League of Legends General - /lolg/

OLD: If everybody replies to this thread Jax will kill Klein in his sleep edition.

Other urls found in this thread:


fuck klein

Xth for Akali!

This Ezreal isn't retarded

Lulu will assist Jax but only if you reply with "cuddly purple fuzzball"

I HATE Akali

Is there a counter to talon in mid? Is he just the pantheon of the midlane?

I wanna slap dem tids

>This person is still allowed to enter Riot's main offices.

How do you guys feel about this?

>%Hp damage


xth for Syndra

Jax, we're counting on you

use your range to bully him
he's a bit like a fizz that doesn't need to land his fish

i mean easily half of lolg is full of losers that can't even talk to a girl and have to pretend post females and say they want to suck cock so i can see what he means

You really need to play around the rake cooldown

If there's a caster minion about to die and it's up, you need to be nowhere near it

>29 cs
>sejuani is 0/1 but no one in the enemy team has a kill

That's alright user. I can respect your opinion.

This is a reminder to drink your milk

Reminder Taric is disgustingly broken right now

NOBODY seems to be talking about it either, abuse while you can.

I want to kiss Kog'maw on the cheek!

But I don't like goat milk

CLG definitely put in the best performance NA has ever had internationally and are /myguys/, but TSM were an objectively.better team in Summer last year and Spring this year. Xmithie is a good jungler but they needed a change, they ready have a top shelf shotcaller + Darshan and being that Xmithie is also vocal it was too many cooks in the kitchen- it's nice seeing a trade that works out for both sides, Miss E gets to run his plays with skilled plug and play top and bot laners and Dardoch gets to shut up and do his thing

>reinforces the idea that every woman you see is a pontential romantic partner
thats literally the fucking point of our existence

>99% of lolg won't have a political office so they shouldn't like or dislike somebody for being a political extremist

she died to little raptors

tfw lactose intolerant

they told me i would be a manlet if i didnt take calcium tablet
Well I never did and Im still 6'1 goatfuckers

No i said lolg is full of faggots like YOU

Has sunday morning/afternoon always been premium ranked hours? God damn.

fake news by the noxian lugenpresse

Life's really depressing when you put it like that.

I want to bully Lulu and breed her out of combat

>implying it isn't already super fucking depressing


>The guy defending a literal cuck saying that you should talk to women is calling another person a faggot

>competitive BSing is fine. Hate speech? Not so much

I just got this as a did you know in the loading screen
First of all what did they mean by "BS" (bullshitting?) and second of all I doubt there are no bans issued for competitive trashtalk

Brand is my favorite champion

>4 great, interesting designs
No wonder he's the lead designer for Evelynn

>It's a "I pick Ivern in gold elo and every single lane of mine proceeds to feed their anus off and gets caught/fights alone every time i turn my back to do a buff so we can't contest anything because we're 4v5 all the time but it's my fault for not holding their hand all the time because I'm playing the jungler

I hope you like getting cc chained

>Well I never did and Im still 6'1 goatfuckers

But user, that's still short

Someone give me good ZIllean art. I need to get motivated if I have to support for my retarded friends.

terrible fanbase but based
annoying little shit, good design
Kinda cancer but unique and fun to play

I love this map and want to breed him

Yeah, I called my lane opponent a fucking nigger waste of oxygen, but I also said lol jk after and still got banned. Competitive BSing is okay my ass.

>put cursor on enemy, right click, and use spells in any order
>good design

Did I mention he can only do le epic tech punk unless somebody holds his hands and tell him to do something else (gnar)

Zilean is a midlaner mate

I want to work at Riot and be the champion designer League needs

>annoying little shit, good design

motherfuckin uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Serious question. How do I become a Riven main? Buy a smurf and practice Riven till I reach my normal elo?

>Not cancer
Other 3 are alright. Ekko was cancer when his numbers were fucked but he has become a good designed midlaner

Huhi's gf is so kawaii

xth for breast metal waifu

I spent all afternoon playing Pokemon Go and didn't see a single legendary raid :(
inb4 >>/vp/

You love big smelly willys

will you design exclusively lolis and yordle girls?

I want to work at Riot in the music department

Would League be better off if red / blue smite were trash-canned and tracker's knife was the default jungle item? Feels like red smite is dumb as fuck. It feels shitty to play against as a laner and as a jungler you're potentially hamstringing yourself by not getting it if you end up in a 1v1 or skirmish with the enemy jungler. Blue smite is sort of ok but if you got rid of red smite it'd be weird to keep the choice between either blue or tracker's.

Extra emphasis on warding and less on super strong early ganks or obnoxiously strong junglers seems like it just makes sense

I want to work at Riot animating champions

I want to be a designer and create the first shota champion.

you literally just need someone who recomends you to riot and you'll probably get hired in anything you want.

>using Japanese when describing a Korean
I hope you know that this would get you killed.

odds soloq
evens deus ex human revolution
0 watch friends

Why do you silvers come up with the absolute stupidest shit and say "are boots toxic to the game i think league would be better if everyone had 300 movespeed" or something like that


I don't know enough korean words senpai

I want to work at Riot offering relief for all the men.

How can MF run in high heels with such massive udders?


Mid or support?
Best skins?

She doesn't, she struts.

The word you're looking for is 'gwiyeopda', you uncultured swine.

Why are Sonas breasts so big?

Why is Sonas everything so big?

kys bandit where's my invite

Best girl.
Best pussy.
Best wife.

Very important poll - champion themes edition


what about cheesing with 1 MS quint on MF ADC?

With her W she gets basically the highest out of combat MS in the game, and thus benefits the most of the 1.5% increase

>Easily winning game
>Look at enemy team
>They have no real range
>A support ryze with no damage
>Top lane feeding hard while blaming everyone

I felt bad for their adc who was having to deal with this shit. Of course some part of me feels like if it were reversed they would make fun of me for it.

LoL High school Anime when?!

I need to watch the Riv, Yas, Zac, love triangle!

Do you work for Riot and design the next champion? Otherwise this poll is pointless.

Classic > Zombie > Spirit Fire > Vandal > Apocalyptic > Cryocore

Can someone tell me how exactly i should play Thresh? I get just land hooks, but when is the best time to Re-activate Q to dash to them, When is the best time to flay? Best way to harass? I wanna learn him but i don't want my matches to be complete shit while learning him.

Lets get real with all those champs he did some good work

Who the fuck is bandit?

wheres the loli option

huhi's gf gwiyeopda!


That's because the community on league is mostly a hugbox, even more so now because of the honor changes. If you dare even give a regular suggestion they will freak the fuck out.

I'll see you all there


This is Urgot. He's going away soon, so if we could all get together to say something nice about him, I'm sure he'd appreciate it.


>win match
>team honors adc
>i dont give any honors
>they get the bonus thing for getting 3 or more honors
>they asked why theres an honor missing
>"because your support got the highest kda ratio. earn an honor, dont assume you'll get it"
>50 messages later they are pulling some bullshit to guilt trip me
>"i honor those that deserve it, not those that expect it"
>get reported
i honor only those who deserve it.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>no cyborg yordle option
Shit poll

ilu babe

hold it! this is a no bully zone

He doesn't have the worst win rate anymore now that Kayn exists!

Riot is literally holding this man back, holy shit.

>Practically reinvented the whole "Get 3 stacks to do Additional Damage" mechanic League had without it being literally "HUR HUR TRUEST O' DAMAGEST" copy paste that Vel'Koz and others are of Vayne
>Make 4 well known and very well received champions regardless of cancer player base
>His name isn't going to lead to an autistic self-insert like Ezreal's faggot ass

Either give him a promotion or let him move on to greater heights.

I'm gonna miss you, bud. You were a lot of fun to me.

You were the most fascinatingly ugly creature i have ever seen

He is also the designer of Jhin

I'll miss you so much.