Are driving gloves douchey?

Are driving gloves douchey?

they're designed for larping poorfags.


You should only use them if it's really cold or you're racing.

No, my metal shift knob is scorching hot in the summer and freezing cold right now.

Yes. Wait until you're outside of the city to put them on. Just like for driving roofless.
You don't want random strangers thinking you're a fag.


I mean I totally unterstand ppl. wearing them when racing srsly, but in most of the time I think it´s gay.

>metal shift knob
Your fault for having shit taste

dont forget your scorpionj acket

My hands always get sweaty and it seems to be ruining my steering wheel. I think I need gloves tbqh

If it´s hq leather it shouldn´t be a problem, even if you sweat like a motherfucker. A little maintanance 1-2 times a year and it should be fine.

Chronicly sweaty hands are a sign for weak immune system and unhealthy lifestyle.

Had the same problem, got rid of it by living healthy as fuck with sport and good nutrition and shit.

you can't /thread yourself newfag.

also this. driving gloves make you look like an asshole but my shift knob is way to cold to drive without them.

Acceptable if you have a wooden steering wheel. I'm trying to find good gloves in yurop btw.

Only acceptable if you're on the track driving a legitimate racecar or you're driving a classic muscle car with a wood grain steering wheel and no power steering

I can and I will


>t. summerfag
sperg more

I have driving gloves because I don't want my hands to ruin my leather steering wheel.

OMG better put a plastic cover on you seat, you body touching the seat could damage it.

It´s a fucking steering wheel dude, it´s not expensive to replace.


I started driving with an old pair. Greatest feeling


Unless it's cold or you're actually racing then yes

If you have to ask you already know the answer

Depends what you're driving. They make perfect sense if you are driving...
>an older car with a wooden steering wheel
>an older car without power steering
>a convertible of any kind
>in the cold
>on track, above highway speeds
Outside of that, you'll either look like a larping boiracer or le classy gentleman of fedora tipping depending on the kind of gloves

Hmmm, Idk the answer, better ask...

or do I...

I do have a seat cover though

I would never wear them for normal driving but at the track this weekend when it was in the 30s, I wished I had a pair for a little while. After that I was just used to the temp and it wasn't really an issue.

/sweatypalms/ here.
I use cheap leather ones because my old as fuck steering wheel wouldn’t take a rubber cover for me to grip.

Pretty much, outside of a few exceptions

you know i just had a thought a couple months ago that i actually put my gloves in the glovebox for once

>Chronicly sweaty hands are a sign for weak immune system and unhealthy lifestyle.
My hand sweat regardless of lifestyle.
Eating anything I want and not exercising, exercising regularly and eating an extremely healthy diet, my hands sweat.
I don't really get sick, so it doesn't seem like my immune system is bad.
I think it's just a case of hyperhydrosis.

>muh hot wheel and gear stick
I live in the Australian outback. This has never been a problem. Basement dwellers be like muh precious flabby hands tho Lmao

>muh no power steering
Literal limp wristed faggots Roflmao

Recommend me cool gloves o

Same problem, they’re only dry if I just wake up or if I’ve already been outside sweating. Handshakes are the worse

These conditions must be met
>classic sports car
>wooden steering wheel
>only during summer

>t. Miata

>caring what other people think about you


>Caring this much about what others think

And since when did convertibles become associated with homosexuality?

I use light woolly mittens in winter.

Only if you're also wearing a faggy little scarf and goggles