Why the fuck

Why do we spend so much money for live university lectures in brick and mortar buildings where all the kids are on their laptops typing what the teacher is saying? Shouldn't the tape recorder, video camera, and now virtual reality have made all this obsolete a long time ago? Does the world go millions of dollars in debt for nothing but inconvenience?

Ultimately it's parents who want the shit. They will pay any price to send their kid to a Top 10 school, Top 10 as ranked by how selective they are and how much cash they throw at flashy bullshit like famous profs and pretty buildings.

>Does the world go millions of dollars in debt for nothing but inconvenience?

i also wonder the same exact thing OP, but hey, maybe if i go to college i wont die a virgin. but that would be very expensive pussy now that i think about it

Eh I go to a small liberal arts school (for physics) and I value the interaction with my professors almost more than anything. My largest class was a psych class with like 45 kids... I really don't understand the point of even attending the lecture if it's setup like in your pic.

>please hire me I watched some lecture videos online I really do know what I am doing please trust me please!

>please hire me I watched some lecture videos online I really do know what I am doing please trust me please!
Also this.

>please hire me I sat in a lecture theatre for 3 hours every Tuesday hungover as fuck

There are many more problems with the Academic system than the issue you just described.

Whole house of cards gonna crash soon.

That picture is nothing

We had well over 500 students in my biology, chemistry, and physics 101/102 classes at my state university.

Hilariously enough, they were always down to under 100 by the end of the second exam.

Most of them just end up changing majors to something like business or hospitality management, or something easy like that.

The upper level classes very rarely had more than 30-40 students.

The schools know that the majority of students, and their parents, are full of shit, and just want an experience, not a learning environment, so they just treat all these as weed out classes.

Interesting, my professors are basically like HS teachers, except not retarded. Like my physics teacher for Intro to Mechanics goes to extraordinary lengths to make every student understand the material. I feel bad for the kids you're talking about.

I'm a junior and I'm still a virgin. In fact, I haven't made a single friend at college. Maybe you aren't as autistic as me, but I wouldn't be so sure about losing your virginity.

>All those Mac's

Yet more proof university students care more about image than value for money.

I never used a laptop during a lecture. I also rarely even took notes. I sat there and enjoyed the lecture.

Then again, things were a lot different 7 years ago.


>Then again, things were a lot different 7 years ago.
Niggah no they weren't. Wtf are you even talking about?

motherfucking this

Only a few people actually used a laptop during lecture.
Social media was still in it's infancy
Also, all the SJW triggering shit didn't exist

2000-2010 was a much different than now.

The point is that the lecture could have been a recording you're listening to on your ipod and there would have been virtually no difference except you could listen whenever you want, and the lecture could be heard by an infinite amount of students at one time. In every other field except education, technology has enabled a single person to provide goods or services to a much greater amount of people for the same amount of labor, which brings the costs down. The only thing that would need to be solved if universities were replaced by digital mediums would be accreditation, which I'm sure could be provided in a cost effective way with institutions that only specialize in that. (By providing tough examinations)

I started Uni in 2010. Laptops were definitely less common than in 2017.

For one thing like 2/3 of the desktop labs in my Uni have been removed over that period. Basically every shared space is getting retrofitted with power points.

I think we went from like 1 in 10 students bringing a laptop daily to like 1 in 2.

>99% macs
>obviously useless liberal arts majors

For every young person browsing Veeky Forums that will go to college. Don't ever take a laptop with you and do all the notes by hand, it will help you burn the material into your brain and help you study.

Wrong. Top schools don't look like this. There is exactly one class at my school that has a lecture this size, and it's a class half of the entire freshman class is forced to take simultaneously.

This is for diploma mill state schools. This is a picture of Mizzou

>top schools don't look like this

I go to Columbia. We might not have a lecture hall quite that big, but a vast majority of my classes in economics are in lecture halls that are big enough that the teacher wouldn't realize that you or any other single individual was gone. So, I think you're sort of full of shit here.

its how the banks make a good chunk of their money.

ye im freshman, and you're probably right

this holy fuck. physically writing the words is so much better.

If you have a solid GitHub and your code looks crisp why not hire you?

You do realize employer's will pay for results and experience over educations and promises every day of the week? At least I hope you realize this.

>texting and looking trying to stare at the ass and tits of the hot girl who sat next to me.

Yes, because when they fail kids it can hurt the profs career. They want them getting A's. Remember college is a fucking business now. Not some place of higher learning and where truth is dispensed.

Because in the US, you're paying for the prestige of the school that prints their name on your degree. Most online-only programs don't have this prestige.

I was doing my PhD on acceptance of fully online degree programs in the workforce and in professional organizations.

Fact is they're mostly old people doing the hiring and chairing the organizations and they mostly believe you need to passively sit in a lecture and be spoken to in order to learn so they are fairly dismissive of online degrees.

But anyway:
>Be me
>Be an online lecturer for 3 universities
>Do exactly what OP describes
>>Video camera
>>Discussion boards
>Get paid $100k to put on a shirt and tie and smile for the camera, knowing I'm not wearing pants

This is so true, For my Econ module we had to do a test, and it was really hard and something like half the class failed, so they gave everyone an extra 10% marks to boost the scores.

Here in Amsterdam most classes get recorded so you can watch it at home.

But the problem is, tech illiterate professors don't record everything. And sometimes they forget to record the sound. And then it's "oops sorry, but that's your own responsibility".

I went to a big state school and nearly all of the humanities classes were less than 20 students.

Only some stem and psych intro courses actually had big lectures in auditoriums.

Also, some professors banned laptops from class. I agree with that. Most people just fuck around on their laptop instead of listening to the lecture. Just get a notebook, it's much better for note taking.

It's your responsibility to actually go to class you idiot.