You're a 60 year old CEO with a garage full of cars who needs to shuttle across town to show up at 9am to chew out...

You're a 60 year old CEO with a garage full of cars who needs to shuttle across town to show up at 9am to chew out subordinates before you hole up in your office for 5 hours to make phone calls threatening other CEOs for no other reason than ego.

What do you drive?

I'm driven.

>Be me, old 60 year old rich CEO
>Get up
>Brush teeth
>Get dressed
>Get coffee
>Grab keys and walk to car
>manually unlock door to old beaten up, rusty faded paint 1994 Honda civic hatchback.
>Fumble with car trying to start engine for 5 minutes
>Let it warm up, then drive work making sure to rev extra loud at every stop light to let people know I drive a stick shift and am better than them
>Park car, and go in glaring at everybody on my way in

>be 60 year old CEO in Japan
>Get up to clean myself and make sure my hair looks nice and cool because i'm always looking to impress the young jap ladies
>put on sunglasses and walk down to my 2017 NSX
>drive off whilst accelerating as hard as possible playing Erik Satie - Gymnopédie No.1
>stop at a red light and see some much younger dude in his original NSX and roll down the window to say "you should get a REAL car son" then speed off
>arrive at work early parking in my personal parking garage with its "NSX" logo on it
>since i have some time to spare i go pick up some fast food whilst walking with a smug look on my face, hands in pocket and cool hair blowing through the wind when i notice some cute young teenage girls and i lower my glasses a bit and smile/wink at them
>get my fast food and walk back to HQ
>take the elevator to my office and sit down with my toy NSX and my master chief bobblehead on display on my desk
"Feels good to be on top"


having your car driven by another is like having your wife fucked by another

But i respect my car tho

but you dont respect yourself

Duh, this still is Veeky Forums, right?

If you're a 60 year old CEO in Japan, you're being ferried around in a Toyota Century. If you do anything else, you'll be ostracized from polite society, and you'll end up in a shitty 1K flat in that giant danchi in Tokiwadaira where people go to die alone and unloved.

got me there

>ceo in a post apocalyptic world

Even if i am ostracized they wouldn't just fire me and have the companies stocks plummet. plenty of wealthy asian dudes in japan who are probably assholes and abuse their employees and people still buy their products in droves so long as its hot and trendy.
>apple CEO comes out as a fag
>don't know how fag culture is treated in Japan but apparently fully knowing this apple products haven't shaken in popularity there




Those wheels look like hubcaps

>60 year old CEO in Japan
>drives an NSX

Those wheels are worth more than you can afford, pal. Ferrari.

That, or a Phantom

dude, nice source.

The NSX isn't expensive (not compared to any CEO's salary anyway), if the middle class in Japan could afford 100k sports cars to prop up the 90s japanese performance scene i don't see why a $150,000 would break the bank of even the most tight-budget CEOs.

Eccentric? Yes, but I feel as if screaming down Wall Street in a car most people would leave in a garage, meant for you to be driven in not to drive would convey a sense of madman that would put the people you chew out on edge for shits and giggles.

What's with the role play story? Am I supposed to chose something outside my taste? Might as well just ask what car people would like to drive to work.

Probably some shitty porsche (take your pick).

>some shitty porsche
Like 1st gen Panamera? Why are you into shitty Porsches?

I'm driven, so I can have 2 glasses of champagne and a stiff Rum Martinez on the way to the office

>because the most successful people are usually drunks


Because they're the perfect mix of "I take driving srsly" and "I can't afford a sports car".

>choosing a car for a status symbol
Why won't you grow a backbone and have your own taste?

nailed it

is Rum Martinez your sex slave

Because I'm a 60 year old CEO with no imagination.
Didn't you read the post?

>Average Japanese CEO
Driven around in Toyota century or take the train. It's either one or the other
>Former president of SunTrust
Drive Lexus es250

I dunno mate most of the Giants in society I've met are driven or drive shitboxes with cool car collections at home.

luxury landyachts are owned by stupid af people who just inherited/won poker games/have someone else managing their money or whatever stupid thing makes them rich
rich people who actually do something to earn money drive stuff like this

If he's here in the USA, it'd be the Lexus LS 460. The older models. I know because my old boss and his subordinates all drive these. Less maintenance than Mercs.




LOL I was literally thinking this also

>be 60 year old me
>wake up at 4
>go to home office to stare at wall for 10 minutes to
>Go for a light run with doggo
>go home
>make coffee
>pet doggo goodbye and hugs and kisses
>hope into base model luxury car
>bitch about infotainment system
>drive to work in shit traffic
>stop and dunkin for more coffee
>enjoy coffee on way to work
>park in personal spot
>get to work early
>shit some more
>basically meeting with workers
>hide in office until 5 shitting even more but taking calls while in the bathroom

>not going to work angry in your le happy car


Capitalism is bad

>has heart attack from all the coffees

two coffees isn't enough for that

>60 year old ceo

I’ll probably tailgate P-platers and homos in shitty little 4cyl 1.whatever hot hatches along the way too.

ask me how I know you are a filthy bogan

Excuse me hick I'll have you know that in the civilized land of Bastan, it's pronounced "Dunkin's"

Spotted the soyboy. Go back to revving your gay little hatchback in the Maccas drive-thru.


Thus was life in upsidedown land

>5:45AM Alarm goes off
>After my morning jog, breakfast and blowjob i proceed to my car
>After driving around aimlessly for a few hours i collect my income from my passive business and come back home acting tired and stressed so my wife gives me goodnight anal

If I have to drive myself (where's my driver? he's fired), black Mercedes S65 AMG.

its the businesses car ;)

Great minds think alike


kek based bruce at it again

Tesla Model X p100d


Rolling in maximum comfort like the President.


but you're not a 19 year old who works at pizza hut

>showering before you defecate in the morning
Absolute heathen

>making sure to rev extra loud
it always bummed me out that you have to have a stick shift to do this

>Be 60 y/o CEO dickhead
>Driving anything other than the AMG SLS black edition

whew lads

i'd commission some fucko from alpina or M or whatever to give it some much needed upgrades while trying to keep it sounding as stock as possible bc they sound nice as fuck
i'd would still drive a 6l b12 e38 stock but hey i probably have money to spend on a few simple mods

>What do you drive?
365 different shitboxes.

or this


I bet you voted Bernie


Almost thought this was a W202 until I saw the file name. Both are highly under rated.

>2004-2006 Volkswagen Phaeton

I'd drive a twingo.
I'd also make everyone that works for me drive a twingo too.

>rebuild transmission every night

>wake up at 11am
>dust Cheeto dust off my chest
>roll out of bed
>pound last warm can of Mountain Dew from the case I didn’t finish last night
>masturbate to trap hentai
>take morning shit
>don’t wipe my ass because that’s for queers
>text mom that I’m low on money
>she sends me $100 to get food and whatever else I want for the week
>get in my HHR
>drive to Taco Bell
>fuckers won’t serve the breakfast menu even though I just got up
>buy more snacks while I’m out
>shitpost on Veeky Forums for a couple of hours about the corvette vs gtr (playing both sides) and how manual is superior to automatic
>play Forza 7 for a couple of hours, buy tokens to buy more cars
>shitpost on Veeky Forums some more

>Implying that thing doesn’t just have a powerglide


Weeb faggot nobody cares how much u know about nipland

I used to have one of these.

Can confirm.

t. 987 s