Christmas Cake Office Lady Edition
Incoming nerfs
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Christmas Cake Office Lady Edition
Incoming nerfs
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What is Roland even good for aside from her armpits?
Eris is the mastermind of all. Everyone, everything, all layers and even Nexus are her toys.
being the best emblem accessible to non nips to date
I wish I am Eris's toy.
Need a concede please
Eris a best
>hagfags side with the antagonist of the story
>try to act like a victim in every given situation like SJWs
Your wish will be surely granted. She'll liberate you, just believe.
>Not posting the improved version
step on me
Is s-she really saying chinpon~ chinpon~?
Jesus christ Erika blown the everliving fuck out
boring and shallow faggots, the ultimate and everlasting dindu, exclusively dedicated to deflecting, momposting and crying
>meme contributions
none, even their ingame memes are weak
well deserving of the number 1 spot
dindus since DE when they were the epitome and incarnation of cancer, at their time they were just another version of shadowfags minus the constant bitching
>meme contributions
the chemo meme is pretty strong, good at shitposting, solid
shadownigs 2: electric boogaloo
lowkey all around, minus points for discord
>meme contributions
yuriusposting and discord come to mind, solid memeing all around, very balanced
aside from being the current fotm cancer they are pretty alright, fun
even at their prime with daria they were never obnoxious dindus, currently stays lowkey aside from the occasional subhuman dshitter, minus points for that
>meme contributions
jebposting is pretty good, kinda lacking still, fun
solid and well rounded, a portion of them are big time subhumans but i'd go as far as saying they're mostly self aware
not much to say, rightfully bitches from time to time
>meme contributions
pretty weak aside from some image macros
boring, not bad though
dead, mostly post about how dead they are
>meme contributions
thinking's man craft shitstorms and deadposting are pretty good, solid meme powerlevel
dead, fun
need i say more? responsible for the best memes this game has, a meme itself, never bitches despite his long lasting shitty position, embracing the meme tier
>meme contribution
ascended tier, rowenposting is the highest and purest form of memeing
thanks for existing
you are welcome to input feedback for this now official ranking
Right now
More like dragoncucks. There's STILL people bitching and moaning that LB nerf was "undeserved".
I'm not one of the people bitching, but even I was surprised they did what they did when I proposed the idea back then that they would just nerf it to banishing 3 followers and/or amulets
The original got deleted last thread, either by the mods for being so terrible it was probably mistaken for some kind of spam, or by the poster itself. I'm not sure which is funnier.
good thing they nerfed it since ppl had no reason to play that shit their winrate went up
Never user. Devs refuse to adapt the lewdest ROB cards because they suck.
>inb4 they censor her butt
I miss when the art in general was more lewd, recent expansions have been progressively more prudish and it really doesn't help that WD had so many censored cards compared to their Rage of Bahamut counterparts. If the meta is gonna suck this hard then at least let us look at some anime ass dammit
You only have western SJWs to blame. Devs are trying to cater to them by censoring shit. SV being advertised to the west was a mistake, should've been a jponry game.
>tyrant shadownigger in ranked
I'd think that, except for them censoring the shit in the JP client too. It's not like it's a localization, the game is just censored everywhere. It also seems like some of these cards got censored in JP-only Rage too, which only makes it more confusing. It's like the devs are somehow unaware that the art being suggestive is what got them money in the first place, a lesson you'd think they'd learn by now after how many years they've been rolling in cash from Rage and idolshit.
Because the nips don't care eitherway, so they just censor it in the base game now. But it's clearly because of SJWs. If they censor the base game, they wouldn't need to seperate the card art for 2 different versions anymore, so no double work needed.
Personally I don't care.
The artwork is still lewd enough and I rather like to use my fantasies than shoved it right in my face.
Also RoB used to have an english version, which is probably why it got censored in the first place.
Officier Timmy is actually p good, especially if you manage to play roland before him. Who would have guessed?
Go fuck yourself, lewd anime art is the only thing this game had going for it and now even that is going the of the dodo.
You forgot your pills, user.
People who actually play Sword had that figured out since the first week of the expansion. Only /svg/ thought it was a "worse Fangblade". You see people even playing him in Neutral Sword.
I suppose, but Cygames is also notorious for not giving a fuck about the west compared to the JP market so I dunno if that's enough to explain it either. Idiotic politics is ruining a ton of shit these days, and it could be to blame here too, but last I checked radical progressivism doesn't really have a leg to stand on in Japan, but I don't live there myself so maybe that's changed in recent years.
Except a lot of the JRoB censorship happened after the English version closed, so that can't be the cause of it. I played ENG-RoB back when it was still a thing, and stuff that's censored now in JP wasn't even censored back then in ENG. Whatever the reason is has to be something to do with Japan I think, but unless they got some fucked up censorship laws/regulations within the last 3 or so years I can't really imagine what.
Don't post my waifu
>7 days till nerfs and know what finally craft for comming back
The fact i still have 0 WD legendary after like 30 packs and 19k vials is awful
Just lost to a GM Falise deck, are you guys ready to embrace your new panty-flashing overlord after the nerfs hit?
Ok fuck it, what's the deck?
Been looking for it on game Ai and can't find it through all that jap.
fix a few memearrows i missed next time
Roland is a reminder that kikegames only halfasses things
Who is she?
would've saved us from spawn meta. you realize they could've nerfed it without utterly gutting the card right?
>ramping safely against neutral and t6 spawn
good luck wit that rowen
You fucking deserve it. You had an entire month to save up for launch and you've had 3 weeks of rupees
LB was also turbocancer, as is ramp. Sibyl deserves to be gutted.
Marciel from
Post the break dance webm.
>he doesnt know whats GM
there not going to nerf her because of the pre-built
>Cygames nerfs the wrong cards, or nerfs them poorly or both
>Neutral Blood remains tier 0
>Sibyl deserves to be gutted.
yes every class should just play fighter and goliath xd
all those zany amulet decks kept out of the meta are able to thrive now thanks to LB nerf, i see so many of them, all the time! LOL
Grand Master
>implying they won't nerf the neutral engine
>healing AND ramp on a huge body for only 5
Sybll is insane value, playing her on 4 is incredibly unfair
Sibyl is like the Albert of dragoncraft. Without her they would be total shit.
Good luck trying that when the cancer that supports neutral will be dead.
I got to masters in totg by playing seraph after the LB nerf. No one was running any sort of amulet removal, and it made the dragon match up less of a guaranteed loss.
They will but this deck ran SahaLuci package. It might still work.
Sybil on 4? What?
>tfw want to play dragon but it's way too expensive
You only need to ramp once to play her on 4 aka evo turn
You but you don't get the ramp from her or am I missing something?
that's the last thing that dragon will ever do if they don't have anything else to play there not that fucking retarded playing it on turn 4 and not gaining any ramp
I didn't think it was relevant so I figured it was a rune deck variant I hadn't heard of. That's how ambiguously used acronym's work dickface
All you need is 3 rites and 3 grimnir to play a rites-pendant disco deck
You are correct, I don't know what he's talking about.
Do you remember turn 4 8/8? Pepperidge farm remembers. What a living hell we've descended into....
I think he's just butthurt with Sibyl.
What dick?
>vs my friend seraphlapisu
>he plays cancer blood
do I just uninstall.
Ramp runs Odins, not LBs
Need help trimming down my woodland refuge deck
wut, if you play her on 4 she's just a 4/5 body, when you're behind from ramping
and aegis made haven rape most dragon decks, the cards you have available change, matchups change, so what
Why is Jinouga in shadowverse?
To do nothing and burn your own face for 2 while killing off any board you may have had while being further obsoleted by cheaper cards with better stats and no actual drawback?
>play against Haven
>get out healed and removed
>get harassed by snow cunt and her dogs
>play Haven
>don't draw a single removal
>don't draw any 2 drops
>only draw fucking Aegis
FUCK this game, fuck it. I can't win a single fucking game with Haven.
M I D - J U L Y
SahaLuci Falise
>was winning at 5 defense
>not even phantom cat topdeck can help
This fucking game.
Snow White is into bestiality!
With their current design philosophy I think they will fuck up the next expansion as well.
This game really needs formats asap
They didn't say what year.
im so sorry
>Run a burn/control rune deck since it seems to be the only effective way to deal with Spawn without having to take a rape to the face
>Do well against Bloodniggers for the most part
>Till comes Havenfags
>Trying to go face doesn't work since they can just heal back everything
>Aggro doesn't work shit either since their deck is composed of removals and Themis
>Costs an arm and leg just to deal with its Elana buffed followers
>They didn't pulled Elana? No problem, senpai. Have fun dealing with Aegis.
>Once again, whittling them down to low health before T9 is almost impossible because of all the removals and heals
Surely there must be a better way to deal with Haven.
Levi better be getting nerfed too
Haven is fine k-kys shadownigger.
Where did dorothy touch you?
No flying fucking shit. They've fucked up for 3 expansions in a row. Arguably 4. Formats wont even fucking save it because there isn't a basic curve for each classes archetypes
Just homecoming roach with carniverous flower and execution tech bro..
I'm mad because she didn't touch me
Anyone who can concede a match?
Watch them add this card in the future: when this follower attacks, deals X times the equivalent damage of its defence until he reaches its attack stat, rounded down.
Full image?
That's typically how the hard counter to your deck type works. You don't even have the free ggnore now that haven can contest dshift with naoise