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3d Oily Black Girls Edition

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First for D.va!

How do I reduce visual noise? What settings do I turn down because I lose track of people in fights all the time


>your main
>why is it your main
>tips for your main to help other anons


whats a good place to find overwatch porn, a directory of sorts. asking for a friend

I wish I could ectroshock Blizzard executives AND Jeff Kaplan.


Nah. With aim, a good Widow would ruin the game entirely in Masters+. You'd also see a lot more aimbots.

>He's fun and my aim is shit
>BE AGGRESSIVE. Don't be afraid to drop that hammer shield and start wrecking face. Ult charge is paramount. The faster you get your ult charge, the faster you win.

Hey, I made this as a reply to a post from prev tread but now it does not matter, so enjoy anyway, I guess.

>finish first round of comp
>dps main only kid starts crying in chat that he has gold eliminations
>tell him to be more constructive instead of saying he's doing the best
>"i throw bitch"
>switches to symmetra and just walks off the edge for the remainder of the game

This has happened way too many times since the summer holidays started

Its D.va!
Her farts smell the best!

I just feel like with winston, d.va and genji there's plenty of room to counter a widow even if she's really really good.

Greetings, /owg/. Let us share some positive moments we have experienced in Overwatch recently.

As always, pass into the Iris.

best grill

damn i sure got roasted


Anyone who's Top 500 and is not on that list due to the fact that they profit from it are a bunch a losers with no lives living in their mother's basement. Their mom probably bought the game for them.

I admire streamers 'cause they make money off of the game but anyone who spends 10 hours a day playing this shit every day to stay there without making a living based on that is a sorry excuse for a human being and another example of the big illness of the 21st century youth.

I won like five games today and only lost one

gelbooru. just search through the overwatch tag.

i have fun with her and she makes me feel like i'm a skilled player whenever i play her. also she's adorable.
when you iceblock yourself, don't stay in there for as long as you can. the enemies will no doubt reload whilst you're in your cube so break out whilst they do that and either escape or try to take out a couple of them.

i'm pretty sure he meant good porn user.

>Was easy at first and now he's just fun as shit
>Literally always be using boop, even on maps with no environ kills. It's so good for damage

how do you go from this

post D.va playtime or fuck off my waifu

>that delicious blue skin and voice
>Work on getting consistent with hitting heads. Consider yourself dead if you miss a head.



I'm decently good with her and you never get the blame for the team losing in comp.

Watch nerds on youtube give you the low-down on where all the good ult spots are, itll give you team wipes left and right.

I'm getting better at Winston
Beat a reaper 1v1 which was good

>posts some random whore
>cares about streamers
>makes political statements on a shitposting forum

You're the problem here mate

to this

Here comes T.Racer!

here comes t.orbjörn:)

No self respect

>never get the blame for the team losing
let me guess, you got this game fairly recently?

29 hours :^)

Torn between Mccree and tracer
high skill cap feelsgood when you hit them shots
adorable, gets best skins

must have been a bad reaper because reaper is actually a tank buster now, he gets 125 hp from killing a winston at full health where as he only got 50 before and that require him to kill you



a stoic DPS carry
and pharmercy cancer

user, please don't post shitty mei sfm porn ever again please. thank you!

nah, about a year ago
in 100~ comp matches I cant remember anyone going apeshit at me once,

you're 37 posts late user, what happened?

>be under level 10
>consistency matched with players 25 to over 75 in quick play
Is this normal?


the way rez affects sr gain is absolutely fucked right now it's great

He probably was a bad reaper, but I danced round the bubble and crate so he couldn't get enough shots on to heal

>tfw you have more than 20x but know there are posters in here with D.va hours that dwarfs that



>save the day in overtime with a well timed D.Va ult that takes out a healer, a DPS and gets the enemy D.Va out of mech
>people on voice chat go "Oooh, nice"
I fucking love D.Va so much.

>D.Va only getting one new item this event, and since it's just one, probably a voice line
Why even bother with an event if D.Va isn't the focus? Though I'm hype for that voice line anyway

Initially it was just because I like playing defense and area denial, but I also love the feel of explosives-focused characters in games. And it's because I love him too!

As for advice, I'd say situational awareness is important. Junkrat can be devastating if your positioning is good and if you know your way around the map, and it helps if you use your trap as a sort of "alarm" to tell you where the enemy is approaching from. He can also work reasonably well on offense as his mobility makes him great for sneaking behind enemy lines for pincer attacks.

>because I wanted GM

Gameplay Tips:
>Shoot barriers when nothing is going on to raise your damage dealt stat.
>If an enemy is about to die, tag them with your pistol to raise your blaster kills stat.
>If 5 people die in a pile outside the chokepoint, always res it, it won''t do anything but you'll get your res back in 30 seconds anyway and it will raise the amount of sr you get by a lot.
>Similarly, if a fight is won on defense res everyone after. You'll have it back next fight anyway and it won't cost you too many games.
>Wait as long as possible on your res and stop healing after someone dies, it will fuck up your teammate's positioning but you'll res way more without hurting your winrate too much.
>Even if you have your ult and your other support teammate doesn't, continue healing instead of letting them charge theirs. You're giving away Sr if you don't and no one is going to yell at you for doing your job.

Advanced Meta Tips:
>Buy an ssd to ensure you get mercy before anyone else does, you'll probably lose the game if you have another mercy main on your team but you'll lose much less SR than if you tried playing another character.
>If someone else gets her, say you're playing on a controller since your mouse broke, they'll be happy to swap for you.
>If you're stuck playing koth or have what looks to be a bad team, lock in torb to try to get someone to leave before it starts.
>Learn to fake a girl voice, players will be nicer to you when you fuck up and high ranked players will sometimes be willing to carry you

>D.va getting only one new item

Please tell me this isn't real

>projecting this hard
go back to the bronze shithole from wence you came

>dvafags get BTFO

there were a few patches where picking her was considered tantamount to throwing. Depends on rank though, D.va has always been a fair pubstomper


When's the first WC today starting?

enjoy plat when she gets fixed then
>implying you need to do this much to get GM as mercy



thank you user, my noggin has begun jogging

I want to HUFF Lena's PAINT!

the real problem is when are they going to fix the fact that there are 30-40% wr mainers in gm, if youre in gm you should have at least 65%+ winrate especially if youre a one trick

I'm 3400-3600 on DPS, I just wanted to hit GM
No bully pls

imagine doing this

>lol dude we completely held them at the first point let's do a shitty meme comp with double sniper and orisa solotank this'll be easy
>run out of time when they realize oh fuck we're losing
>behind on ults
>lose an easy victory

I fucking hate competitive.


I love high mobility and denial based characters (I tend to play fast zoners in fighting games for the same reason). Her movement options, her chase and burst damage and her damage + ult denial with DM feels so fun to me.

Defense Matrix management is key. Making the most of it is the biggest thing to being a good D.Va.

To be fair, people don't really consider your fuckups as much.

You die as Mercy when the team is separated, people will still scream "OMG where's res" and be mad at you. You miss DMing three ults in quick succession as D.Va (which I've done)? No one says a thing.

Unfortunately, datamining says only one new item in Summer Games for her.

whats the other datamining info on cosmetics? are last year's things coming back?

will you suck my dick? I'll give you imaginary points

>tfw 67% winrate Tracer one trick in plat
I'm actually climbing really fast and am almost diamond, but I don't really enjoy one tricking Tracer because she's a really high stress hero and I kinda want to relax sometimes but I feel like if I don't play her then I never win

which DPS?
if its pharah i will be disappoint

yes old items return for this year event

First hero I really started playing
Play on higher sensitivity so you can hit those 360 rocket shots quicker. Treat your ult like a suicide button if your team doesn't heal/bubble you

I feel like blizzard needs to focus more on buffing useless characters instead of Nerfing the good ones.

are there any low-stress DPSes? i usually play lucio or tanks and whenever i have to go pharah trying to juggle movement and damage gets to me

i think you actually need to have smething wrong with you to play tracer non stop, getting dropped by zen discord, and a fart from junkrat and the fact that tracer's gun suffers the highest damage reduction vs armour (50%) in the game and combined with her next to zero effective range and suddenly that 240dps doesnt mean shit

I want to HUFF Hana's FARTS!

you do realize tracer is one of the strongest heroes in the game at the moment?

reaper is fairly comfy atm because of how much heal you get versus tanks, otherwise no

>detailed hat
>shoes are just a couple of hasty lines
Why do artists do this? Why not just finish the image properly?

she's the only hero I win with tho! she wrecks teams but I always feel drained after playing her. It's exhausting

pharah's pretty chill if the enemy team is letting you fly about uncontested, but even in quickplay, the moment you play pharah specifically to relax the enemy team will roll eight hitscans who all know exactly where you are at all times and all have pin-point accuracy

Mccree mostly, can play s76/widow about just as well if not better though.

Can't play projectile heroes or tanks to save my life.

>Soldier: 76
>He's literally the only likeable thing in this whole game
that is, until they pull a Tracer on him
>have good genetics


I really like playing fast, get-in-gib-get-out type characters. I like her survivability but most of all, I love shutting down the opposing team. I have bad tracking skills so being able to find weak enemies and finish them off instead of a huge long fight is awesome for me.

The biggest hurdle is EMP timing. If you don't have a good team, it's important to use it at a time you think you can shut down the enemy team alone. I like to do it mid-fight rather than initiate in these circumstances.

because they arent a foot fetishist

>playing winston
>don't see enemy pharah flanking
>put down bubble around supports
>hear pharah ult
>turn around to see her ult directly into my bubble and die
Is there anything more satisfying?

I uninstalled a few months ago, and I want to reinstall, play nothing but comp, and nothing but a single hero. Dubs decides which hero it is.

no Mercy or Symmetra


>the only character he likes is the cod clone

Kys yourself

>tfw one of the best characters in the game is being relegated to nothing but a shitty love triangle that TOTALLY ISNT HAPPENING FOR REAL GUYS and le funny dad jokes xD

when did symmetra become a meme hero? i 2100 sr with her after maining her non stop but ive never seen anyone else do that

Last years items will be coming back, that's certain. They've said before that items would be available again in future versions of the events.

We also know that there's 40+ new items total, and the number of new cosmetics each character gets is as follows:

4 - Sombra, Orisa, Doomfist
3 - Ana
2 - Hanzo, Junkrat, Lucio, McCree, Mercy, Reaper, Soldier 76, Widowmaker, Zarya
1 - Bastion, D.Va, Genji, Mei, Pharah, Reinhardt, Symmetra, Torbjorn, Tracer, Winston, Zenyatta, Roadhog

Also of note is that the Doomfist preview shows Sombra and Soldier 76 using entirely new weapon designs on their base skins, meaning they (and possibly other heroes) will be getting new weapon skins - whether these are part of Summer Games, we don't know, but the logo on Sombra's gun would imply so as it's the same as the logo on Tracer's Summer Games skin from last year.



You won't do it.

Are you gay?

Get shoved in the locker you fuckin nerds


>literally nothing unique about his character or his kit
>grizzled war veteran
>cod copy/paste

well shit im hyped because i already gold for sombra unlocked and im really bored of cyberspace (i like the los muertos skins better but their gun is uglier)