Are these the perfect wheels or greatest wheels of all time?

are these the perfect wheels or greatest wheels of all time?

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Doesn't look like the planet gears actually spin, so what's the point? Exactly the same wheel but without the extra gears would be drastically lighter.

The thumb in the catalog looked like teeth (with fangs) and oreos.

That doesn't look very balanced only the top planet is touching the ring

It looked like those cookies that came in tins everyone mistakes for actually containing cookies.

Also of those did spin wouldn't they need oil?

Only gear III looks like the teeth are meshed on both sides, so to me it looks like they are just bolted in place and rotate as one whole assembly. Pretty shitty overall and I would never ever want them even if the individual gears did rotate through the wheel. How much do these things weigh?

>those cookies that came in tins everyone mistakes for actually containing cookies

It's ugly so no. You're presumebly going to put them on a GS300 or some diesel Merc aren't you. Faggot.

Old women put their threads/needles/knitting materials in them. Stupid goat fucker.

That's the dumbest thing I've seen in a while. Unless the gears spun, which it looks like they dont, that's absurdly stupid and heavy.

>that's absurdly stupid and heavy.
wouldnt be the first time

Retarded wheel design.

If the planetary gears actually worked like they should, the car wouldn't move, because the center gear (which I presume is bolted to the axle) will spin freely, but the outer gear will not move.

Either way, it looks heavy as fuck and ugly.

that's just an illusion from the angle. i think it is recessed like all the others

looks kinda sad


who would win, those rims or a teeny tiny pebble?

Look at them all in relation to the center gear. They are all lined up with that with the same offset, showing the top one isn't positioned differently than the others.

Also look at the top where you think the gears are meshed. The teeth don't line up. They aren't meshed. The viewing angle just makes it look like they are at a quick glance.

shortbread cookies are the tits, if you dont like them you arent white


Do you dunk them?
Be very careful in choosing choosing your next post.

Those look like amature cnc shop steampunk ass. Kys, OP

aero and wire rims a best

Is this real?



Not OP, but you're a fuckchild if you don't.


I love them, where can I get them?

I am referencing the fact that many times the time are reused for other things and do not contain cookies, not that they don't contain real cookies.

autism at its finest.