
The shit you see at Walmart. Someone name this colour?

isn't that just a hyundai?

also, probably just some 3M wrap

NO you fucking retard, it's a GENESIS

bulitishu lacingu goreen


I'd take asian ripoff green over the usual 50 shades of grey, red-as-fuck, and normal-blue tee bee aych.

Not the ideal getaway car

not its a "Genny"

No morons its a Gaynesis



what kind of swanky ass walmart has covered cart returns?

Canadian superstores apparently

god canadians are gay

t. aussie

its all the brownies here

facken ell mate i'd take a drunk abbo over those beaners ai

>tfw no gay neet sis

Is this a car or a truck

is that a baja subi mockup?

Midnight Watermelon

How come you so at Walmart and doesn't it "colour"? Asking for a friend..

it's a cuck
