Tryhard nerds think learning to operate obsolete technology makes them more masculine

>tryhard nerds think learning to operate obsolete technology makes them more masculine

>meanwhile Chad can get any girl to do anal in his CVT Kia.

>CVT Kia
>thinking chad would drive a kia
>thinking CVT is good

b8 sage

Chans do not care about the car they drive, it could be Kia Sonata, but it would still be the pussy wagon.

Chad would absolutely drive a CVT Kia shitbox because unlike bluepilled nerds and failed normies, Chad doesn't feel the need to compensate for failings in his personal life by driving exotic cars with Flintstones-tier transmissions.

>not putting her hand on the shifter and yours on top while you drive

you an I both know that chad would drive a truck of some fashion because chad knows that trucks will auto pick up chicks so he is free to be chad.

most girls find my manual transmission funny and amusing. They just think it's a novelty and forget about it as soon as they leave the car.

Chad has the skill and dexterity to have a foursome in a Ford Festiva

>not having enough torque and top end to just sit in 3rd

>hey Stacie can you put it in 3rd for me
>what's that mean
>here I'll show you
>grab hand, help her change gears
Believe it or not I've had 2 girls laugh and think it's cute when I do this. Idk why

>anton why is your car so loud?
>anton it's too jerky
>anton what's that vibration?
>anton I'm scared please stop so I can call Chad to pick me up in his Tesla

>wearing out your shift forks and shit for a girl

What’re you, gay?

this is what happens when girls grow up without a dad


mfw I can change gears and hold my ladies hand

More like
>ooh user this is so much fun
>user can you give me another ride
>can we go do donuts in the gravel again please
Idk why she likes my car so much

Anton is the Veeky Forums guy right?

Try to push start your automatic on a weak battery.

Go away shill.

>thinking i give a fuck about chad when i have mountain passes to spin out on while pretending im dagumi

>almost 2018
>STILL using transmissions


Why are autocucks so insecure

Checked for truth.

The truth Veeky Forums doesn't want to hear. Though I actually know a few female car enthusiasts. They might think it's cool that you can drive a MT but Chad's auto Z06 will woo her more than your Miata.

>implying anybody on Veeky Forums cares about women more than having fun in our shitboxes

digits witnessed
quads confirm thots with daddy issues

That's the secret anyway. If you're having fun, making the drive an experience rather than an A to B, going somewhere in a different way, or just doing something you're really good at, the woman in the passenger seat will enjoy it too. and then you can hold hands.

I dont get it.

It's not like you cant manually change gears with an automatic anyways.

He's the new alphonese

>basing your life around getting your dick wet, which isn't hard
>not achieving unity between man and machine

where the fuck do you think you are. You pussycucks are bigger fucking faggots than I thought.

>what are those vibrations
Don't know but they're cool

Holy fuck what a cuckmobile.

Yea cucked as in how I rammed your wife while u watched

TBQH if my gf told me to sell my 2nd car or she'd leave me I'd tell her to leave.

y-yes sir....

i type all of my documents with a movable type printing press. the action of setting each character in place gives me a much greater connection to the words. i bet you use a computer like some kind of soy boy beta.

>thinking this isn't actually a thing

>amerisharts think that pushing a pedal and moving a stick is such a huge achievement

>implying bitches don't like vibrations

You don't have to lean on it fatty

>Veeky Forumstists continue to respond to beyond obvious bait


>muh corvette suspension

>driving friend and his GF home
>she's in front seat 'cause coupe and she's getting out
>ask her if she wants to try and shift
>she's all giddy
>handhlding on the shift knob
>shifting gears with her
>we fuck on the side for years

miss her.