What does Veeky Forums think of street racing?
What does Veeky Forums think of street racing?
>Always thought street racing was some super badass Fast and Furious type shit
>Watch videos on youtube
>Nothing but 10 second highway pulls
its gay as fuck
Keep it on the track
Coolest form of racing
as long as it's drifting it's fine by me
Be safe.
Be responsible.
Don’t kill anyone and don’t get caught.
If you break any of those rules then you’re a fucking piece of shit.
Other than that, it’s the best form of racing.
its fun as hell more so than taking to a drag strip
highway pulls are lame as hell tho
Went to see some street racing after Texas 2K earlier this year. Shit was pretty fun until the cops showed up
Why don't Americans race in touges, not straight line
ITT: niggers who don't care about endangering the lives
Do you mean Fast&Furious wannabe in-traffic racing or just going to the mountain pass at midnight and doing runs for fun?
First can go fuck off unless its short highway run, second is cool since they're not putting anyone other than themselves at risk.
we do were just not all weebs that call mountain roads touge
Isn't mountain racing potentially more dangerous than even street racing? I've seen YouTube videos of it and it seems like you cannot stay in your lane while going at high speeds around curves. The probability of finding someone is lower, but if you hit someone that you couldn't see coming while going around the curve then you're probably facing manslaughter charges.
Only pussies race on the street.
>Oh but I wasn't ready
>Oh but the traffic
>Oh but we were already 5 over
>Oh I missed a shift
Take it to the track to weed out the faggots.
Pictured: the last known USDM 240SX, destroyed.
street racing in Rockport is over.
thats not even a 240SX
man that really says a lot about the styling of the s-chassis really
>be nissan
>make "sports car"
>make it look like a cheap fwd shitbox
>no one buys it
>be owner of s-chassis
>want to sell it because the timing belt is worth more than the shitbox itself
>sell it for 200 dollars
>be second hand owner of s-chassis
>do hektik skiddz in it
>wrap it around a lightpost but survive
>buy another s-chassis, now for 1000 bucks
>be another original owner of s-chassis
>have my shitbox sit outside with the windows down since the 90s because the electrical failed
>why bother fixing the electricals for a shitbox
>let it sit
>be kid who inherits fortune
>including the now-rotted s-chassis
>become a boomer
>realize that shitbox whose interior practically melted and there's no metal left on it is now rare
>1997 KOUKI 240SX
The S-chassis extinction is owed primarily to it's bland styling, leading people to believe they were cheap econoboxes, and to lead the ones who did buy them to neglect them and practically give them away.
How's you car running?
I swear if Silvia's were still common people would gobble 'em up instead of Miata's.
Same with 350z, one day they too will suffer the ricer fate.
In Europe 200sx's aren't that common but they range around from 3k (S13) to sometimes 7k for the S14 models.
Or not skilled enough to race in mountain roads because of that stupid "going straight fast" culture
its 100 percent up to the driver perfect example of ripping in the canyons safely, its all about knowing you and your cars limits
go to 3:15
This happened a few blocks from my house a couple months ago. They hit a tree which caused them to lose control and T bone into a light post, ripping the car in half and making it basically unrecognizable
git gud, noobs
All that shows is how easily fatt marah could have plowed into that guy because he was driving irresponsibly without line of sight.
he has perfect control of that car. Matt farah ripping in a 800hp lambo is safer than 99% of the drivers on the road. Your autism will fully progress to terminal if you cant comprehend that
OP here. I actually also live in the West San Fernando Valley. Kek. I actually know people who knew those people.
Clearly stopped with ample time. I think you're just upset over something.
Went to my local street races with another Veeky Forumstist over the summer. It seemed pretty cool, but I would never want to take my car there, aside from the huge legal risk it is very likely that your car get hit when people are running from the cops. Plenty of people were drinking and driving, while we were for "track call outs" we heard gang calls. Later that night we ran into a 3dpd who drove the same car as my Veeky Forumstist freind, we made freinds with her. I later dated her then she broke up with me. Never date a girl you meet at a street race.
t. An autist
street racing is madly dangerous and gets people killed
then comes the other problem; street racing idiots doing like going to tracks
hahahah the fucking methhead in the truck dragging a log by a chain for zero fucking reason
i would have fucking lost it on the retard
The valley has great street races don't they? 626 here for reference, hard to find something decent without settling it up.
Daily reminder, this is why you leave traction control on (if you can) if you are an inexperienced driver. Also practice controlling drifts in snow so you can live when SHTF.
More like you are dead too. I've been around these curves, make sure you beep before taking them.
they've been cracking down on all the popular roads and streets. You'd be lucky at all to meet together in a parking lot without the sheriffs or cops showing up now.
Retarded cunts. If you're going to drive like a fuckwit on public roads, at least do it out of town. I would unironically support the death penalty for people doing this shit in residential areas.
i second this
Lol what?
Log lady blown the fuck out
>I have failed
come to the pocono's we have hillbillies in the mountains so we actually get some of that but instead most of them use landboats instead of jdm tyte machines.
and then there's me who shingo'd it
Best thing ever. I feel warm and fuzzy inside when I meet another car br/o/ and we “race” for a little while then whoever is exiting first flashes their hazards or lights to say thanks for the fun. Feels pretty damn good, like the first time I spread a butt apart and looked at the forbidden fruit from behind.
This is the most depressed looking car I've ever seen.
What car is that?
90% of it i faggots doing highway pulls or drags at sideshows wherin the more expensive car wins 90% of the time and the loser makes some bullshit excuse as to why they lost.
The other 10% is Group B style touge races with actual skill and danger involved which is fucking sick albeit pretty danherous.
Mfw I live in Houston with a large underground and the cops don't give a shit cause we're back in the industrial areas and have up to 1/4 mile strips feels good
In my area flashing hazards is seen as an insult but I can see how it could be a way to thank someone
he was still crossing the centerline on every left turn regardless of visibility. kys
It's when you're ahead that you flash hazards, or if you're behind you flash high beams, people normally understand on the road though, like if someone moves over to let me pass I flash the hazards once I'm ahead of them a good distance, just a quick 1-2 mayweather press.
Come to the Appalachians, specifically the Shenandoah Valley, plenty of Porsche owners throughout because the roads are that good
Never date any girl ever because 100% of them are complete sluts that will leave you for chad at the drop of a hat
because even a slight corner is a challenge to them even when the car is more than capable
Lol wut did we watch the same video?
Sounds like heaven cops are all over this shit in cali
Sesnon St all the way in the north still has shit going down.
That's a corolla in OP not 3kgt
I think street racing should only be done in little to no traffic where you aren't going to ruin someone else's day/life for hooning around like a faggot. If you get caught and they take your license/impound your car and what all amount of modifications you've put into the car is all on you.
It's easy and cheap to run around a local track or drag strip. Sometimes it's even fucking free. Stoplight racing is only gonna show who's car is faster, not which driver is faster. If your car has more power, you could put a 14 year old in the seat and still beat the other guy. What does that prove?
Spoken like a true touge master (that doesn't have a car).
Out here cops come by to check the cars out or to watch the races, on the highways they'll chase your ass down but if your out of the public eye they don't give a shit as long as we keep it clean
that looks nothing like a Corolla
if you reverse search the image you will learn
>One of the brothers lost control of his 1992 Mitsubishi GT 3000
yeah thats how cops are here
they show up to the parking lot and talk cars for a bit and say stuff like
"I better not catch you racing around here yall be safe"
then you go to some road away from the highway and race all night with no problems even though its probably in ear shot of where we just were
Exactly what kind of street racing are you watching on Youtube though? USA? European? Japanese? Retro or current-day?
>what is tooj
and I dont get why people assume its all some ultra dangerous stuff endangering everyone
people usually find shit like this to race on
>mfw I own a 1992 Mitsubishi GT 3000
BMW driving trash btfo
ignore the chasing car behind me going into the oncoming, not my video, just me leading
>tfw never crashed my car street racing
>flip it over driving home after dinner at gf's mom's doing the speed limit
What do I think of wannabe racers wannabe racing?
>replying to newfagay
that's a sexy red
Seconding this, but a lot of people can't do it. You often see a lot of inexperienced people who have never been to a drag strip or track and they think they can just pop the clutch and slam the pedal down and everything will go as expected.
As long as they are racing at time, when nobody is around it is OK.
Otherwise, they deserve ending under the truck.
Is the 944 ok now?
We do but we don't call them tougues like autistic retards. They're called switchbacks here.
He drives a Probe. Arguably worse than not having a car
>Keep it on the track
Will your auto insurance cover it though? If you crash on the track you might be fucked anyway.
I enjoy it when it's organized in a way that doesn't put others at risk. There's a reservoir near my house with a nice windy (albeit kind of shittily paved) road that goes around it that's only got three entrances and we used to have guys go wait on each of the roads leading to the entrance to the circuit with walkie talkies and warn people when there was a car coming so it was kept safe and we got some great racing.
Ill play with other cars but some people take it a little too far. Ive had a couple people blow past in the shoulder when we came up on traffic, and one guy went straight through a red on a turning lane to pass me. I was already stopped so idk what the point was. The most I do when I play is speed.
Track days here are cheaper than losing your life or car in a street race
>What does that prove?
It proves the car is faster. If that means nothing to you then why are you even on Veeky Forums
i'd take instant(ish) death over being a vegetable 2bh
even if I were a vegetable I'd still an hero
not when you lose your life and/or car at a trackday
checkmate trackfags you have more to lose
Yeah? And? You don't go to prison for involuntary manslaughter or lose your license for racing.
Cry more faggot. Just turn in your license if you can't handle a bit of street racing
>it’s the best form of racing.
this is what slowfags actually believe im crying
Do you have trouble following conversations?
that must be a nice tradeoff living in a city thats probably still underwater
Do you have trouble driving? Bitch ass
Ooh burn!
Sure showed him fellow 4channer!
not true user, in my prime racing days we used to burn up my town for hours at a time.
>have a turbo crx that makes roughly 400whp
>super sleeper mode, looks like crap but will fry tire in 5th on the freeway
>hear from a buddy of mine that a guy with a tuned up mustang saleen wants to race
>meet up with him at a gas station on the outskirts of town, talk about how it was going to go down (were racing for gas and props, not cash)
>start off flying through town doing 120+ (thats all my spedo reads) he ends up beating me past a certain stoplight.
>pull over at a gas station and watch the cops fly by, tune my car a little bit, up the boost a little bit.
>pull out on the opposite direction on the same street and do another 120+ pull to the starting point, end up beating him.
it's impossible to do street racing and still be safe and responsible
Maybe if your a shit driver it is
I get to go faster though
If you're driving sub 300 horsepower hunks of daily driving shit, what's the worst that can happen in a drag race?