What would your result be?
Blow it
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Zero parts per million.
t. Person who hasn’t touched drink in 8 years.
.12 Because there's 0 cops inna woods where I Jeep.
I don't drink and drive. That's stupid. But send me some of that Mary Jane; I will have eyes redder than the inside of your girls asshole and drive.
Zero, obviously.
If you drink and drive you're a bloody idiot.
I would never degrade myself by blowing on one of those things.
Because I don't drink.
>Drinking and driving is bad
What a meme. in the 60s if you got pulled over and they found you to be drunk it was a slap on the wrist. Now thanks to MADD you have to get a breathalyzer in your car. This country is fucked. What is the harm in cracking a cold one - brewed in america, not some heinikn shit and cruising? literally nothing can go wrong - unless you can't hold your liquor like an injun/woman.
Probably over the limit in most countries.
No limit in my country. In fact I shipped a yeti cozie just so my beers don't get warm when I am loading/unloading. The other drivers are jelly.
last two digits of your post decides your BAC (from .00-.20, 0-20)
Zero. Despite being a semi functional drunk I try to involve the least amount of people in my downfall. Also how the fuck do I finally quit? I'm down to a six pack or under per day but can't drag myself over the finish line.
5 or under per day
4 or under per day
3 or under per day
Just keep going user, you're almost there.
omg grandpa what the hell are you doing on Veeky Forums? that is word for word the same talk i been hearing from 70 year olds.
you cant begin to compare the issue between 2017 and 1960s, but I'll list a few of the issues with that "logic". the number of drivers and cars on the roads in the 60s vs the 2017 is massive, then there is the quality of those roads, their design, the speed that the actual road allowed, the "dangerous" curves, the evolution of the safety of the cars in the event of crashes bringing down the number of alcohol related deaths by driving to. drunk driving is a fucking problem as well as it is used for money issues. the fact is that if you drive drunk you are putting everyone else at risk.
2% native american
She'd be blowin this fackin cack, no what am sayin? Bitch got my glock to her dome. Im like, blow! I hope tha gurl peepees
Heineken is actually pretty shit
>t. Not even american
Wait... I think I know her
3 years sober
DUIs are for spics, niggers and the 56%
t. Aryan
its ok user, its just a britbong they all look the same
>officer is white
yes officer i will blow you. please unzip daddy
grandpa is halfway right. drinking 4 or 5 beers and driving home buzzed is not the same as getting blackout durnk on hard liquor to where you can't even walk and mowing down kids at a bus stop. it sucks that if you drink a six pack watching a game, then get pulled over for a busted taillight, you're going to jail and will be treated like you attempted a murder, even if you were driving perfectly safe
No, I genuinely believe that she is a friend of mine
>even if you were driving perfectly safe
thats not even remotely true. i know alcoholics who seem fine after a case of beer but just because they seem fine and say they feel fine doesnt make them so. the kind of person who would be drunk off their fucking mind wouldnt be able to start a car with a manuel transmission, let alone drive an automatic one. What you call just buzzed is really swerving all over the god damn road, that is why they stop you, you're pretty damn easy to spot.
post more
I've done it a few too many times. Glad I haven't gotten caught of course. Just get in my head that I really want something to eat or more booze and driving is the only practical way to get it
post nudes of her
Somewhere under the limit (0.05 here) since I'm not a dumb asshole
>I don't drink and drive. That's stupid.
>But send me some of that Mary Jane
>I will have eyes redder than the inside of your girls asshole and drive.
Have you heard of eyedrops or are you asking to get nailed for the dumbest reason possible?
>Deler fjesbokbilder av 'venner' på 4kanalen
Skam deg
>Also how the fuck do I finally quit
Check out the sinclair method. It's designed to literally train your brain to not enjoy drinking by blocking the reward pathways.
You take naltrexone an hour before you drink.
Repeat until you have trained your brain to not get a psychological reward from booze. Just the depressant effect on the body.
Why have you never heard of it? Murrica' sucks at implementing substance abuse research.
Nja... bildet er beskjært og blåst opp litt og endra filnavn så tror ikke sjansen for noe fælt er stor
Er jo forsåvidt allerede et digert bilde i trådtoppen også... det der må jo fan være hu
Ellers kommer den latviske tosa
i have quit drinking until i buy more booze.
>the kind of person who would be drunk off their fucking mind wouldnt be able to start a car with a manuel transmission
I and many people I know have done that and driven all the way home through roads twistier than a first world "mountain pass" with no recollection.
>Being buzzed has you swerving all over the road.
No, those are the potholes. Swerving all over a straight wide road is almost exclusively an American thing. We have a drink driving culture here and I can't tell you the last time I saw some one swerving all over the road for no reason unless it was a, believe it or not, American tourist.
You guys also make up the majority of accidents during the high season.
4 or 5 beers isn't the same as a case of beer, it's less than half. the people who plow into cars at red lights going 90 without braking are not 'buzzed' they are drunk. i don't even drink anymore. when I did drink, I was scared to drive after having 4 or 5 beers NOT because i thought i was gonna get in a wreck and kill myself/someone else, i was scared because if a cop happened to pull me over(even for non moving violation like your brake light being out) i would have my life ruined by the government
Zero, I don't drink. Not because muh morals, I just can't stand the stuff. I drink water, apple juice and Coke once a week.
Helvett, den har jeg ikke sett. Humra såpass så bikkjelurven våkna
If you have a couple drinks your bac will be within limits
If your bac is over the limit, it's because you're too drunk to drive. End of story.
0, never touched alcohol in my life
has she blown your rugged Norwegian sausage yet?
t. partypooper mudslime
Get absolutely shit faced drunk so drunk you feel like you're dying
Then go do something you'd never ever do before like have gay sex or fuck a fatty or something
From them on whenever you smell alcohol you will instantly be sick
Victimless crime. Cruel punishment.
Suck dicks MADD apologists.
drug search on the other hand...
>OP does this
>secretly discovers he is a faggot
>gets addicted to chugging booze and chugging butt
>gets pozzed
>OP is now an AIDS-ridden alcoholic faggot
great plan dude
Well, op is always a fag
>be straightedge
>never have to worry about this shit
Zero, because if I have even a single drop of alcohol I'd lose my license thanks to Australia's retarded laws.
>never have to worry about having fun
Not even accidentally. Good boy. Stick to your Sunday school and virginity.
>mfw driving home from church on my Ps after taking communion
I bet you took more than communion.
0 cause the navy doesnt like people getting duis
also the cops will go out of their way to give me a dui cause lolshekels.
>needing to be drunk and high to have fun
How pathetic your life must be.
It's because they choose to give shitty care because it rakes in more money
>not realizing how awesome it is to be drunk
How sheltered your life must be.
everytime I drink (twice a month) I end up puking (usually in bed), pissing somewhere where piss does not belong, and sending embarrassing messages to babes on facebook. I try to drink in moderation but I get incredibly antsy/bored/ or agitated once I stop.
Am I an alcoholic?
Im 20, and its been this way since I was 18. Maybe if I get a gf I wont act out like this?
Frankly Im a bit worried I might try to drive/ get mugged the next time I blackout.
0.0, haven't had a drink in over a week.
>being drunk is awesome
only if life is the opposite when sober
Simon says put your hands on the wheel, and your feet on the back seat.
9/10 times a see a "police brutality" vid i give the benefit of the doubt to the cops
that fucker is a piece of trash
Drinking and driving?
>Get pulled over
>Grab a small bottle of your hard liquor of choice
>Turn off car, chuck keys on side of the road, slam that 2-6 in one hard go
>You’re gonna get shit on, but they won’t be able to get you for a DUI
*does not work at checkstops
get help. it's not easy but it's the best way.
getting a gf won't fix your problems, you'll just bring her down with you
Zero (or close to) right now, but that's only because I'm sick right now. I normally start drinking by 1 or 2.
cum in my mouth
Probs a billion parts per million. Fukken smokebier
0 all year
100 at Christmas.
I always end up having to shouuuffferr my family home but they can eat shit if they think that's stopping me from getting drunk on Christmas
>Can test positive for up to 12 hours.
Shit's scarier.
I haven't had a drink in 30 years. No rehab, no problems. I just don't like drinking.
>"""""""""it's a jeep thing""""""""""
>own a jeep
"wtf is driving?"
How would this method work if youre already taking suboxone for opiate addiction?