Super Eurobeat is gonna end at at 250


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Wow it's fucking nothing.

it's not like anyone here would listen to anything but initial D soundtrack but meh...
kinda sad anyways

my 500 gb eurobeat folder begs to differ



1 good song for every 10,000 shit ones

thats just off the top of my head
it is without doubt the greatest genre on Earth

good, it's fucking trash

Dog fuckers don't get to decide what's trash or not

all shit sorry

is this eurobeat? i like it

>Going through 1-200something super eurobeat album collection picking out the good ones
>Just delete everything before SEB40 or so
>Still only at SEB70 or so after several hours of skip-listening to filter out obvious shit
There's so goddamn much

Yes, I do, and it's all fucking garbo retardo

stop giving out the (yous) to bad Anonymouses

this is more hardcore / happy hardcore

>not liking Sophia's Soft Time
Italo Disco > Eurobeat purely by the quality of all the tracks, even if Euro has the better one shots

wait, are we waifuposting now?

yiff in hell

>Travis Stebbins

Is that actually Ken Blast? That's one hell of a way to find out.

And another treasure is swallowed by the sands of time.

>no euroflash
fucking plebs

super eurobeat exists outside of the initial d soundtrack?

^this is eurobait

That is a name he uses, yes.

>Ken Blast
this faggot killed eurobeat

where's the megalink?

I'm fucking done, mass suicide when?

Eur/o/beat will live on.

Wat is a eurobeat?

Take note that this is yet to be officially confirmed by the almost beleaguered (by now) avex trash.. If it turns out to be no more after that volume, the remaining Italian eurobeat studios may take their own ways (digital singles, own compilations, etc.), renegotiate with the Japanese, or later disband in the case of a select very few. If it turns out to be another long delay after 250, then vol. 251 might be released in 2019 or 2020.

Who cares, there's thousands of Eurobeat songs.

>Franz Tornado
Hell yeah.

mlp and anime shit killed eurobeat

>>Just delete everything before SEB40 or so
this faggot serious?

>SEB a spinoff from HI-NRG
>HI-NRG a spinoff from italo disco
>italo disco a spinoff from disco
so what will be a spinoff from SEB?

TEB already exists

whats TEB

this is wrong though