I laughed a little

I laughed a little


its a humor piece before Veeky Forumstists get off their meds over it

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>hahahaha geddit because gasoline cars are outdated and you should quit bitching and give Tesla shekels like good goyim

As soon as they convert all the normies onto fucking electrics, the emissions and such still produced by Veeky Forumstists will become negligible, why can't people leave my hobby the fuck alone?

My cat looks exactly the same lmao

not really. you're just moving the emissions from tailpipe emissions to elsewhere.

if your vehicle isn't plugged in during a sunny and/or windy day, that electricity has to be generated somewhere.
if you plug in at night and it isn't windy, it has to come from somewhere.
if you store it in batteries, those batteries have limited lifespan, and making those batteries is not without impact to the environment.

one of the biggest problems with mass adoption of electric cars is that the grid is not going to be able to handle it, especially in the summer in many climates.

That's missing the point. I'm not interested in the logistics of electric cars or whether they will accomplish what they claim, let them have their cars, just dont fuck with me and mine

long tailpipe hypothesis is mostly bullshit
in terms of co2 emissions per mile, a gas car only beats an EV if it gets like 40mpg and the ev is charging in central new jersey and some bits of texas which are heavy coal

for everything else, emissions wise, EVs shit all over em

this right here is the main problem with the EV camp. they refuse, either through stupidity or willful ignorance, to see the bigger picture of what EVs will actually mean for the environment and the planet as a whole.

so, if you're referring to the whole environmental damage of lithium mining, that's also been mostly debunked, although there's certainly still problems there but it's exclusive to china

there's this notion that china is the source of all lithium (it isn't)

It's going to be a 0.4L 300hp small hatchback.

>they refuse, either through stupidity or willful ignorance, to see the bigger picture
look in the mirror bud. In general power stations are much more efficient than the ICE in you car, unless you're doing about 40mpg as aforementioned... I don't even like EVs, I'll drive an ICE until I die, but I get the environmental benefits. If normies want to take it upon themselves to drive boring EVs that don't run on badass ground up dinosaur bones like my 50 year old truck, let them

This guy gets it let the masses have the electric car. I’ll still have my hobbie cars hell i’ll probably get an electric car or truck too. I genuinely enjoy working on engines and cars ive been doing it my whole life and ill do it untill i die.

Yeah, here's some whataboutism for you

You can talk about emissions per car all you want, but all new car production rapes the environment something fierce, from mining common metals like aluminum and iron to shipping materials and vehicles on container ships burning bunker fuel and polluting as much as several chinas. Fuck, the plastic in your dash came from somewhere - probably some oil sands.

I don't see why we're so obsessed with marginal emissions reduction in personal transport when greater industry dwarfs it and constantly updating personal transports is just fueling greater industry, which remains more or less emissions exempt as long as they lobby hard enough

You want clean air, get rid of the cars. Period. And tell the kikes running factories and big ships to get over themselves, forego the fifth swimming pool full of diamond-encrusted mclarens, and start running a little cleaner despite the cost.

>just moving tailpipe emissies to somewhere else

True and not true, although your still creating emissions the fuel that will power that power plant will make that electricity in a much cleaner way and provide more power to more people.

Your gallon of gasoline is an incredible waste on a single car, where as that same gallon if burned in a power plant could have created less emissions, and been used more efficiently.

Sounds like a marginal improvement but not much. I'd buy it if you were for retrofitting existing cars instead of manufacturing brand new 5000lb shitboxes.

you're underestimating how efficient electric motors are, how efficient baseload power generation is, and how inefficient gas is
Also, emissions from transportation is actually a pretty big chunk of the emissions picture, and comparatively pretty easy to tackle. Not to mention once you make an EV once it goes through the used market for a long time afterwards


ignore the annoying title
this article has a ton of raw data and dispels a lot of the common counter arguments like
>long tailpipe (evs just mean more coal)
>cars aren't that important for emissions
>ev's are too dirty to make


even if going from gas to EV only breaks even pollution-wise, isn't it still a good thing to keep the pollution outside the cities?
i'm assuming power-plants are distant enough (not sure if that's true)

oh, turns out livermore labs made another one for 2016, cool

>coal dropping from 18 to 14.2 in only three years
gat dayum they're getting fucked in the ass

>once you make an EV once it goes through the used market for a long time afterwards

I'd like to see some statistics on that. Particularly as it applies to the economics of battery replacement vs scrapping the EV and buying new.

older EVs i cannot speak for but battery replacement is becoming something of a myth in an of itself.
Tesla packs will lose on average 10% of their original capacity, even the early ones with SHITLOADS of miles on them.
this is mostly because they charge cleverly and the cooling system keeps the batteries at a nice temp.

chevy volts for instance also have excellent battery life retention because of great battery thermal management, but also chevy severely de-rated the capacity at the factory to avoid over or under charging.....they were a little too trigger happy and you can code an extra 20% kilowatt hours out of a volt cell without any noticeable effect.

So at worst, battery replacements will be in line with engine replacements, around 200k miles, but probably way longer

also here's the mpg emissions equivalent map
essentially this map means that, in order to "beat" an ev for emissions per mile you need to have a gas car with that much MPG, per state.
this is from 2014 and these numbers will be slightly higher now as coal trails off and natural gas ramps up and renewables spread around

you have proven my point about willfull ignorance.

debunked by whom? who payed for the studies? mining consortium's? scientist on the government dollar who have a vested interest in turning everyone fuel source into something government owned?again, the EV camps prove my point that you are willfully ignorant.

>tesla provides biased data to support its making of an empire of electric cars

are you that stupid?

uh, what data did tesla provide in my post? the chart is from lawrence livermore and the various infographics scattered through that article are by other labs and research groups

>scientist on the government dollar who have a vested interest in turning everyone fuel source into something government owned
Ok so, you should probably meet or talk to some actual scientists in any field and float that as something they might be motivated by. They're going to be really confused because that's a hella roundabout way to get a marginal pay raise and in may ways, that's not how it works

keep living in a dream, user. maybe one day you will see just how connected everything really is when you stop accepting what your fed and start following the money.

is this mindset the root of all the "climate change is bullshit" talk?
is this mindset what allows you to ignore so much contrary evidence?

so its barely better but can't do a 3 hour road trip without making it a 4 hour road trip to charge.

made me think

considering most cars are crossovers and most crossovers get like 25 combined on a good day, i'd say its more than barely better

You know what the funny thing is? New cars like the Civic get over 40mpg. So yeah, it is better to have a gas car, depending on the car.

Lithium Mining is extremely bad for the environment, not to mention that batteries have severe limitations. I'm all for new shit, but just consider a few things:

>Batteries hate extreme cold and heat, thus suck ass in places like Canada

>Batteries can only be charged so often, and the amount they can be charged decreases each time, reaching end of life at around 15-20% degradation. Recycling those batteries is extremely bad for the environment

>You have to build charge stations, and have them charge fast. That deceases battery lifespan an insane amount.

>If charge times aren't fast (think 5-10 min like it would for filling up gas), line ups will be stupid long

>The grid would need a major upgrade to handle all those cars charging at once.

>Need to design fail safes, especially in places where natural disasters are a common occurrence. Would you want to be stuck in the middle of a road while tornado approaches because your car is out of battery? What about just driving through sketchy areas?

Those ALL need to be solved before mass EV adoption can occur

He needs a gasoline powered car because his electric cars aren't profitable.

as long as there are people that have something to gain from a complete takeover of EVs (specifically the people who write the regulations and would see a rise in income via utilities tax from EV cars)

and as long as the carbon tax model remains the central talking point of any government looking to combat climate change while they ignore viable options that dont include lining their pockets then yes I remain skeptical in the extreme about any evidence put forward in support of EV environmental superiority and mans impact on our obviously changing climate.