from his injuries

Kill that piece of shit. Avenge your car

I got out of the car dazed and in a white, blinding fury. If his door wasn't crumpled in and stuck closed, I probably would have beaten the everloving shit out of him. It actually happened a block away from the police station, so the cops were there quickly. That's a good thing though because I've never been more mad. I probably would have actually killed him in my rage and I don't want to go tog jail.

I hope you learned your lesson, user. A certain amount of detachment with your car is wise. They can be taken away in an instant.

You'll get better, bud. Just take it one day at a time.

>I hope you learned your lesson, user
Fuck you piece of shit

Yeah, I know that now. It's just hard not to be attached to something you've spent so much time with. It became a part of me, especially through the stressful time in high school and college when I had nobody to spend time with. I spent it on my car. I'm going to try to be smarter about that with my next car. And thank you.

I fucking wish.

I am sure you can find a soyboy to let you cry on their shoulder.

You should've killed him, I'm sure the cops would've understood given what kind of car it was.

Quit being an edgy faggot.

OP here. That's probably the frogposter.

Oh god.

What's your location m8? I know a bunch of Ohio guys, we can probably get you another one up and going pretty quick

I actually had a cop come up to me and give me his condolences. Apparently he used to have a 280z and loved these cars. I wish, in hindsight, I had done something to the little fuckboy. I have all this unused anger towards him that's really pissing me off.

Arizona, but thanks for the offer. I'd take that up in a fucking instant if I was there.

OP you should buy it back with some of the insurance payout. Use the parts that weren't wrecked since you hit from behind to build a new one.

Get on Datsun Parts and Needs on FB, there's enough of us around the country you can get something settled in. Good luck broski :(

you should have fucked him in the middle of the intersection

I was thinking about that. The issue is that I need to get a car in the meantime and I'm a poorfag. I was going to use whatever they're going to pay me to get something else. Though, I am going to figure out where she's being auctioned off and see what it's going for. I'd be prepared to dump a fair bit of money to get it back.

Not worth it m80. I'm super scared of this because if something like this happened to me I don't know if I would be able to restrain myself and would probably end up regretting it for the rest of my life.

I know, I know. Like I said, I'm glad his door was shut.

Holy fuuuck golf drivers lmao

I-Is it the yellow one that gets posted here from time to time?


Wasn't first owner. I did some things but aside from doing extensive repairs some things can't be fixed, only slowed.

Yea i get you. Sorry for your loss user. It's almost harder to give up on it rather than some other knob taking it away from you.

Oh fuuuuck.

this will hurt, but post as many pics of it
the memory of it must be preserved

fuck dude I'm really sorry
that thing looked immaculate, I can only imagine what you are going through

Oh fuck I feel so sorry for you user. I feel you so fucking much. I don't know what to say man. Stay strong... I know I'd be completely crushed if my car got totalled, yet alone a classic like that... I couldn't even imagine the regret oh my god

Sue him and buy a supercar.

When I first the thread, I felt bad
Now I read this, I feel sad

This hurts to read. I feel ya OP, lost my car just two weeks ago in a small but fatal (for the car, not for me) accident and it sucks big time.


why god

Sue him


oh god OP I'm so sorry

i went through the same thing user. spent tons on keeping my car up to date with maintenance, and mods for performance. all for nothing cause some roastie pull in front of my car when she wasn't even given a green light while i did. surprisingly i was just fine as well.
insurance totaled it out 2 days later and i handled it well till 10 hours later that night i was bawling about it for hour an hour over that car.

i feel your pain man

This thread is a great example of why fuckboys and roasties shouldnt be allowed to drive.

I'm so sorry for your loss user



im so sorry for you loss user.


My mom had a 280zx.
Im still pissed off she sold it for only $200, even though I told her I wanted it.
She was all "hurr durrr its a death trap money pit"

is your mom retarded?

Fuckkk mate.
that thing was smicky.


sue the fucker
>It was some 18 year old kid in a brand new GTI that he probably got with his parents money.
Sue for reckless driving
maybe no for injury, but for the blatant disregard for the safety of you, himself, and the public
get that license of his revoked

sue him for another 240z, and make him pay to get it running


More like make his parents buy you a new 240z

This is why RegularFag sold his AW11, because he was too afraid to drive it for fear of some swaggot trashing it.

Plus he is a paranoid faggot.

Sorry OP, *F*.


>Car smarts
Pick one, and only one

Hire a Hitman with the insurance money


Kill yourself asshole.

I second this. Take that irresponsible retard for every single dollar his vaping, fuckboi ass has.


Go to the Dr complaining of neck and upper back pain. Do some research on nerve damage in accidents to understand how to describe it. Then sue the fuck for $100,000 due to pain and suffering. If he was double the speed limit and ran a red, he will lose 10/10 times.

Then go buy two perfect 240s.



imagine having that happen to you like 3 times

this is why i buy pre modified done cars, because at any moment you could be dead and your shit could be gone so enjoy it while you still can

>this is why i buy pre modified done cars

So you let some other idiot molest the value straight out of it?

I thought OP was just another shit-that-never-happened faggot, especially because there was a similar thread with the same image used a week before

this, fuck em'; shouldn't have been speeding through a red

Sue for emotional damages.
Also try to comfort yourself with the fact that her sacrifice will keep many other 240zs on the road.


Fucking hell

FUCK. Tell me you got a lot of money. It's an old car so you're liable to get cucked by your insurance because "lol it's old here's $500 suck it k bai".

fug man. Cheer up, good times may come in the future.


What state do you live in? I had a datsun 240 zoom by me today on my commute home. God damn that thing was glorious.


Unrelated to thread, but where in Ohio? I didn't know there were any others from here


Oh god, I'm even more scared to take out my 75 280 now ;~;

Did you get his name OP

OP, this is so sad. I am currently driving my original car and I bought it wrecked. it just runs.. thats it. I have never had a car i love yet, but i keep my car religiously clean. Im very sorry for your loss

>Am i a dillusional retard?

no OP, this was completely justified.

also, my dad was given a 240z for free by a friend. then my dad sold it for 800 later on. it was clean. back when the market was way different..

>mfw thinking of some irresponsible 18 year old totaling my car
i can already see it now


sue the cunt HARD and do as said. should be easy to do, especially since its an old car with no safety features. should make it easier to do.

and then go buy the whole family of classic fairladies with your court winnings

brehs hold me

>buy from insurance.