Floyd mayweather

Mayweather has pulled off making $300 million in one gift that's lasted 30 minutes, mayweather has made more money than what tens of thousands of American families would make in a lifetime. How does this make you feel? Does mayweather inspire you to be something great? If not why?

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I can read tho

I value basic human literacy above $300 million.

jealousy:the posts

nigger can punch, dat philly shell half guard is no joke

I don't really find getting punched in the shoulder to be inspiring.

it makes me feel like you should be going to r9k.

I honestly wouldn't. What's the point of it all if you are literally illiterate?

You guys are misding something very savvy he (or his team w/e) has done, business wise.
He banks on being the guy people pay to see lose for the first time. He banks on the hate for him. There is real genius in his marketing + match strategy.
Think Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums.

What good is having money if your brain is damaged?

He's had to fight his entire life, he's almost universally hated, and his brain is one small step above a chimpanzee.

So I'm not that jealous.

Have you even seen him now you fucking retard?
He barley took a hit to the dome thought his entire career and he looks great. If you know fuck all about boxing don't make assumptions on it.
>He's had to fight his entire life
Oh no, he did what he loves his entire life
>he's almost universally hated
You think he gives a fuck what some random human thinks of him, I know I sure don't, also anyone can jump on the band wagon and hate, but most people who meet him in real life get all friendy when he pulls up in his bugatti
>and his brain is one small step above a chimpanzee
Thats not true and you know it

Bunch of hating ass little faggots on Veeky Forums, like holy fucking shit.

Why would he inspire me? I have nothing in common with him. Sure he has a lot of money and can do whatever he wants but nothing he's done can teach me anything. Except maybe that being very very good yields exceptional rewards.

In all honesty I never think about him unless someone brings him up.


He'll blast through it all, he's a nigger.

You can read the labels of cereal boxes while you stock the shelves at Walmart.

Yet that chimpanzee makes millions while you still live with your mom.

Yeah, and him and McGregor both know McGregor will lose in their imaginary fight and the only reason the both of them are going to make it happen is to earn a few hundred mil each. The entire sporting industry is money, not competition.

fuck off ape, 90% of former boxers end up with some level of brain damage

work smart, not hard.


>one gift that lasted 30 min.
I have no idea what you are on about but boxers train for years

I fucked his girl dorali medina back in the days she went to nobel jh chatsworth high true story XD

Floyd is cool and all.. But not everyone has the gift of boxing skills.. you just gotta find what youre good at and capitalize on that