Let someone else drive your car

>let someone else drive your car
>he sets the driver's seat as far back as possible
>readjusts all the mirrors
>right mirror is inexplicably retracted

Damn even my broke ass 92 has the button to put everything back my way. That's pretty lame man.

That is a neat feature.
never seen a car made before 2010 with it.
did it just not catch on?

>let someone else drive your car

>let someone drive your car
>"thanks for the help user, you did me a big favor so I filled up your gas tank for you. it's on me!"
>he filled it with diesel
>the engine is totaled

>of course I know how to drive stick user
>he says as he revs to 8000 RPM to take off from a stop
>the odor of your burnt clutch fills the cabin

Its like when my dad borrows my truck

List of complaints so far;
>doesnt turn well
>too noisy
>hard to get in and out of
>hard to operate the 4WD
>heavy clutch
>lights too powerful
>rear visibility is bad
>no ABS is unsafe
>hard to clean snow off
>suspension feels stiff
>not having buttons on the steering wheel is distracting as he has to look away to adjust volume

That because you're a fucking manlet OP

>gas engine totalled because diesel fuel
user, thats not how it works...

> here borrow my car but don't adjust anything you need to safely drive it because i'm autistic and don't like that.
>I know you've never driven it before and it can be hard for some people to re adjust to a new interior, brake feel, acceleration and so forth. >Please just crash my car when you go to lane change, brake and merge.

Wow imagine that, he adjusted everything for proper control and visibility for safety on the road.

im lucky. my mirrors are powered and my seat position is all the way back anyways.

because everyone is a fucking stumpy manlet like you, right?

that depends alot on how long you crank it for before you realize it smells like a tractor in your engine bay

Never? Ever?
I guess you just never get your car inspected then?

>he lives in a cuck state/country/city
Yuropoors, Urbanites, Calicucks and other dwellers of non-free areas might as well sell their cars and buy a bus pass. Get off the road, leave some space for the enthusiasts who can actually drive without the State breathing down their neck.

Let my friend drive my car with me in it and he span round a roundabout about 1m away from the gutter

my car never came with memory functions

Why would you make such a confrontational post? There's pros and cons to inspection states. All you're doing is throwing gas on the /int/ leakage fire.
T. non-inspection state dweller

You sound like my father
>Borrows my car
>Sits in my driving position
>Moves to his driving position
>looks at mirror

motherfucker literally motherfucker

>why would you make such a confrontational post
Statism acceptance is my trigger.

>he doesn't have a button that saves his settings

my condolences

is he a manlet?

>literally motherfucker
reminds me of the time me and my dad were arguing and he belts out
>well, I fucked your mom!
and he won.

Top kek

>he sets the driver's seat as far back as possible
Already set that way. And I¿m not even that tall. KYS submanlet.

This. I'd be more worried if they just took off blindly.

Cars are dangerous things dude. The state may be largely retarded, but having Joe Mechanic make sure shit's not falling to pieces is fine by me.

I agree with you, Poor people should be banned from driving their shit stain cars on my road that I pay for with my taxes. If your car is older than 8 years it should not be allowed on the road no matter how well maintained, its old and needs to be scrapped and buy a new car. If you cant afford it then you cant afford to drive get a bus pass.

You dad is a weak faggot.

My dad is only ranting about how my car is spoiling people

Muh we didnt have heated seats back then! Muh what is cruise controll
Oh you have a electric sunroof?
For what? Open window or press AC if hot.

fucking 58 year old russian

What the fuck is it with Russians and always trying to prove they are the shit
>my dad makes me tough
>im tough because im calling people weak faggots
go die in a snow storm in your forsaken 5rd world prision planet you giant fucking bitch ass princess like weak calf'd ,snow angel making, puffy jacked wearing BITCH

>>he sets the driver's seat as far back as possible
>implaying my seat isn't already as far back as possible
>>readjusts all the mirrors
>implying my rear view mirror can be adjusted

whats your excuse for not driving a tiny shitbox?

mirror memory being tied to the seats has existed since the 90s

The only other person that drives my car is my dad, so I don't really mind.

You should move to Singapore.

Mirror and seat adjustments are in memory for your settings. Just press button an they will be in your preset position. Only the rearview mirror needs to be positioned by hand. No problem at all.

>let mother drive my vehicle right after I get surgery done since it hurt to do anything
>revving to 4k in all gears before shifting
>I drive a truck

Luckily the bench seat doesn't allow the seat adjustment fuckery too easy if you're not driving solo.

I drive a manuèl, people don't wanna drive my car so it is a win/win.


How this thing for fat is called?

Mobility scooter.

mirror memory existed in the fucking 90s, not just in luxury cars. my father's 1997 ford expedition had it.

>dad borrows my car
>comes back with blown speakers

I love my dad but cmon m8. ;_;

Kill yourself faggot. I bet you don’t even pay taxes you nog

>Go away for a week
>Dad drives my car without asking

I did this to my father's car. He did not like it at all.

>None of my friends can drive stick
>Even if they did still wouldn't let them drive my car
>Parents rarely use my car
>don't adjust mirrors or seats anyway
>Never have this problem
Except when i go to a car wash and they pull the seat all the way back, but i know just the right spot to pull it to every time, Feelsgoodman.

>Dad takes my car to run errands
>Doesn't move anything because we're the same height
>Fills it up for me even if it's still at half a tank
>Leaves the interior cleaner than he found it
Can't complain


>sending unit on my fuel pump is dead
>pump still fine and I fill the tank regularly, so I let it go for now
>any time anyone tries to borrow my car
>"user, your car really low on gas, the light is on. I don't want to take it in case it dies on me."
Okay. :^)

Here you get petrol in 91 octane and each gas brand has their nicer fuel. I go to bp, and I get the 98. But whenever someone else puts gas in, it’s always the cheap shitty 91. Even if I explicitly instructed them to. Fucking cunts.

Most places I've gone to ask me to pull my truck in, on my motorcycle they don't even look at it they just ask if everything works and then sign off

Can't stand when people bitch about my car, I maintain it the best I can (take better care of it than myself) yet people still bitch about worn out peices on a 29 year old vechile that surprisingly runs better than some modern cars I've worked on