>AC blows cold
AC blows cold
Is that bad?
>AC blows hot
>the brave little toaster adapted to Veeky Forums memes
I'll allow it.
literally the halocaust
Damn I didn't know you were doing a thing.
I know this is a meme, but it's honestly the first question more than half the people ask when I've tried selling a car.
This is the most important question about buying a car in Florida.
Because it's expensive to fix if it doesn't work.
I live in Canada and I'd never own a DD without air conditioning, it's the truest hallmark of a poorfag. That and roll-up windows.
fuck you, OP. now I'm going to have nightmares of that AC.
My current DD has roll up windows and I've never owned a car with working ac. Feels bad man.
>ICE cold
>power everything
>has am/fm radio in the current year of the lord
Worse than the Holocaust. I actually care about shitboxes.
>Cash for clunkers
kek. my brother is a mechanical engineer in Las Vegas and makes good money, but has been DDing an '82 VW with no A/C for a decade. He has a fucking '03 GTI with 4x the power and A/C, power steering, etc yet he chooses to drive a no a/c tin can when its 115*
now I remember this nightmare fuel
Who wants a cold engine?
>IRL why i havent gotten rid of my first car even though there isnt a square foot of body that isnt dented or rusted with demolished front end and rear
Ill fix her one day
>heater blows cold
When I turn on the AC in my car I can smell peanuts/cashew nuts...
>ywn visit crazy ernie's amazing emporium of total bargain madness
Maybe not, but you can still give you appliances the love they deserve. Just watched BLT a few weeks ago and had to clean up all my appliances afterwards.
>tfw you used to smash up all your parents broken appliances when you were a kid