Just bought a wrx and am learning how to drive stick. It's not too difficult but stalling out is always embarrassing. Just wanted to hear some other anons experiences learning.
Personal experience learning manual
People have a superiority complex over driving stick even though it's the easiest shit.
I learned how to drive in an unsyncroed 3 on the tree. It's the easiest shit, you're just a dumbass.
I wouldn't say easiest but it isn't nearly as hard as I thought it was going to be.
Never said it was hard.
>always stalling out
Clearly, you're having a hard time figuring it out.
How to drive stick in a Turbo AWD machines (experience from Evo IX)
1. Release brake pedal.
2. Press accelerator pedal until engine is at 6,000 RPM+
3. Release clutch pedal.
4. Moving.
I've driven manual cars for most of my 30 years driving and I still stall once in a while, everybody does. After a week you'll be fine.
Just gas it 'til you can hear the BAM BAM BAM of your rev limiter and rip the clutch off - guaranteed to never stall.
No what I'm saying is that when you DO stall out it's always embarrassing.
You'll learn to recover fast.
get a load of this guy
i usually stall when I have a person in front of me on a hill so idk if dumping the clutch is the solution lol
It's been a week and I'm feeling pretty comfortable.
i learned to drive stick doing valet and i used to ride the ever living shit out of your civics clutch lmao
That's brilliant, burn someone else's clutch kek
Just remember that you are going to struggle to get 4 wheel drive manual cars of the line quickly without trashing the drive train
Dealership gave me a lifetime drive train warranty, probably gunna cash in on that at some point.
Get a car that doesn't suck...
Like a BMW that has brake-hold so you don't roll on hills.
I like BMWs but a newer one is a little out of my price range and Subaru has never failed me.
Subaru's do to
>rolling on hill
>Subaru's do too
Yeah? Tell me more.
There will be a fair wear and tear clause in the warranty. It also will not cover the clutch at all.
Those warranties don't mean shit because there's a lot less regulation around them - all you've got is the dealership's word and they can and will deny warranty work because "Oh well it looks like this drivetrain was abused, sorry. Is that a worn nut we spot on your exhaust? You probably modded it, DENIED."
It's an easy thing to promise for the dealer - chances are that the car gets modded but even if it is one of those super anal "KEEP IT STOCK" faggots then there's very little chance anything will happen before that dude eventually gets tired of it and moves on to their next obsession. In the world of cars there are always shiny new things.
The SUVs and crossovers have them and maybe the new WRXs and STIs.
Yeah I know, unfortunately.
The dealership has a pretty solid reputation so hopefully things turn out.
The previous generation Subaru's might not have it, the new WRX/STI's do. There are a bunch of people who actually disable it because they blame it for their stick-shift driving skills being lacking, lol.
A WRX is probably one of the least friendly manual transmission cars to learn stick shift on, though. With my 2017 it won't be smooth unless you are on-fucking-point with every rev match or every clutch-out while starting from a stop in 1st. My 5-speed Saab literally gave no shits, I could clutch in, downshift or upshift when it's kinda somewhere in a large ballpark of RPM and it would just be like "Eh ok sure" and have barely any reaction when I clutch back out, just smooth continued driving. In retrospect I shoulda kept that car to teach my fiance, she is going to have a heart attack trying to learn in my WRX.
Yeah I can't tell it's meant for someone who knows exactly what they are doing.
I'm guessing your Saab had a worn clutch. Now you want to play speed racer on residential streets and need an excuse to shift through your gears at redline like a rice boi pretending he's racing grand prix.
>sshhhhhh . . . I'm the WRX whisperer
by the time this thread is archived you probably won't stall anymore.
I got my first stick recently, an 8th gen civic si. I have about 500 miles on it and just realized how comfortable I am with it already.
The first few days, and even week sucked, but it's getting easier and funner everyday. I haven't stalled it in a few days now, and hill starts are a lot easier to me than most people made it sound.
yeah you don't know shit. i put 100,000+ miles on my old truck clutch driving exactly how that guy described. You don't know what driving one is like because you can't afford to get rid of your 3k civic. previous guy is 100% on point. AWD drivetrain is unforgiving as shit. but its forcing me to be a better driver
>Just bought a wrx and am learning how to drive stick.
Every vapefag's first manual car.
Enjoy your 5speed with a gearbox that feels like something from the fucking 80s.
Pssstttt. I've owned an Eagle Talon TSI AWD, Subaru Outback AWD, and a Ford Ranger 4x4. Sticks. I live in the North. I know how drivetrains work.
But still haven't ever driven a decent car
The fact some people are so scared of it just makes trolling them over stick that much funnier
>that feels like something from the fucking 80s.
is this supposed to be a bad thing
Lol guess again angry internet dude. I live and daily drive in Chicago - I short shift because otherwise I'll never make it past 2nd gear when there are other cars on the road. Do you want to show me where the WRX touched you?
It's not a matter of AWD vs RWD or FWD, it comes down to the drivetrain specific to a particular car. Yeah I've drive stick in an STI and an Eclipse GSX as well, doesn't mean they feel the same as the stick in the 15+ WRX's.
>Do you want to show me where the WRX touched you?
In the no no parts.
Find the smallest incline you can and just focus on an even back and forth between and gas and clutch. Learn to be able to control the initial contact of the clutch and you wont have to worry about stalling out anymore
Europoor so they teach manual at every driving school, had problems with starting on the first 2 hours, after few hours it just became something that i dont even think about and do it without thinking
First to second is tough. There is like a second delay. A way to reduce the rev hang is to disable hill assist.
>stalling stock manual
I learned stick with stage 2 clutch. GIT GUD dumbass.
Once you get it it's easy. I learned on an evo 8. Just go to an empty lot and learn to engage and disengage in first gear then go to side roads to drive around then highway. Also learn how to downshift properly
>stalling on baby clutch
pretty pathetic OP. At least you have a stock clutch to drive on pleb.
>bolt for z-bar backs out of the block as I'm driving 4 speed GTO home, clutch is no longer usable
>forced to float gears as first extensive manual driving experience
>any time I need to stop have to kill the car, stop, put it in first, crawl the car on the starter until it fires and resume floating gears
>all on a freeway regularly travelled by log hauling semi trucks
Alright, I'll contribute:
>be me
>want to get car for birthday
>buy manual because it's edgy
>shitbox accord coupe
>dad teaches me to drive manual in parking lot one day
>learn starting and shifting pretty well, head out on road
>shifting into 4th and 5th relatively smooth
>dad directs me to a neighborhood
>tells me to stop on the steepest, largest hill
>can't take foot off clutch and brake at same time without sliding backwards a few feet
>burn rubber and clutch trying to get started
>finally get it
>every other hill feels easy, manual is the best
Fast forward 10 years...
>trying to teach wife how to drive manual
>in parking lot, she does better than i do starting and shifting into 2nd
>good lesson, doesn't want to drive on the road yet
>mfw my car has (usually disabled) hill assist and she'll never know the fear of rolling backwards
It all comes down to who is teaching you most importantly, picking up bad habits are very hard to break with the muscle memory
Jesus christ you are a massive faggot. OP only said he's stalled a couple times, not shifted into 6th going 20mph. Please stop voting/breathing
Where did the WRX touch you, dear?
I learned on an old tractor on my cousin's farm when I was a kid. Didn't drive my first manual car until I was 19. My friend lost his license and I was basically his driver for 3 months. I've had two manual cars over the past 5 years.
Stopping and starting on hills can be tricky but you get used to it.
I learned to drive in a manual car as most people do in the UK. The reason is simple. To switch from manual to auto is easy. To go from auto to manual is obviously a harder.
I live in the sticks to I've got a manual Hilux. Off road/snow driving is far easier in a manual as you have more control.
Learned to drive manual in an old Dodge pickup truck on the farm when I was like 10.
Be me 27 yo Canadian Hoset
Buy 1955 Dodge Regent, 228ci 6cyl flathead, 3 on the tree
4500lb car, 115hp 190ft/lb torque at 1300 rpm, redline 3900 rpm,
3.73 gear rear end. Factory 9" clutch is flimsy as shit, do not try to put this car up a trailer. 10" clutch is a moderate improvement. Have to pull up hard on shifter to get first gear.
My first standard car.
Then try to drive my dad's 2010 6.1L SRT8 Challenger with Tremec 6 speed. Clutch threshold is like 1/4" of foot travel.
Fail miserably.
I think any car more than 4 speeds should have a shift indicator on the dash, can't remember what fucking gear I'm in or what I should be in driving a winding country Rd 50+mph like a man