Truckerfag Thread - /TFG/

>Eurotrailers, Lol Edition

Brevious Bread: >44 tonnes of stronk American trailer frames
>34 blown out retreaded tires
>Sign that lease and I'll sink your battleship
>CDL How Do? Private Driving School, Community College, or sign on with a mega if you hate yourself, money and the idea of having self-respect
>Swift: Best Rolling Right Through A Guard Shack Because Lolnobrakes

>Truckerfag gave those dastardly doorswinging company cucks what for
>EF is still alive, still massposting selfies
>Bepis is enjoying Floridian winter, 2 degrees below literal hellfire
>Oilfag longs to see that seaport town, called Canadee-I-O
>Primefag claims he made the sex with two women, seems highly suspect
>Primely hasa babby prime of his own to train
>Gundam got the ol' Florida broker shuffle
>Doubles is on a secret date with a cute trap, taking a moonlit stroll through the pickle-park
>Bandit has both a yuge inverter and a fridge in the sleeper he never uses
>Balam loves them Kenworths

Other urls found in this thread:

>doubles slipseats with his tranny teammate and does cartwheels in his condo while logged sleeperberth
>end dump daddy rolled into a ditch trying to run with EF


You have no understanding of how big companies operate whatsoever. You're talking about thousands, sometimes over ten thousand drivers, a good percentage of which are students/learners. No one has time to care about which ones got their licenses independently and which ones got company sponsored training. Your dispatcher oversees 40, 50 drivers at the same time. He doesn't even bother learning your name, you think he's got time to learn your entire employee record? All they see is truck numbers and HoS. They also have a performance average to maintain. If they can't keep their fleet averaging over 400 miles a day, then they're the ones getting barked at, so they can't afford to mistreat drivers even if they wanted to. Everyone who complains about "oh such and such company couldn't get me miles, I just sat around all the time" 100% it's because they're shitty drivers with services failures, bad time management, and difficult to work with. Ask yourself, why would a company want trucks filled with drivers just sitting around? It's a giant waste of money.

Looks like you are so put of touch with the gibs the companies get for training and also charging the poor schmucks who fall for it. They are highly aware of what drivers are indentured and those who aren't. Hell we have seperate groups that get handled differently due to that.

But please go on with your babble. It's not like it is easy as fuck with such computerized systems these days to have employees flagged.

Let's get some truck shit my homies

Have you installed your urinal yet?

the answer is no. I just hang my dick out the window as I drive.

Oh beautiful, for spacious skies...

>Projecting this hard about your trailer park trap

EF pls

Seems invasive, I just piss on the ground or in bottles.

>daily reminder that fladbeddurs can be just like swift drivers

Dank OC


Where is cab?

I thoroughly enjoy fucking with those yokels on that page. Politics is the easiest thing to rile them up. That, and just mentioning ELDs.

Was, was that your piss line?

If you look closely, you'll see it facing the wrong way on the other side of the front of the trailer.

I'm on aobrd until 2019
Also ordering a glider in spring.
You cannot beat me.

Fuarkkk gonna be a long night in a truck governed at 65 with all sorts of nanny cams already pulled the one on the inside and covered it kek

Milk my scrotum, fag.

>mfw Dolphins beat Pats

Going to wear the fuck out of my Fins jacket all day tomorrow up here

forgot to trip.


Plankton is an animal, you're not a real vegan.

I use gallon Arizona green tea bottles. High capacity, tactical grip, twisty cap, big opening for big dicks, it's the perfect bottle.

Again, it's of no benefit whatsoever to the company to intentionally treat an employee worse because they're "indentured". Your objective is to move as many trailers as quickly and as efficiently as possible. The only reason one employee would get passed up for another one is because he was inexperienced, and you're in the same boat regardless of what training you received.

Has TruckerfaFag had a virgin mental snap? He was so upset last thread. Did a swifty overtake him or something?

Benefits to both training types
company training pros:
>instant employment
>being trained by someone which the company thought were the the best of the best for training new drivers
>saying you were trained by a big company will look great in a job interview

>company owns you until the contract ends
>company could potentially treat you like dirt because you're the new guy

private training pros:
>freedom to do whatever you want once you've passed
>you could end up getting your first job in a quite well paying sector

>alot of companies will not hire people without 2 years experience
>the person training you could themselves be inexperienced

>the person training you could themselves be inexperienced
Thats usually more the case with big companies. Just look at big time trainer Primely, 1 year experience and now he is training. What a fucking joke.

What does this have to do with peeing in a bottle?

>Trainer at my private school has only two years driving experience
>Worked for a local crop production service for those two years
>Straight back through three miles of groves in soft dirt/sand
>Crossing five foot gaps with bridges too thin for a tractor trailer
A host of other wild shit the DOT would shut the company down for

That fuck has seen some things.


I'd been awake for 36 hours because of my ELD.

The two instructors at my CDL courses had a combined 80 years experience. The road instructor had been driving since he was 8 and daddy slipped him in the seat to take a nap. He was an old school O/O that retired from owning a 30 truck fleet, so I got about 20 hours of O/O protips since I already knew that was the path I was taking. He got every other student in my class a local job since they all had families, but I went OTR to learn the art of the long mile and national freight lanes. The yard instructor had spent the last 15 years of his career in a yard mule, so he had ripped all his hair out watching greenhorns fuck up what he could do asleep.

My school was run by a bunch of Polacks

They’re pretty cool tho. Polish chicks stay blonde and thin until they’re like 60 and most Polish dudes act like dindus without the scumminess, it’s hard to describe.

>tfw had an ex-escort qt polish roomate when I first went O/O
Dude I know. Might hang out with her after I get my wisdom teeth out this week.

We outlaw now

>Only 36 hours
Sleep tight trucker.

>Be me, Oilfag
>Be this past week
>Out on a job a couple days ago
>Doing a walk around while waiting on other services
>Notice dripping coming from under transmission/pto for hydraulics
>What the fug
>Leaking transmission fluid
>Limp through to the end of the day
>Leak pretty bad by the end
>Only leaks while pto is spinning though
>Get finished, have to come back next day
>Get back to shop at eleven
>Mechanic comes in at five to work on truck
>Sensor probe housing on pto cracked and leaked when pto was engaged
>Get truck fixed, go back out
>Note several pump issues during job
>What the fug x2
>Another late day, back at 2230
>Back in the shop the next day to fix pump issues
>Look at the side of the truck
>Whole section of exhaust pipe is missing down low
>What the fug x3
>Third time in the last couple of months that sections of exhaust have broken
>Get everything fixed
>Go out yesterday
>Be doing walk around while waiting on other services
>Look at hub oil sight glasses on one of the steer axles
>Getting all milky
>What the fug x4
>Here we go again

Fuck, feels like we've spent more time in the shop than in the field this hitch.

>trips of truck worst
I'd say it's time to put that rig out to scrapture.

Yeah, its very much an ongoing issue. It's the three punch salvo of chickenshit tier build quality in the first place with all the mounted equipment, no real maintenance performed on the thing for over two years during the recession from what I've been told, and the fact that since it got retrofitted to be more user friendly, it's put on more kms in eight months than it did in two years before that, so all the issues are starting to shake loose, literally in some cases.

Is says here you don't change ranges in neutral, care to explain yourself?

There is a lot of misinfornation. Who knows. 99% of everyone will sa
Durrrr only use clutch brake when stopped. But eatin fuller has an instructional video stating to use it when going up a hill if ur rpm's don't drop fast enough to catch the next gear as the hill is pulling you back

>because of my ELD.
A poor operator blames his tools.

>not jake shifting to bring rpm down faster

Modern engines don't suffer from this issue. I'll always skip a gear if I think I can't hit the next on a hard pull. Chances are if it's that bad, you'll have to grab another anyway; no point in shifting excessively.

The transmissions are the same tho.
And if ur heavy and starting slow up a hill
Using the clutch brake is perfectly acceptable. Your engine isn't the only engine out there. Some drop rpm's fast than others

>PepsiCo makes biggest public pre-order of Tesla Semis: 100 trucks

That's it. Game over. The industry has officially been revolutionized.

Once they are built, delivered, on the road hauling, and the infrastructure for charging them is in place maybe.

What infrastructure? You know they just drive on normal roads, right?

I meant the network of charging stations they will need.

Why would they need a network? Pepsi only needs 1 charger.

Wat. Why would you make a grand, sweeping statement like "The industry has officially been revolutionized", and then figure I would only be referring to Pepsi?

Replace Pepsi with whoever you want. Each Tesla fleet only needs 1. So if Walmart has 5000 Semis in say, 20 fleets, they get 20 chargers. So how is that "infrastructure"?

>Only needs one
You can't possibly be this retarded

This is one of the stupidest things I have read on this thread all year, and that's saying something.

Why would 100 trucks need more than 1? Unless they're spread across multiple fleets, which I doubt, but I did specify 1 per fleet.

Unless you're using "infrastructure" to refer to the company's private property, I'm getting super trolled I guess


They will probably be relegated to local duty which those trucks will beat the brakes off of everything on the road on a local route right now.

I for one, welcome our new electric overlords

I wish. Unfortunately methamphetamine doesn't grow on trees, so I need to work so I can afford to feed my all consuming addiction.

They don't welcome your 44in obese gay vegan trucker waistline, battery technology isn't advanced enough yet to support payloads of your magnitude.

If you're still this desperate to sweep that gay story under the rug, you could just stop tripping. Already no one likes you or respects your opinion so I don't know what you think you have to lose.

That's not Dave Chappelle, it's fucking Tyrone Biggums. Ya dumbleaf.

Meth makes work super fun tho.

Why is your pic sideways?

Exif magics.

That's just what the file was named when I downloaded it. Also, thas rayciss. We wuz English kangz n' shit.

>threadly reminder that both electric powered and autonomous trucks are 120% memes and will never see the light of day

Charging stations m8. Not that hard of a concept to grasp. Pepsi isn't just going to have 1 station installed, and when I say 1 station, I mean 1 charge "pump". It'd be incredibly pants-on-head retarded to only have 1 station for 100 trucks.

Eventually our sun will explode as well.

We're all gonna die.

I wish.

/tfg/, y u no funpost?

I just got back from month long ban. Gonna be gud boi for now.

>Month long ban
What brought that on? Or was it bad luck Bryan with the old range ban?

Teach me

My brother got stuck on a hill today.
He froze to death.
He apparently had burnt his tarps to stay warm
Pic related
No tire chains
Kids never learn


holy shit user

He did get stuck though
Than the crane parts he was picking up got cancelled because of weather
I'm glad he learned his lesson tho on not carrying chains or even kitty litter

>No chains
What was he thinking?

Does anyone know how I can check the mpg meter on a freightshaker. Or how much range do I have with two 70gallon fuel drums?

Alas I am a reformed man. No more funnyposting or speaking ill of Israel from me. No sir.

Won't help. The MPG reading off the ECM is usually off 20% in either direction unless you've calibrated it based on several fill ups worth of data.

They only have one CNG pump to refuel a small fleet at other facilities so...
Worst case scenario is they need a second one to handle a larger fleet. Big whoop. Still failing to see how this is a problem.

Please forward the following link onto him for me please.

Stand aside, Tesla. I'll take care of diesel.

>TFW you get a no notice call at one in the morning to go out on a rush job the day you go on time off

>Seventeen employees
>Customizer as opposed to Manufacturer

Seems unlikely.

why is it so ugly

>that front
RIP truck after hitting a single gator

>Itty bitty mirrors

It's probly fine...

Y'all. Winter sucks. It almost sucks enough to make me want to get a local job. Almost.

>tfw transmission wheezing like an asthmatic during an Iron Man competition
Who the fuck thought air actuated transmissions were a good idea

>deebly goncerned

>30 trucks
>4 hour charge time

The guys that had to crawl under a truck and unbind a mechanical transmission with a hammer every time they looked at it wrong.

Is the goal really 400 miles per day? Sounds about right

Is it rly that hard to pull over and pee in the grass? Are sum ppl so fat it is too much of an event?

>being trained by someone which the company thought were the the best of The Best™ for training new drivers


My trainee is doing awesome. He's already driving all day while I do nothing, and handles rush hour and truck stops like a pro. We are already heading back to MO to test out. When ilI pick up another student and earn another ez $2600+ on another student

I feel bad for laughing at that but I laughed at that

About 400 minimum, usually. You can only drive an average of about 8 hours a day, so 400 is fairly productive. 500 is really good, but it's harder to do much more than that in a 65mph truck.

Does dispatch pay that much? Seems like a ton of work

Dude it's crazy how much you obsess over fat people. It's like every single thread you try and find ways to make posts about people, trying to find weird connections between things no one else could think of, or even just starting the topic yourself if no one else is. You must've been molested by a fat guy or something, there's something seriously distributing about this fixation

These feelings you are experiencing could just be you finally catching on to a running joke. Even your brain cells are fat.


I'm not fat but do you want to pretend I'm fat? Does that turn you on? Are you thinking about my fat rolls right now? Where do you touch yourself when you see a fat person walking around

Obesity fascinates me. The thought someone could allow hundreds of pounds of blubber to grow all over their body is incredible to me