*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
>turns on flashers
These faggots will move their equipment during rush hour traffic in the morning and not give a single fuck. I've been stuck in a 20 car lineup behind these guys because the first few douches refuse to pass him, making it impossible for the people at the back to pass.
There should be laws governing when they're allowed to use public roads to move their equipment.
There should also be laws against transport trucks using roadways during the day. 9pm-5am should be the only time they're allowed on the roads, it would mean faster deliveries for them because of reduced traffic, fewer fatalities from shitty truckerfag driving, and faster commutes for everyone who has a real job to get to during the morning hours.
>sees flashing blue and orange lights
>thinks you're a snowplow
>starts wondering why there's a snowplow driving behind him when it's a warm summer day
>starts wondering if he's been drinking too much ethanol
>slows down another 5mph so now he's doing 4mph
Well luckily enough I'm on a motorcycle and can cut the gap.
>There should also be laws against transport trucks using roadways during the day. 9pm-5am should be the only time they're allowed on the roads, it would mean faster deliveries for them because of reduced traffic, fewer fatalities from shitty truckerfag driving, and faster commutes for everyone who has a real job to get to during the morning hours.
Tractor trailers are the least of my concern in the morning. Its the geriatric assholes who have no reason to be awake at 6 in the morning doing 10mph on a side street that is the only street to cut off the main drag, that infuriate me.
i like food so shift down and relax and wait for a clearing
Cry about it.
Did you not like the song? :(
>eating food in your car
He's saying he feels goodwill towards farmers and doesn't begrudge them blocking the road.
>I'm a poorfag jealous of people that can buy expensive equipment and make real money
>it would mean faster deliveries for them
Except for all the time they'd need to spend unloading their truck by themselves because they're delivering to at a business that's closed during the night.
>the first few douches refuse to pass him, making it impossible for the people at the back to pass
At that point I just overtake who ever I can at the time and make it up the ladder until I finally get 2 cars behind the tractor and then the tractor naturally pulls off the road making my attempts wasted.
I'm glad you faggots will be gone within a decade.
not likely increasingly abundant vegan soyboys like you keep eating our shit
>make real money
lol no. most farms are drowning in debt. grain prices are low, cattle prices are low and costs are through the roof. between seed, fertilizer, fuel, and parts costs there's just nothing left at the end of the year.
the farmers you see running around in that shiny new equipment are millions in debt and only one bad year from bankruptcy.
Farmfag here, the government is keeping me alive but I have to have a giant ass windmill on my land
see that's the problem. so many farmers just getting by off government subsidies and racking up unsustainable debt. eventually the industry is gonna crash and it's gonna make the 80s look like just a small blip
the really sad part is most people have no idea just how much of the economy depends on farmers
>comes round corner expecting it to be clear and crashes into you and dies.
>this nearly happened to me, farming vehicles really need some regulations on size or need to have their own paths built or something, these things are stupid
Then they come back from bankruptcy with the same land, the same equipment, the same terrible reputation and go right back at it. One farmer in my area must be heading toward his fourth.
Should go without saying but you probably shouldn't out-drive your vision you fucking retard.
why would farming no longer be profitable?
doubting they buy grain from china now
The price of inputs rose significantly when corn was $7/bu. Land rent and seed in particular. Those prices haven't gone down much and corn is now under $3/bu. The margins have gotten close enough together that it's easy to work yourself into debt.
if you can't see a giant piece of equipment coming at you then you seriously need your fucking eyes checked.
some do yes, some just disappear. don't really understand how they can go bankrupt then just come out of it like nothing ever happened.
$15 beans and $8 corn really fucked a lot of things up. suddenly farmers were rolling in money and many were actually stupid enough to think those prices would hold so they took on massive debt and locked themselves into insane rental agreements. i know plenty losing money on rented ground but they refuse to give it up. they just keep borrowing more and more to pay the rent hoping prices will spike again and make up for all the years of losses
costs are high. my input costs for next year are going to be about $50,000 for 270 acres. assuming i have average yields and with current grain prices i could see about $125,000 in return. $75k sounds pretty decent right? nope once you factor in repairs(combine alone can easily cost $10k per year) then income tax, properly taxes($15k), and insurance costs and you're left making less then some high-school drop out flipping burgers. sad part is that you also work twice the hours and work twice as hard as that guy flipping burgers
tractors on roads are generally legal
Kindly 'highbeam' if he doesn't move his ass after finishing bridge.
After passing 'dakelicht'
If you're cash cropping that many acres you need another job.
>it's legal to not pull over for emergency lights
Thanks for the reading comprehension though, flyover
He just takes the tractor another round and pulls the plow across the ground and sends up another prayer.
yep i have to work a winter job to put food on the table. really tho if inputs costs were actually proportional i'd do fine just farming.
can't believe liberals actually use this term in contempt of the hand that feeds them
Nice assumption, retard
You still have no argument or reading comprehension
>You still have no argument or reading comprehension