What are the most difficult cities for driving in the world?

What are the most difficult cities for driving in the world?

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Anywhere in the third world.

I live in Athens Greece. It's pretty intense here some times. Roads are shot and drivers here are aggressive, but at least they pay attention.

As a matter of fact, I feel safer here on a motorcycle than I did in the US.

Probably Mumbai even though I've never been there. Most difficult I've ever seen first hand was Rome.


I live about 10 miles away and had one lesson there just to get me used to moronic pedestrians and retarded road layouts. Every time I've had to go there since passing I feel like I'm still learning.

And cities built before cars in general are just complete shit to drive in, but this is my closest example.

Paris, London, and Tokyo in the first world.
But really this:

I was in Rio last year. True story
For reference, I'm Dutch. Where you'll find thw worlds best infrastructure

LA, NY, SF, Arizona.

Southeast Asia looks way worse than it actually is. It's 90% scooters so traffic continually flows, even if it looks like pure chaos.

Mexico City is the worse I've ever experienced. I can see where in the worst-case it'd take over a day to get in/out of the city; it took me most of a day once, and I was on a dirt bike getting up on sidewalks, squeezing between vehicles, cutting across dividers, etc. In a car/truck I would have gone crazy and just abandoned the vehicle in traffic.

...and it's indeed true that all first-world cities Europe/NA/Asia have basically no traffic at all compared to just about everywhere in the third world. Even the likes of Tokyo, Seoul, New York, LA, London, etc. feel like abandoned ghost-towns by comparison.

Driving in Tokyo is baby mode because no one drives. Parking in Tokyo is fucking Elder God tier.

Changsha, Human Province, People's Republic of China

Holy fuck lanes might as well not exist and it's rush hour all the time every day. Didn't drive there myself but I definitely wouldn't want to.

Washington DC is an absolute fucking nightmare no matter what time of day. Those fucking masons....

Literally any city in India or Bangladesh. If you drive there as a foreigner I can guarantee your car will be flattened by the time you're done driving

Obviously any third world country is going to have terrible driving.
Top contenders right now in America are NYC, obviously, Dallas, Atlanta, Nashville for some reason, and Laredo because it's basically Mexico.

I live in the third world, (ranked one of the world's worst driving countries) and it's not difficult as it is stressful because of the high quantity of cars on the road, bikers who will zig zag through traffic, buses going faster than the actual cars etc.

It sucks, but on the bright side you will never get busted for speeding because there isnt even a speed limit so that's ok I guess

Yup, parking in Japan is so terrible I can't understand why anyone own a car in any city.

London. Cyclists everywhere.

>Anywhere in the third world.
So, New York, then?

Where do you live user?

Boston. fuck massholes.

Don't mix up terrible and difficult. I found driving in NYC pretty easy actually. Roads were still exceptionally straight and wide compared to Europe. From what I've heard the closest equivalent to driving in Europe is the historic core of Boston.

Similar thing here but we don't have wide multilane roads so there is no zig zagging. It's all overtaking into oncoming traffic.

Literally any city in China
Drivers there are maniacs


Houston can get intense sometimes with the mix of people going balls out everywhere, 18 wheelers and dump trucks around the chemical plants and refineries, no spatial awareness gooks, wetbacks with no insurance, and farmer fud driving his f150 10mph below the speed limit trying to find his exit

Sacramento. Or just Lebanon.

you can exclude Macau and Hong Kong, but I don't know why anyone bothers having a car in those cities when everything is within walking distance (within each island in Macau) or have god-tier transport (MTR In Hong Kong)


In Korea it seems to be purely a status thing. I can't imagine most cars get driven more than 1k km a year, since there's nowhere to drive or park, and no reason when it invariably takes longer and is massively more hassle than taking public transport. A motorcycle would make much more sense, yet there's a strong cultural stigma against them.

AFAIK this applies equally in China.

All the more perplexing: they buy cars purely to be seen to own a car, yet they all buy identical looking black/white/silver sedans such that it expresses nothing about them and is totally interchangeable with every other. The rich ones similarly buy identical looking black/white/silver sedans except BMWs/Audis/Mercedes instead of Hyundais/Kias/GMs.

are you talking about the whole city or just the areas with normal houses

>t foreigner who likes (the nice parts of) the city

It's easy to have the world's best infrastructure when your rich population is stuffed into a small region

When Bill Burr did his driving tour of Boston he did note that it was worse than New York and LA.

dont know about the rest of the world but driving in auckland city (NZ) is shit simply because everyone drives big ass suvs they cant even see over

Everywhere (at least in white part of the world) traffic and roads are MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCHER MUCHES BETTER.