>see trump bumper sticker
>key their car
that's what you get for voting for a racist
See trump bumper sticker
Thats how you get shot in Texas
>see political bumper sticker I disagree with
>continue about my day because I'm not an immature faggot that gets worked up over these things
luckily i don't live in a republican shithole like Texas
>replying to bait threads
>claims to be mature
>is homophobic
>see anime bumper sticker
>key their car
That's what you get for being a weaboo.
>says anyone else isn't mature
>is a furfaggot
That's how you get raped.
>at the junkyard
>see rare car in remarkably good shape
>kick all the desirable panels in
that's what they get for destroying shit I've been looking for that was incredibly rare.
>see stupid sticker
>continue on with my day
imagine being an impulsive dumpy little brainlet
Thankfully I'm not 12 or younger.
>saying faggot makes you homophobic
Oh you must be new
>Implying you have to be homophobic to say faggot
Shut up faggot
t. Faggot
Stay mad republitard
Stay btfo
Nick would vote Trump you cum guzzling foxfucker
nick isn't retarded so no he wouldn't
I'm legitimately a faggot you silly furfag
>trump won
>calls me mad
>implying my husbando would vote for a racist
It kinda sorta does. What do you burn, apart from gays? The answer is faggots. Of course since they burned witches and other undesirables at the stake too it doesn't really necessarily refer exclusively to gays, but to everything you also burned.
Anything else you want to let slip so we can have a good giggle?
>im mad at you even though i dont know you so i damage your property because you voted for someone i dont like
I'm already laughing @ u
>being a liberal is a bad thing
not nearly as bad as being a republican
I want to kill every single faggot on Earth. Thank God you fucks can't reproduce
>key their car
>that's what you get for voting for a racist
one of many reasons I don't put stickers on my car
Wasn't there a rule about furries?
Maybe, got nothing to counter this one.
No sweetie, I already said I'm gay twice in this thread
I don't even live in the US. I usually vote for left leaning parties.
However I'm not an insecure furfag who needs to post furfaggotry outside >>/trash/ and cry like a big babby over a politician. Keep saying Trump is racist and posting Nick if it makes your doodle hard, makes no difference to me but you'll look like an ass doing it.
See bernie bumper sticker. Always a nu male or hippie looking chick. Burn by them then slam on my brakes.
Shut up, you'll wake the neighbors
lol butthurt
Please kys
>not posting this in /pol/
Where do you find these pics
>implying /pol/acks have cars
tumblr or other places
>Look at the file name
Gee whiz I wonder where he finds those images, surely not Veeky Forums
That's a big guy