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>tfw 23 yo trucker
How do i contact musk and volunteer as a crash test dummy/guinea pig
I would switch jobs right the fuck now and jump straight into technical training on maintaining electrical equipment. Transformers, battery arrays, etc.
truck cucks btfo lmaooooo
get a real job you fat depressed fucks
Become a train driver
I've always imagined that that's a comfy job
Pass trucking is too dam comfy
what are you getting tilted about? its pepsi, they have their own trucks and all the truckers that drive for them would just switch to these.
I assume that you're bitching about the inevitability of self-driving trucks becoming a viable option, but unions and politicians will never allow them to take over the industry.
Same goes for fast food robots. They'll pass laws banning them before the trucker and cashier go extinct.
Drive your truck through the Tesla facility. Don't forget to weld on a thousand pounds of armor to the front connected to the frame. Godspeed user.
Total known reservations is now 322. Who knows how many aren't public knowledge tho, probably a lot
>They’ll still need drivers for safety and shit. >Truckers will be paid to literally just sit in the cab and make sure the truck doesn’t crash if autopilot fails
These assholes will probably be earning bank while sitting in the cab and watching Netflix
Pepsi buys a few trucks for promotional purposes
>no infrastructure for them to charge at truck stops
>unknown how self-drive will stand up legally
>maintenance issues unknown
>performance/range loaded vs unloaded
I wouldn't worry just yet.
t. fellow professional driver
And also, when the trucks get to a city, they still need someone to actually drive them around city blocks and actually back them into warehouses/depots. The "autopilot" is only good for the freeway and that's it. They still need drivers to handle the cities
Also unlike those "supercharging" stations (which are uncommon) there are literally no truck charging stations anywhere in the world, and in order for tesla trucks to be viable, they need a giant network of truck chargers that run all across the country and be able to charge at least 30-50 trucks all simultaneously and be able to fill a battery within 15 minutes
Jobs will be fine
Just note that is almost statistically impossible not to see someone be killed by your train in that line of work.
8-12 hours a day if you work in a yard.
12 hours a day if you drive a train.
yard work is physically demanding. road work not as much.
safety nazis. there are 4 safety violations that will get you fired instantly. even after you are a member of the union.
powerful unions but you aren't allowed to strike because muh national security.
new hires can get furloughed easily and or work extraboard.
road work is paid by the mile, and your train can be stuck on a siding until you hit 12 hours and "die on the road".
All their fucking sales are pre orders and its all useless because they will never fulfil those orders
Same with all their other cars they are a smoke and mirrors company propped up by investors
all those Model S and Model X cars I see every day in Atlanta must just be a clever illusion.
bepis BTFO
just another homeless coon
>Implying Tesla wont fold before they make even 1 available
Once Trump takes away all their gibs they'll be fucked.
Tesla is nearing the cap on federal tax credits for cars anyways. if they can get Model 3 production going. they'll be out by 2019.
a lot of states still have incentives for EVs.
nah that would be good for them. Denying other companies the 7500 credit right when their credits run out would be gr8 for tesla
What do electric trucks have to do with self-driving trucks? I know Memeon Musk is involved with both, but they're two completely different beasts.
Wow that's almost 0.3% of the market. Diesel is officially dead. Consider the industry revolutionized. That is, at least, until the truck finally comes out 2 years behind schedule and everyone finds out it doesn't meet expectations. Assuming Tesla is still in business long enough to even produce one.
Here's your (You), dear.
because the main selling points of the truck include autopilot for the highways and "convoy mode" for supposed long trip efficiency
Pepsi just virtue signalling like their last stupid big commercial.
>Biggest pre-order
>10 trucks
Woah game changer
>Technology advances
>"But muh jobs!"
How is Humanity supposed to progress with this sort of thinking? I suppose we should just go back to cutting down trees by hand too - that will be sure to create a lot of jobs.....
So what the fuck are people meant to do for work?
We have no safety net, social programs and dole/centerlink are beyond useless and only seek to impoverish people further
That's essentially what china did for a while- hiring people to dig out massive earthworks with shovels.
shift to emerging labor markets. which will need more man power than usual until automation and efficiency can be installed.
if a robot takes your job welding cars. you work on welding robots.
You dipshits realize it's still illegal to pump your own petrol in some US states right?
Too bad the robots are already welding robots
NJ and Oregon.
NJ banned Tesla stores because, and I quote from a NJ state senator "tesla is just being greedy, wanting to keep all the profit for themselves. Not giving people in new jersey THEIR CUT(uppercase for emphasis not yelling)"
Musks a cuck.
One girl has him wrapped around her finger so tightly that the second she gives him the time of day he's begging at her feet.
It's pathetic. He's gone back over and over again to the same whore.
Well let's not gloss over the main issue here: Your entire labour market has either been outsourced to China or satiated with illegal Mexicans..... Try fixing that before holding back advancements in technology.
>shift to emerging labor markets. which will need more man power than usual until automation and efficiency can be installed.
You are deluded.
Billions of people are going to be out of work and your solution is to pull pointless work out of thin air?
>fixing corporate and goverment corruption
lol silly american we are founded upon English style corruption
in Connecticut Tesla showrooms are allowed but they aren't allowed to actually sell cars in this state.
a windmill company from china is offering to retrain and employ wyoming coal miners.
though if mass unemployement is unavoidable. you send people into space and set up new economies separate from earth.
so why not just do away with "work"?
literally entire human race can become NEET and ascend
That's why a lot of people are talking about "Universal Basic Income" - but who knows what sort of communists style system they'll put in place to achieve it.....
idle hands are the devil's plaything.
the mob needs to be occupied. so someone can't turn them against the state and society. might as well make them productive.
>. you send people into space and set up new economies separate from earth.
id be down for this
Earth only has 100 years left at current over population levels and the enviroment will only deteriorate further
I already am
Universal Basic Income would be sweet as fuck if Im being completely selfish, id still work full time though as Im sure many other people would. But I wonder how much percent of people would just stop working, I wonder how many jobs would free up, how many businesses would take hits by losing workers. Im sure there are plenty of other problems with this but I wonder if it could work
Syria blew up like it did, because Turkey built dams. that cut off water down stream to syrian farmers. the farmers all went out of business and soon others did.
The first one of these that takes out some kids or granny and Musk's asshole is going to be like a stinky Pringles can
Long haul trucking jobs are going to go away but short haul delivery jobs are not leaving anytime soon because it'll be a while before we can invent robots that can unload shit in small city streets.
containerized delivery. they just drop off the container and pick up the last one. repeating this as necessary to regular customers.
Fuck turkey
I’d prefer this to dealing with the meth-addled subhumans at the wheel.
Must truck divers make under 40k a year.
Syria blew up because the CIA was working overtime to fuck their shit up you bloody drongo....
Don’t give a shit. On the road they’re worse than the Chinese. Automation will only improve this.
well yes, but you needed an idle and angry population to manipulate.
Mexican illegal immigration is also driven by overuse of water. California takes so much water from the Colorado river. that it no longer flows in the gulf of baja. causing northern mexican farms to struggle. add on to that the massive advantage that mechanized and subsidized american farms have and NAFTA allowing cheap american food stuffs into mexico. Then you have failing mexican farms. Which sends them north to find work.ironically they end up working cheap on american farms that drove them out of business. which just puts further pressure on mexican agriculture and causing more farms to fail and more illegal immigration.
Two questions. I'd also like to say that I know fuck all about Tesla products other than what they look like.
1. Why is the world sucking Tesla's dick over this? Electricity isn't clean or economical.
2. What's the benefit of investing in these when literally every trucking company everywhere has diesel trucks already?
I don't like Pepsi anyway.
Yeah ok I see your angle.
>vote republican
>get your job outsourced
>get your pension gutted
>get your social welfare programs abolished
Gee golly
Corporations like virtue signalling. It's like big donations to charities. They don't give a fuck but it makes them look good. $200k per order is hardly anything.
I still don't understand what's so great about the Tesla truck. The Cummins electric truck is supposed to be on the road next year and goes up to 300 miles. Meanwhile Telsa has no date, not even weight ratings.
Post a pic of your Jonesboner
>Be australian
>laugh at amerimutts every day
>get your country swamped by brown trash
I actually kinda like this design
Yeah. Because it's an actual production ready truck not a sham.
>look at these morons, this invalidates all the stupid shit methed-up truckolds do
Such as? They're on the road for actual purposes.
>4 safety violations that will get you fired instantly
What things will get you insta canned?
Why not cab over like every euro truck?
Whats the point of hood and engine bay if there's no engine?
Looks like something put together in a hurry, just a modified regular diesel truck.
Even if the trucks had auto pilot no one sane would let them go on their own in traffic without someone there to keep watch.
>gets shit on by the most delusional people on the planet
sign me the fuck up famalam.
>be whitey
>claim superiority over all
>get cucked out of existence by 2075
better to go out with a bang than a whimper
Hope we get nuked by north korea
>any day now guys
About 18000 new semi tractors were sold in October alone, so anything Tesla does is not even worth mentioning.
>pepsi ordered tesla trucks
Well the truck kinda looks like Pepsiman if you tilt your head and squint.
Safety. In a cabover truck collisions basically occur in the middle of your face. Also the conventional style allowed Cummins to repurpose an existing production cab with a more aerodynamic hood instead of having to design an entirely new aerodynamic cabover cab. It's mainly a drivetrain showcase, designing entire vehicles isn't Cummins' specialty.
we posting aerodynamics?
That's wicked. Very Gerry Anderson-y.
>pepsifag BTFO
how will he ever recover?
Multi track drifting
Bepis truck
So they will be used in a 100mile radius
Yep sure sounds like long haul. How dumb are you busriders?
>going to be replaced by a dell PC
>isn't worried
lel, truckcucks everyone