Do you have any political stickers on your car?
If so, why?
Do you have any political stickers on your car?
If so, why?
no because I am not a dumb and fat american
Trump sticker on my Volvo to piss off cucks and soyboys
Trump sticker on my 300zx to compliment the anime ones
Will it be worth it when some hipster keys your shit?
Weebs will also hang on the day of the rope
They aren't gonna do a damn thing
No sorry I'm already gay
Top tier. I have a trump/pence sticker like that on my jetta but it's fucking dark outside and I don't have a pic with it on.
just how gay tho
Kek, I should get a sticker like this.
Okay nevermind
God the art style on all those stickers is awful
furries are subhumans, no surprise
The “Darwin” sticker really brings it all together
Had a Trump sticker until I realized he was just another cog in the ZOG machine.
You think Hillary would be better?
No, just as bad if not worse.
Being against Trump is like being against God's plan for America.
Is this normal in Australia?
MAGA sticker because I'm not a fucking cuck
based Aaron
No because I'm not autistic.
What has Trump done that has actually benefitted you?
Well, the problem is us. We're more than happy to play along and pretend there are opposing sides to this as long as we get our piecemeal victories over our "enemies", who are merely puppets and pawns. Who cares if Trump builds a wall, at this point it's moot. We're demographically past a point.
If Hillary won, and had she gone balls deep against Assad with the neo-kikes backing then at least the right wouldn't have
1. been handed a hallow victory and laurels to rest on
2. been handed ammo which to expose ZOG further
To me Trump is a placebo
Memes. What has Hillary done?
Cringe memes
Nothing good, her list of scandals goes on for years
You probably are though
Nothing particularly political. There’s also a faded old Apple logo sticker in the left corner of the windshield from when my dad owned the car.
Stop biting obvious baits.
>Get a motion sensing dashcam
>put stickers on your car to trigger soyboys
>capture footage of them in the act
Actually, living in Melbourne I'm tempted to try this with a Taiwanese flag and ROC slogans
It's hard to have stickers or personalised plates and not look like a tosser desu
There is a direct correlation between the amount of stickers on your car and your declining mental health.
If you so, please post results here sometime
people who communicate their ideals through stickers on their cars are the lowest form of life on the planet
Fuck no, I don't want some butthurt bernout to key my car.
Nice bro!
ES6 19J
Not mine...
As if I needed any more reason to think the average Veeky Forums poster has severe aspergers.
Too dumb for paint, smart enough to vote.
Who cares?
I post my plates in every pic, it doesn't matter
lmao. been looking everywhere for the high rez version of this.
Just a "Vermin Supreme for president" sticker. That's about it.
I've got a Reagan 84 sticker on it, because reagan was a great dude and it fits the time period of the car.
Only ever gotten compliments for it
nice space runner purger desu
They won't be able to catch anyone because arr rook same
>because reagan was a great dude
I had a "I
>If Hillary won, and had she gone balls deep against Assad
I have one if these, good for triggering libs
No. No stickers at all, no external decorations, no mods. The only 'personalisation' as such is a couple of dents I haven't fixed yet.
My motorbike is going to get stickers and custom paintwork on the luggage only. Insurance is uppity about custom paintwork, as it's used to cover up structural damage to fairings.
I have a trump pence sticker and a identity Europa sticker on my Durango because FUCK soyboys
Nigger what?
>I promote mouth breathing retards because of a few things I disagree with
And that's the problem with discourse nowadays, it's not about arguments anymore and only about doing as much damage to the opposing side as possible, or to anyone including yourself really just out of spite.
I can see myself following one of these people on the highway for hours and hours, then at the end of my trip, I am either literally hitler or a flaming faggot
I have an NRA sticker on my truck and my civic.
That's fucking funny, also that sticker looks really well placed and fits the car well. kuddos
I have an ironic greens sticker on the bumper of my v8 ute with hollow catalytic converter.
How angry do those chinese people have to be to key a car with the taiwan flag?
Wat did he mean by this?
They are brainwashed by their government to hate the idea of Taiwan being independent with a passion.
There's enough chinese students, tourists and immigrants in the city that I guarantee you'd get someone taking the bait
When I bought a life membership to the NRA they gave me a "NRA life member" sticker. I put it on my back window glass on the drivers side so If a nigger feels like trying me he might think twice, If he doesn't then I guess I'll finally get to trayvon someone. I work in the former murder capitol so the likelihood of being carjacked is moderately elevated
rightist bumper stickers tell me who it's okay to cut off
Real thugs don it big
Do* shit nigga
>my masculinity is so fragile I need to validate it with a fucking bumper sticker
>this thread
amerifats make me cringe to the point of puking
Better not do it in the direction of a muslim, lest you get charged with a hate crime.
Haha so funny stupid bitch. Spreading geographic misinformation hahahaha. Good one, faggot.
You're the expert
No, because I don't want some triggered faggot to vandalize my car because they don't agree with my opinion.
You know I find these memes quite funny. The British literally do not live in a free country. You cannot verbally or in text express opinions your government has deemed "bad". Your government watches you everywhere and acts on collected information to prosecute you if you do anything they don't like. Obesity rates in both nations are similar and your capital city is made up of only 44 percent white britains. So i really don't know what the fuck you are laughing at or who you are calling a fat mongrel?
I've got a rainbow/LGBT don't tread on me flag because I live in the south and I want to be murdered.
I am actually Italian you inbred fucking gallic remnant.
>be an impovrished bread eating european
>have nothing to do because the unemployement rate is unreasonably high in your country
>save hundreds of photos portraying American's in a negative light
>Think about America constantly
>Every time someone defends America shitpost endlessly from your America Hate Folder⌐.
I wonder what it feels like to not live in the greatest nation to ever grace gods earth?
I love reagan because he hated niggers
keked decently thanks you pedophile fuck
t. The US: First World Country, Third World Infrastructure