Accounting vs Finance

Accounting vs Finance

Which is a better major?

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Finance has higher potential, but only if you're cream of the cream of the crop.
Accounting will ensure a comfy upper middle class life and job security if you're reasonably competent, but you'll never be as rich as the richest trader.

So basically they're about equal, but an elite CFA will shit all over an elite CPA?

They're not equal. Accounting is harder work and less pay.

This, even though Accounting jobs aren't that "upper" upper-middle class in my opinion

You'll need to take exams that make the CPA looks like playing with crayons just to put yourself into the crowd of employment. Finance is also a chad-tier career, so you're going to need charisma out the wazoo.

Now if you really want to be a monetary turbo-autist for that slight chance to be a god among men, go for a Ph.D in Economics.

you confuse harder with boring. All they do is keep score, finance is predicting the future

this you should do it only if you go to a top 15 school, I went to a non-target for a MSF and hustled as hard as I could to get a semi-prestigous asset management job. I'm still thinking about doing an elite MBA though

in a dual income house of 2 Big 4 people, they can get a 4,000 sqft house in a gated neighborhood

>finance is predicting the future
The same holds true for gamblers, poker players or augurs.

Not even a competition, Finance all day erry day.

Any faggot on the streets can do accounting.

>Big 4

Working 60-80 hours might earn 6 digits, but it's not the "comfy upper middle class" lifestyle i would imagine

Why do you need to be a Chad in finance?

terrible comparison. finance discounts predicted cash flows by their risk

because you either have to network like a mofo to get a dank job, and/or most prestigous jobs collect fees from clients which requires you to be a likable guy

wtf? I hate autism now

nah man, just because finance dudebros don't have autism doesn't mean they aren't free of mental illness altogether

i'm an autist and I learned to fake enough social motivation to get a nice accounting internship

>All they do is keep scor
Why does everyone think accouting equals book keeping +taxes? That's where it starts, not where it ends.
Finance is worthless unless you go to a feeder school or have a golden connection.
Honestly they aren't even that similar. Econ degree is actually better for General busnisses than finance.

The general consensus where I live is that accounting is less hours (except for auditing at large companies like Big 4) for a good pay.

Finance, as in investment banking and corporate finance, is more hours for a better pay.

Finance as an industry is incredibly competitive, being on the top yields ridiculous monetary rewards.

Accounting, however, seems to be a more common choice for people who are looking to climb the corporate ladder at a large company. Finance grads seem to be more interested in only the financial industry, with some management consultants here and there.

But all in all it does boil down to which one you prefer. If you don't like either, accounting or finance, you'll be shit at it and won't succeed.

Lastly, there are a bunch of accounting grads in finance and a bunch of finance grads in accounting. With good minors, connections, and internships you can do just about whatever you want.

You can get that on two highschool teachers pay as well, but either way when you get divorced you will lose it

I'm second year on a Business Studies Degree and wish I did accounting, I doubt any accounting firm will take me on with only one Accounting Module done.

Econ is goat for everything if you have the proper IQ, drive, and focus


Poor fool

I'm doing econ.
In my master i have most course in derivative pricing,econometrics, macroeconomics + some elective in finance.
Literally god tier.
Sometimes i wished i went for math but i wouldn't have been able to live the chad life.
For everyone considering ECON, take as much course in Math/Stat/econometrics and some financ and macro and disregard absolutely all garbage courses like "analysis of..." "History of.." or any other course where you just have to study useless garbage

Accounting doesn't pay well for the level of education you need. The top 20% might make a decent living but so will the top 20% of any degree. I'm days away from beinf a CPA, but have a low-paying and increbibly frustrating job. I know highschool dropouts who make almost as much or sometimes even more than I do. There is a meme that there are tons of accounting jobs, but there are even more wannabe accountants and inmigrants driving the wages down.

I know, I'm enjoying most of the stuff I'm learning, unfortunately it's mostly the quantitative stuff that would be taught more in Econ/Finance/Accounting

Mostly quantitative stuff that I'm enjoying, I should say.

What can you even do with an econ degree

Will accounting even be in demand 10 years from now? Seems like one of the first white collar jobs to be threatened by automation. Menial and routinized, but requires 100% accuracy. Machines love those kind of jobs.

Why not both? There's usually a 75% similarity between the degree plans.

Isn't Econ just a major that enforced democratic socialism and welfare, tax and spending, etc.

you economize shit nigga

Few of the things you'll be qualified for have the word "economy" in them.

Unless you go to a top tier school go accounting. If you are lucky enough to go to top tier school then go finance.

Gamblers and poker players are completely different. If poker was like financing then you would be playing 7 card stud and betting on who you thought had the best hand. Poker is mostly reading people and manipulating their actions. Finance is looking at the company and predicting the markets reactions.

maybe in the next 50 years, but in our generation nothing major will happen thanks to big 4 lobbying

>There is a meme that there are tons of accounting jobs, but there are even more wannabe accountants and inmigrants driving the wages down

can you elaborate on this?

I work am a higher level employee at one of the Big 4. Automation is about to fuck most accounting majors outside of audit in the next 10 years.

>Finance has higher potential, but only if you're cream of the cream of the crop.

Most people I meet who are Finance majors will never get accepted into a good firm or bank because they would never fit into the culture. Finance is a popularity contest most of the time unless you are top of the class.

Go be a Stock Broker, they still hire them and you don't need College. I work as a Broker and make over 130k a year at 26. Extremely hard to get your foot in the door and it's shit for the first few years but I fucking love it and would never do anything else. Better have some sales experience though and accept that it's rapidly dying profession and won't be around much longer.

Accounting is the safe and secure choice if that's what you are looking for. All of my siblings are accountants and none of them had trouble finding work after they completed school.

Well never mind, accounting isn't safe according to this guy so ignore that part of my post kek

Lady hits the wall, doesn't feel like she's earning enough with her humanities degree, goes back to school. What major does she pick? Accounting.

Also, like STEM, tons of immigrants come to America to work in accounting because there's a "shortage" of accountants, i.e. the prevailing wage is too high. It isn't anymore. After six years I still don't makr as much as the average starting salary of an accountant who graduated 10 years earlier. But they still keep importing more immigrants to work accounting jobs.

shit, I thought the outsourcing wasn't that bad

I graduated with an accounting degree but ended up working in finance (banking) because accounting just puts me to sleep. In my opinion, finance is more interesting and has a much higher ceiling if you work hard enough and network effectively.

I would recommend doing accounting as a minor and finance as a major since having basic accounting knowledge is very important.

Same in all western countries: germany and canada from my personal experience. The "shortages" are bullshit and will remain until people stop viewing the west as the promised land.

You dont have to be an autist to have a phd in economics. My brother(granted he does have aspergers) has one and soon done with mine plus I actually have people skills. only people who arent smart enough think that its only autistic people who have a phd

People who dont study econ think econ is hard. I guess it is if your only good at writing or math. And while finance and accounting may have differences in temperment requirents for working in that specific field , they can be learned practically interchangeably . Outside of accounting allegedy being more boring, they are incredibly similar degrees.

Econ requires a different skill set. So people think its magic.

What kind of econ masters you doing? I am working on applying to two programs. One for behavior econ and one for additional econ-metrics courses.

I know your not doing masters. I got confused with the other poster.

not him, but I'm also thinking of econ ph.d or masters of some sort. does it matter how good of a school I get into, because it's not going to be an Ivy. I'll be graduating with a 3.5 cumulative and a ~2.8 for calculus since I took that series when I was a retarded freshman

Some people will probs care, but I mean a phd is a phd and a masters is a masters. I wouldnt know about how it is USA(im guessing thats where youre from) but in Denmark no matter what youre getting or what school you went to you are going to be in high demand, if that makes sense?

yeah I'm from the US

i think you're right, it's probably mostly the same here. subject of study seems to be most important.

Get your CPA if you actually want to make more money you dingus. If by six years and you still haven't taken it or any other industry certs like the CFA or CMA, then it shows a lack of ambition and in a globalized market you need to stay competitive.

It isn't

All the low-level bookkeeping and entry level jobs are being taken by immigrants but all the public accounting and big boy CPA jobs are still done by domestic labor force.