Name a more iconic duo.
Name a more iconic duo
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Turbowski has nothing funny or informative to say, why is he even on the show?
Moog and Marty
frosty and jail
Veeky Forums and slow shitboxes
Sexual tension probably
Cheech and Chong
my nuts and your mouth
I enjoy his sense of humor
Who is it?
My left and my right nut.
more iconic? never seen those cunts in my life
practically anyone else
finnegan & freiburger
moog & marty
rudnik & fyeah
chow & orion
fred williams & dave chappelle
serpentza & cmilk
emily & aaron
moog and marty are pretty iconic when you consider their national fame in Australia, and the sheer number of people they bring together for meets and shit
shut up you fucking bitch i hate you
Also I nominate Stacym David and his mullet.
>shut up you fucking bitch i hate you
Say that to my face irl
fite me you anorexic faget
>posting Caesar and Cornelia
lol this nigga hates everything and hates whatever Glasses brings in
I will, come meet me
What’s with you and all the pics of foxes and dogs? I know you’re a furry, is it just to troll Veeky Forums?
Also, you drive a baby blue Festiva on Mini wheels, right? We’ve met IRL before lol
Yeah I do, where did we meet?
gas station bathroom at 2am
I'm gonna guess it was a fukumeet
Any other two people.
Seriously,who are they?
I'm an adult,I don't youtube.
Not saying
2 & 3
Moog and Marty,are those the Australian fellas?
Very little experience,but I remember them goofing around.
Did they turn celebrity/serious?
I get the feeling that Goose only has Turbowski there to non-stop degrade him.
As soon as both are standing under a car, Goose instantly slaps and wipes bowski's face with knowledge and he can't do anything other than grunting.
Goose probably has had some bad experiences with mechanics and this is his way of pay back.
I heard they parted ways.
Like one is high and tight,and the other is low and swinging.
I mean,it happens, no need to worry.
Mine got back together for a bit,but then parted ways again.
Nobody is so contrarian that they don't use Youtube. Not using Facebook or Reddit is believable, but everyone uses Youtube.
Lol fuck Fuku meets, that shit is garbage. Nothing but a bunch of wannabe Mexican hoods in clapped out Civics and basic bros in straight piped Mustangs
aren't those your people tho?
Why would you think that?
No idea who tf that is.
Freiburger and finnegan, MCM guys
No,YouTube posts shit adds during the last few seconds of short videos,they always step on the punch line.
Also, you're on Veeky Forums and you call people normie. Do you brag about it in school?
Do you try to look angsty and tell your fellow students about that old guy,on the site that shall not be named,that stopped using youtube?
I'm not going to invest time on a few queers with ten minute long videos giving out 30 seconds of info.