League of Legends General - /lolg/


birbs edition

>gay men are attracted to predominately masculine features

So male dick

Also this implies there's no gay men that like cute boys instead of other manly men. Where do these boys fit in the equation?


I love cute boys.

What are the best lol channels for learning this game and getting gud?

Xth for Akali!

How does a person rank up despite the fact that they keep losing through no fault of their own?

Lira should consider eyelid surgery

It's really impressive that Lira can play so well without being able to really see

A Noxian, a Zaunite and a Freljordian walk into my blade. The end.


xth for breast metal waifu

That person must first admit they have lost through some fault of their own

By playing slightly less worse than the average individual of similar MMR.

>my team is bad
Play more if you aren't the problem, then.

>still can't climb
Accept that you're a problem and look to adjust.

So if futa is so ridiculously homosexual then why don't any gay men get into it? You'd figure there'd be a couple cock gobbling faggots that get off to the idea of gargling a girl's balls but all futa lovers are straight or bi at best.

A noisy bird is outside your window, how do you get rid of it?

Xth for the Urgot rework

>Why does he wear the mask?

Open the window and scare it away.Are you disabled

Is it true what some high elo players say that everybody can become Diamond with enough practice?

if you're into futa youre at least a bit gay

Put my dick in it's mouth to shut it up

OK but what about flamboyant men that end up looking femenine as a consequence to this aspect.

Note I am NOT saying the man pictured looks like a girl, god no. But some gay men may be attracted to this aspect of other gay men. It's all about a realm of possibilities.

Never said "ridiculously homosexual" and how do you know there's no gay men into that? Tits are not necessarily a turnoff and if the porn's good, well then thats up to them.

Also, bi still means homosexual tendensies exist. Sure they're into both but the fact that there is some gay in them remains.

t. A bisexual.


Denial isn't just a river in egypt, you closet case

Sticking at toe in the waters maybe but I'd hardly call getting just my feet wet the same as swimming.

I make it mine

How does this artist manage to make all his drawing cute and sexy at the same time?

There are obviously some faggots who like futa judging from the sheer number of people who photoshop dicks onto women which the 'straight futa' community seems to conveniently ignore when clearly if it were just about having a dick present without a man's features these people wouldn't feel the need to do such a thing

Also, Blue Kayn is more fun than Red Kayn

show it love and affection so it'll abandon me

>first game jungler doesn't gank because "it's not his job to win lane" despite the fact that the enemy jungler has ganked all three lanes in 8 minutes

>second game mid picks kassadin without flash or ghost and feeds fizz. Bot lane gets thrashed. Can't help either one.

I'm upset

I haven't played for like 3 weeks. Is Kayn any good?

Because shortstacks are love and life

its a bit more than a toe fip you big baby stop being so insecure.

I haven't played lol in half a year now. Can someone post lewds it's the only reason why I'm here rn

What's your rank and what rank do you guys consider good? Be honest.

>be gold 2
>i consider plat+ good

i just bought Diana and this skin because I hear she is strong again is this true?

By being, the BEST. AROUND

Bullshit.Absolutely no reason to prefer having a dick on a female unless you have homosexual thoughts in your head.

I reached diamond and then tilted to plat 2 and then quit.

Master/challanger is good obviously

Not really sexual fantasies are far removed from the physical act of sex. Fapping to rape doesn't make you a rapist or a person with even rape tendencies.

>Enemy jungle has ganked more

Is that not your fault for pushing lanes so much? I know when I play jungle and can't do shit because the lanes are pushed and people get mad at me

>Silver 2
>Played a lot of games with Plats
>They usually lose horrible

I don't consider someone Rank to be a good judge of skill

nobody wants to play with me anymore because I'm unironically the worst player I know
I'm gold 5 0 LP and I'm being shielded from demotion
I'm so sad
all my friends don't like me anymore

Sorry pal real lewds get banned

another WIN!
thats 2 in a row!
xth for CLIMBING!

what kind of lewds?

>Not playing the Sniper Caitlyn build

What champion pisses you off the most?

why couldn't these teams have been relegated?

holy shit they are so bad

I dont think so man. I think the only way to do it is to play kayle and just split push like a monster. your team is bad. thats just the reality. play some kind of hypercarry and preferably play top and be able to split push. thats it. thats how you do it

Challenger scene even worse

Fizz. Fuck that guy.

they would donkey dick challenger scene though.

hehe just wait for franchising :P

this is troll right? I mean the renekton starts out at less than half hp. btw whats good against darius? gragas?

Taliyah wouldn't have had to flash if hakuho didn't randomly throw his lantern down

Did you duo to gold? If that's the case you should take the L and demote to silver and try to reach gold again by yourself.
Some people just can't improve no matter what. if your friends actually get upset at you for sucking at a game find some new people to play with or go solo for a while.

I'll take what I can get. I am a thigh man if that matters

You will just lose more games trying desperate tactics like that

Everyone was pushed. That was the problem

comfy bfs~

I want to lick jinxes feet

no I spammed Lucian/draven and didn't lose a game from bronze to silver but then I started playing against people who were a lot better than me and getting autofilled supports every game

An aloof cat is resting on your lap, how do you get her off?

Any chance NV LoL team exists in a few months?

I main Singed and Tryndamere.

thighs you say?

>how do you get her off
Well she's already in the right position.

I main Nocturne and Morde.

>thigh man

Say no more

>how do you get her off?
This can mean two things, which one?


ok guys you can stop banning kayn now
it's not funny anymore

I just want the goddamn icons

>wrecking face in competitive

If anything even more people are going to pick/ban him.

the trick is you gotta be bronekton

why ban freelo though?

>Play tt ranked
>Its more fun then summoners rift
Why is there no 3v3 pro scene?
This shit is so much fun.

gj user, I'm glad to hear you're having a good evening in ranked.

I want to hold Sona's hand.

So kayn is effectively Lee Sin for shitters right?I love it

I want to lead a furry genocide with Zed.

Fiora is still my go-to ban

Usually if I'm playing with an unpredictable support I just do what she wants to do. If she's aggro I'm aggro, if she's passive I'm passive ect. It's up to you to decide when doing one thing or the other is a bad idea (there's a huge wave / no wards and support is going aggro) good idea to ping them back.

In other words get good you fucking pussy

A sly fox is in your back yard. How do you get rid of it?

I want Soraka to put her penis inside me

She's pretty meh. Mid lane she's prone to getting camped and playing anything but Cinderhulk tanks should be a bannable offense in this meta

lee sin is lee sin for shitters

>dotards unironically believe sidestepping is useless

The sad part is that renekton should have actually won that fight

>its a your jungler gives 4 buffs to enemy toplaner then claims you lost top lane yourself episode
when will it end

>play rengar
great game there lolbabs

Can you write me some gurosmut pls

How broken is Urgot gonna be? tanky ranged top with guaranteed kill ult once you're low enough

Why the fuck are emojis banned?
Does riot not realize spamming twitch chat is the only way watching half of these lcs games is tolerable?

Can dotards be any more pathetic

I want to pump this Ionian full of cum.

Well, in Dota, most CCs are targeted and last longer, so there's no 'sidestepping' to be had and only blinking spells to disjoint projectiles. Also, more than just 'adcs' have decent right-click damage, so that's undodgeable as well.

who are strong adcs right now :)

>playing top like a little bitch just camping in the top brush
show some real skill faggot and play that in mid i want to see your little bitch ass handed to you

Singed because he always gets fed on the enemy team, runs around, does nothing, and still wins.

On top of that his mains are yasuo-tier scum of the earth.


Another reason why dota is easier than league lmao

I need more lewds