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"Dorito was a mistake"
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Tortillaen var en tabbe
How do you say
"Dorito was a mistake"
In your language?
Tortillaen var en tabbe
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reported, bait thread
"Op is a faggot"
Swedish:كان دوريتو خطأ
“Doriton sukhalutyun’er”
burning oil is a feature
Ore wa Dorito daisuki.
All hail the mighty dorito, destroyer of eardrums and bouncy wobbly piston boxes.
Fucking brits.
>21st century
>speaking anything other than English
Are you a peasant?
Dorito fue un error.
Dreiecksmeischips waren ein Fehler.
Dorito is a mistake
De dorito was een foutje
Il dorito è stato un errore
Dorito fue un error.
Why is it that rotary fags are so assblasted when their shit-tier engine gets bad-mouthed for the shit that it is?
>burns oil
>has to be treated like a special ed child that will through a tantrum at any moment
>will literally shit itself if you do one of a million things wrong
>gets beaten by piston engines
>inb4 it won lemans
>tfw rotary faggots use lemans as an excuse for their shit cars that aren't made for an actual race
>mentions rotaries being beaten by pistons
>also mention lemans
I knew you were gonna mention them anyway, so I did you a solid by not overheating your brain just like those shit engines
>rev to the moon and back
>are buttery smooth
>have sky high hp/liter of displacement
>are lighter than any piston engine allowing for perfect weight distribution cars (can be done with pistons too, just harder)
doritos were fucked ay
it revs to the moon yet makes zero torque at any of them
smooth but sounds like bees
hp/liter means nothing when your engine displaces less than a bottle of coke.
Doritot olivat virhe
>rev to the moon
and then it explodes
>buttery smooth
you mean you have a small shift gear room otherwise the thing will explode
>high hp/liter
nice meme
>perfect weight distribution
now i know you're one of those rx7 faggots that thinks he'll ever get a chance at doing a doriftu with a piece of shit fd. most uncomfortable cars in existence on top of all that. no wonder they stopped producing those pieces of junk
honestly people that hate on rotaries like this are more of a meme than rotary lovers. All of the things he stated are in pretty accurate. calling people faggots for providing counter-arguments makes you the part of the car community that people hate.
>>have sky high hp/liter of displacement
If you use an incorrect metric to measure it, they consume fuel like a 5l engine and produce power like a 3l one(almost)
>>are lighter than any piston engine allowing for perfect weight distribution cars (can be done with pistons too, just harder)
Heh, 20bTT makes less grunt than an LS1 and weighs more, a fair bit more
With or without accessories?
>harder with pistons
Mid-rear engine. Wow. Difficult. 50/50 is a terrible meme. Cars do not balance on a pin, they're dynamic. You want closer to 50/50 while braking and cornering and more like 60/40 when accelerating.
Suomi mainittu!!
I had a dream about rotary engines recently. In the dream I kept trying to convince people that premixing fuel should not be a bad thing because that is how things should be anyway.
Ebin thread
Is this a meme? Rotary 'block' is literally ready to go bar inlet/exhaust/alt which naturally weight around the same as a piston engine
>Mid engine wow difficult
yes it is difficult you fucking dipshit, hence why only expensive PITA maintenance machines (fezzas) or faggot tier toyotas are mid-engined. If weight distribution is key then a rotary is much better choice
why are pistonfags such retards?
>zero torque
You understand that torque and horsepower are a function of each other, right? Course not, because you're a busrider faggot.
The FD chassis is still competitive in motorsport to this day, regardless of power plant. You have to spend Porsche money to get a chassis as well balanced, or go open wheel.
The rotary engine is not light user, its benefit is packaging as it is very small. It's still pretty heavy wet and fully dressed.
Burning oil is also a feature of piston engines, they're called two strokes. And yeah boohoo it needs more care, as does a 2-stroke motorcycle engine, etc.
>Taking care of a two-stroke
Replace pistonrings once every few years, done in 30 minutes on some engines. Beat that on a rotary.
>piston cuckolds are sperging again
Imagine being so poor you can't afford the extra oil and gas that a rotary needs
I agree its lightness isnt its greatest strength but still comes under (or damn close) to an sr20 which i would classify as a small light engine
Doesn’t change the fact that the rotary is an inherently flawed design.
The chassis may have been fine, but there’s a reason people swap the engines
Revs don’t matter without torque, and HP/l is a useless statistic
>torque of a 1993 honda
>mpg of a 1970 cadillac
>reliability of a 1980 alfa romeo
>NA rotary
Apex and corner seals are good for ~100k. Water seals should last as long providing you don't overheat it or flood it and leave it. Piston cars of the same era are just as, or more, likely to have HG failure
>turbo rotary
Seals last a little less, ~60k is when you start to see problematic loss of compression yet the car will still run. Water seals are the same as above.
Shyster engine builders have done so much damage to the reputation of the rotary. An unopened factory Mazda block is fucking solid, eapecially the later 13B-REW and D/E stamped 20Bs.
sperg more piston cuckold
>the virgin piston vs the chad rotary
>but there’s a reason people swap the engines
the fastest rx7's are rotary powered
And the fastest rx7s are still a lot slower than piston powered cars.
>sorry for triggering you
>And the fastest rx7s are still a lot slower than piston powered cars.
irrelevant, when making up for all variables, a rotary rx7 is faster than a piston powered rx7
the reason people swap out the rotary out of an rx7 is because they are low test beta soyboy cuckolds like you who can't afford gas, oil or maintenance
keep sperging
I get that you regret getting left at stoplights by 30 year old trucks, but you dont have to take it out on us, bro.
Rotaries do some cool things, but piston engines do them better, faster, more reliably, and cheaper.
>>forced to spend money every 10k Miles to keep his autistic fidget spinner of an engine barely alive
>>doesn’t believe he’s the cuck
Dorito foi um erro
>he brags about stoplight racing
I didn't know you were an amerimutt, don't see why I should continue talking with a subhuman, goodbye poorfag!
spoken like a true poorfag
Roryta engine?
You're a retard.
On the quarter Pulse are getting some serious ETs, but they're still behind piston engined cars. In Time Attack the rotary engines cars do well in the higher classes, but most motorsport rules make them unusable/unviable.
There just isn't the money in developing rotaries that you get in piston engines, so of course piston engined cars are faster.
>t. RX7 owner
>my car costs more than yours to keep running AND it's slower
>checkmate atheists
literally a brainlet, there isn't a single piston powered time attack rx7 faster than the fastest rotary powered time attack rx7s
that is the point
sure pison engines that are 10 times bigger are faster, but so are jet and ramjet engines, that is irrelevant
>I am poor and ride the bus
what we all read
Oh i get it now, the mental hospital is missing a schizophrenic weeaboo. All the incomprehensible shit posting makes sense now
Дopитo былo oшибкoй
>they couldn't even understand a joke that simple
total brainlets kek
You dense motherfucker
I own a rotary engined car, pic related, I know their fucking shortcomings.
You're the good kind of rotary-fag.
Stay strong bro
>not a single piston powered rx7 faster than the Car Shop Dream RX7
thanks for proving my point
>literally pic related
So mad it's adorable.
At what point does 'pretending to be retarded' just turn into 'retarded?'
>goes to an anime image board where he spergs about something he doesn't like, something he surely has done on multiple occasions
>has the audacity to claim anyone but him is on full of anger
let the salt flow
Oh, so you're not pretending. Now i kinda feel pity for you :(
the soyboy that keeps on giving
pistoncucks getting absolutely BTFO in their own thread, sad!
>Banter nachoowners
>Turns into heated argument call others cucks
>It was a joke guys
>Really, I like being alone
>no torque lol
>"high revving" aka breaks quickly
>loud as fuck so you'll never get to enjoy whatever hp you're actually making, once you start hooning you have maybe a minute to do it
>nobody fucking bothers making them
the rx7 looks really nice though, i like the look of all gens, rotaries are a turd though
>shitting on a rotary because it's "unreliable"
>shitting on a rotary because it's "underpowered"
>shitting on a rotary because it's "uneconomic"
The absolute state of car "enthusiast" culture
remember when dorito was good?
In all fields
> "In retarded"
>uses the fuel of a 5 liter and makes then power of a 3l
>this somehow is an argument against the 13b actually being 1.3 liters
I guess the 8 liter caddishit engines that make 140hp actually displaced 2.0 liters with that logic. Retard
Only because Mazda never got around to finishing the aluminum housings they used in some of their race engines, the ls is only light because it's an aluminum block, compared to the iron block ls 's the rotary is very light
Rotaries are just as easy if not easier to build than any piston engine
> Scientists have discovered the most incorrect post of all time, leaves researchers staggered
Whoever you are I love you for shitting on these retards you're uniquely good at setting them off
Actually you don't, and I own one too
piston cucks have been unequivocally BTFO yet again, in their own thread! PATHETIC
>rotards are sill this ez to b8
Lolita engine?
>gets beaten by piston engines
Citation needed
>normies upset because someone actually likes cars for anything other than going from A to B or drag racing
yeah i do
Jævla idiot, en dorito er et chipsflak, ikke en tortilla.
På norsk kaller vi det en tortillachips
Дopитo бeшe гpeшкa.
I’ve seen tons of retarded posts in this thread claiming the rotary to be a good engine design.
Ja, det er nettopp det vi gjor, fæggått
RX8 bija kļūda.
RX7 bija kļūda.
Audi A1 būtu bijusi kļūda.
Wankelmotoren waren een vergissing.
>needing long gears that completely neutralize high crank torque because it can't rev over 6
>not checking the oil regularly and performing preventative maintenance frequently to begin with
>having to worry about valve float, rod knock, and head gaskets
>having many vibrations and weird noises from a completely stupid number of moving, reciprocating components
>putting extra wear on the engine by driving in a spirited, fun manner
Dreieck war ein Fehler
Veeky Forums is full of cuckolded soyboys, no surprise
Thank you for confirming the Wankel is on par with US emissions V8 shit.
spoken like a true low test beta male soyboy cuck
>complaining about the mpg of a sports car
if you're destroying rotaries as much as you imply, the problem is you
>burns oil
the stock oil metering pump consumes so little oil that by the time you gotta top it up you're due for an oil change anyway.
>has to be treated like a special ed child that will through a tantrum at any moment
if cold take it easy, if warm shift at redline. its that simple.
>will literally shit itself if you do one of a million things wrong
let the oil pressure build up before driving, you should be doing this anyway.
>gets beaten by piston engines
post any NA
>not understanding what am emissions period V8 is
Do you also take selfies "using" your tools?
>not understanding the fact that you are a carb, pistons and camshaft away from desmogging a smog era v8
I feel sorry for your parents, they actually raised a fucking retard
Дopитo были oшибкoй
>comparing modified engines like you can't dial whatever horsepower you want and comparisons merely come down to dollars.
Mate, you want light revvy engines with no torque, just buy a fucking motorbike, snow mobile, boat engine they're better in terms of specific output and weight/power than any rotary.
or just don't drive a pigfat car, and you will have more than enough torque.