When did you realize Tai Lopez is a career scam artist?
When did you realize Tai Lopez is a career scam artist?
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oh boy I'm going to enjoy this video, I think. Your videos don't disappoint.
Tia "I didn't go to college but I still got that KNAWLAGE" Lopez is probably still well off desu.
Nice video btw senpai, I like the part where you inserted the dank memes. You seem like a person I'd succeed business with. Wonna do business?
OP are you gay? srs question.
I laughed really hard at this. Bravo
So he scams people on his dating site. Does he do the same to people that sign up for his money-making classes?
I dont like a lot of things he does, but he isnt a scammer.
47 lamborghinis in my lamborghini account
47 TEDx bookshelves in my TEDx bookshelf account
47 warren buffetts in my warren buffett account
>money-making classes
What the fuck do you think? Some people are so goddamn ignorant and gullible.
>charging $200 off of people's credit cards isn't scamming them
Dank video man, keep up the videos.
I didn't know Tai Lopez had a dating website.
hey bud
love your videos
keep it up
His scheme is very diversified
where do you live. i want ICE to raid you ass out of this country
From the moment I saw him.
I don't know why people fall for shit like this. He offers no new insights and essentially spouts useless platitudes like you'll find in a self-help book. He's successful for making people believe he is successful, which I'll give him credit for, but that isn't a path for everyone to follow. Also, he rents all that bullshit he shows off.
The second I saw one of his videos years ago. Did it really take you years to figure this out op? Kys
Some BODY once told I could make some money
By scamming desperate people online
I was looking like a fag by still having the tag
On the keys of my rented Lamborghini
Well, the ads start coming and they don't stop coming!
I hope so. I'd pay OP to suck my dick. just sayin
he's qt
>Veeky Forums vlog
the first time i saw him?
people are desperate and dumb and gullible.
I will never click through to anything but I sit through all his ads at least once. I don't really listen to what he says, I just enjoy watching his confidence.
Anybody here pay for Tai's 67 step course? Honestly what did you think?
He has courses that go up to $5,000. This guy is right up there with Millionaire Mind Intensive and Trump University.
kek, I just signed up for millionaire mind intensive yesterday. I know it's a scam, but I just wanted to see their sales tactics. Wish me luck, Veeky Forums!
>I know it's a scam
>but I still signed up anyways lolz wish me luck dudez
Fucking kill yourself kid. Shit like this is why you'll always be poor.
1) signing up is free. It's a scam because it's marketed as a learning seminar but it's a three-day, 12 hour a day sales pitch for expensive courses
2) Can you read? It says "I just wanted to see their sales tactics"
I will be the only one in that seminar that comes out of it with useful KNAWLEDGE
What is it with people that get rich telling other people how to get rich?
It's like some infinite regression paradox. If they are so good at making money why do they have to resort to selling books and shit?
Neghbours catch me filming in their backyard and i hit the ground runnin.
Didn't make sense not to live for knawledge
Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb
An user who torrented it basically summed it up:
> nothing special
> just platitudes like think big, use networks, etc
> not one ground breaking piece of knowledge
Scam lopez.
Hey, if you can't beat em, join em
>rent lambo
>post lambo on instagram, facebook, youtube ads
>everyone's asking you how you made so much money
>make them pay for seminars to learn
>"but if you want to know the true key to success, you need to go to our $795 seminar"
>seminars are just an upselling session for more seminars
>keep increasing price
>top seminars are thousands and thousands of dollars
>if you squeeze out $1000 avg. from 1000 people, that's one million dollars a year
People will gladly pay $10,000 for KNOWLEDGE if they think it will make them millionaires. We can also sell people shares of the company, and just keep on issuing new shares until they all become worthless and pocket the money. Who wants in on this?
I saw your faggy video on snapchat where you basically recommended it. No one in their right mind thinks snap is worth it.
It's the magnet for his course.
Never downloaded it personally, so I can't really say what's in it, but if you want (and if there are still seeders) you're free to check it out now.
If you have seeding troubles, try googling the code without the trackers (FD734CDEFD9F2E8EE3BC5FE9835E235E68357177) and add the torrent from all the sites you see. Your client should add all their trackers and they might have one or two you didn't have before, so you now have more chances to find a peer.
Hey! Thanks for watching, senpai. I hope you will watch many more videos in the future and we can have lots of fun.
A lot of people have been asking me about snapchat, so I figure this is a good place to talk about it.
First of all, why do some people think snapchat is shit? Slowing user growth, sky high valuation, the fact that they aren't profitable at all, competition from the much-faster-growing instagram, the fact they might be faking their DAU numbers, and I talk about these things in the video. There are other negatives that I don't mention in the video, like the lack of voting rights in the shares. When I first started looking up Snap, I thought I was just going to make a video railing at them, calling them "crapchat", the next twitter, etc. But as I started researching more and more I decided that even with the problems, they do have a path to possible profitability, and the company didn't look as bad as everyone on Veeky Forums was saying. You look at Airbnb, they were founded in 2008 and didn't become profitable until just 2016.
I didn't personally buy snap, but a lot of people did, over $3.5 billion worth of people. NBC bought $500 million dollars worth of snap, David Tepper bought snap and said he would buy more if it ever got back down to $17. I am no professional but I think it's incredibly risky, I think it is too premature to say that snap is a "buy", and it's also too premature to write them off completely. I can't wait until 2017's numbers come out. We are going to have to take a long hard look at their DAU growth and statements of operations and see if they are on the road to profitability. At that time it could be a buy, if the price is right, but right now it is really too soon to tell imo.
Also, thank you everyone for watching! So many people have subscribed in the past 4 days, it's incredible. Even if you didn't subscribe, thank you for watching. Like you know, more videos are coming every Saturday!
SOMEBODY once told me that I could make some money
I had that Internet scam on lock
But I was looking like a fag by still having the tag
On the keys of my rented Maybach.....
what's the company code and exchange for his company?
Thanks user, might have a look at this. I've been told it's just rehashing shit from his youtube channel. His youtube channel is actually not terrible, when he's actually sharing tidbits and actual facts instead of just random vague "motivational" shit.
I like my reputation
>When did you realize Tai Lopez is a career scam artist?
Immediately after seeing his first ad
HAVE 8 PPL PAY U $1k a month...OR HAVE 4 PPL PAY U $2k A MONTH