I camp in the passing lane and I never exceed the speed limit

I camp in the passing lane and I never exceed the speed limit.
Why am I expected to move over so I can let some speeder (criminal) endanger everyone?
inb4 "it's the law"
Where I live there's no requirement to get out of the passing lane unless you're going under the speed limit

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if someone was to crash trying to pass you on the right and there was dash footage of it, you can be held responsible.

You are endangering more people by blocking them, causing their tiny brains to overload and attempting illegal passing maneuvers.

Also you endanger yourself. Just leave law enforcement to the cops. Do you also stand in the way of niggers who just robbed a liquor store (being unarmed)?

in all honesty i stay in the passing lane because I don't like changing lanes.
If an on-ramp places me in the left lane I'll stay there, and if an on-ramp places me in the right lane I'll stay put there too

i love sitting up your ass with my light bar and horns on until you move or puss out

go to the DMV and hand in your license. your too shit at driving to be allowed on the road.

lane changing takes all of 2 seconds and 0 brainpower

Why are you even on Veeky Forums right now

>guy following the law is endangering peopl
>guy speeding recklessly is a saint
go jump off a bridge u fuckn nigger

Why do you like the taste of boots so much?

I don't know about muttland, but here it is illegal to block the passing lane.

if some 1 is doing the speed limit in the 'passing lane' u shouldnt need to pass him as u dont need to exced the speed limit

Regardless of whether or not you're in the right, it's safer if slower traffic keeps to the right.

>the law is a moral construct and not merely the edicts of those in power

But who cares about other drivers doing the speed limit or not ?
I really wonder what's going on in the minds of those people who are sitting in the passing lane on the Autobahn even when there is no speedlimit .. They seem to care even less about other drivers than people who are speeding.

Where the fuck do you live? That would be thrown out anywhere civilized because passing in the right is illegal

I fucking hate when people do this. Get the fuck out of the way. If youre doing the speed limit you should be in the right lane so people who are actually driving can pass your slow faggot ass

Oh well, I'll just use other lanes to pass you. I can't control your autism, but I can still control how fast I get to work.

That's a dick move son, you make me glad I live in a country where people still remember how to be polite.

same, 9/10 times they move once the lightbar is on, the 1/10 times it takes a little almost nudge into the ditch.

i did not want to wake up to one of these posts today. i hope you die in a fiery crash. i hope someone who is giving you justice for being in the left lane and camping is the one who causes your death. kill yourself.

If you drive are driving in the leftmost lane and are obstructing traffic behind you, you are breaking the law in the following states. It doesn't matter whether or not you are doing the speed limit and other cars are going faster:
>Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, , Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming

If you are doing the speed limit in the leftmost lane and obstructing traffic, it's not illegal in these states/territories
>Alaska, Maryland, North Carolina, Ohio, Puerto Rico, South Dakota

A page citing all the relevant laws by state;

tl;dr OP is a faggot and almost certainly against the letter of the law where he drives regularly, and if not he's just not driving defensively and encouraging conditions that are more likely to increase the risk of accidents

Speedometers have different margins of error, 70 on your speedo could easily be closer to 60

Euro cars are worse, the manufacturers can't have the speedos read faster than actual speed ever, so it's not uncommon for a European made car to read 100mph on the speedo and actually be going at 87mph in real life.

American & Japanese cars tend to be a lot closer, the standard they tend to follow is 4 percent but most manufacturers abide by 1mph/2km low reading, and then there's some additional margin of error for tire size/wear/inflation.

forgot source: