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Ducati is Secksee edition

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First for suzuki milkers

First for Italian bikes are pure secks.

>everyone behind Yamaha as usual

Why couldn't they put these in TLJ



When will ducati stop copying honda?


To be fair the 1198 is nothing more than a modern day 916. Now, you could say that the 916 was 'inspired' by the NR 750, but if you do say that I'll just pretend I haven't seen your comment.


>planning to de-restrict KLR650 despite low forehead
>haven't bought carb kit yet
>haven't bought slipon yet
>drilled holes in airbox first thing
>bike is now difficult to start and runs like trash until fully warmed up

h-here we go

You suzuki fags are a bunch of milk drinkers

Yeah all sports bikes look the same and they are all ugly

the "carb kit" is to account for the difference in flow when changing other things on the bike. They work as a system. You can't just drill holes in your air box without adjusting the carb and expect it to be better.

same applies for white people

We are in agreement

out of tits like these? you bet

m-must resist... fapping...

It totally was though, down to the heavier, floppier swingarm.

>mama mia, how utlitarian
>*makes it look good*

Honda has been running with the design language founded with the NR too, and uses red and white just as often as ducati, so, yeah, they rook simirar.

how long before this falls off

I don't know why people say modern Ducatis are so sexy, I don't like the looks of the 1199 and V4 at all. The 1098 is the last actually good looking Ducati.

Where did you ride today dbt? I made it about 50ft and thats it

Ree forgot pic

I think the Panigales look good, but not nearly as good as the 1098 and 1198. Then again nothing really looks as good as them.

>made it 50ft
>bike broke


i see you didnt answer his question or post your own bike.

>a bunch of snow
>bald meme tires
Yes the bike broke of course

Idk, user, to be the 1199 is just as sexual as the 1098/916.


to me*
or not to me? That is the question.
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous typos,
Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them: to ride, to sleep

Post strips



the right side is thicker

uh, give me a minute

Probably never. I've had one stuck on for at least eight years now.

the urus suv is ENTIRELY shivvy's fault

im gay

How do I get gud?

t: Miata General poster.

I was straight until this year.

>waiting for a good bike to show up for sale



>waiting for money to buy all the good bikes I keep finding

I don't think that's how it works

>Trying to find garage space for more bikes

Post it /dbt/, post that bike in your local CL that you would buy right now if you had the money and space. I know you've got one.

My ancestors are smiling on me, Ducuttyfag. Can you say the same!?

Holy shit guys, time for a blog post

I picked up my first bike(fz-07) today after waiting a while after taking the MSF course.

It's so fucking fun. I was riding it all day in 40 and under weather. Plan on doing it all tomorrow as well.
Should've done this way sooner.


should have gotten a turbo busa

What bike does Comfy Guy ride?


major service is coming up on that bike. Better have an extra $1500+ for that. $9k is a bit pricey...for that kindof money you can get an 848 corse se with more features and will be cheaper to insure.

A 1981 Honda GL500 Silver Wing

why did UJMs fall out of favor in the American market?

People realized wind protection is good.

Levels never before seen.

$9k is not pricey for an 1198S with under 10k and all that money in parts, upcoming service or not.

it is for a bike thats been down. Look real close at the left side of the bike. I can point them out for you if you cant spot them.

Huh, didn't even notice that, good eye.

Dont forget about the missing S sticker on the side that's been down. And the miss matched fairing bolt colors, the S has all black fairing bolts. I think the owner replaced that entire side or panel with a chinese kit or from another 848/1098/1198. Keep looking dude there are plenty of these bikes out there.

6 months riding a bag of shit death trap till I found the perfect deal
hang in there

are triple headlights a bit garish?
I want to be seen but don't want to look a bellend


I love my XT, and am an absolute Yamaha fanboy, but they don't offer a cheap 400-500cc bike for daily commuting in the city.

I wanted an FZ07 at one point, but after riding one, it just isn't appealing to have that much power, so I can't justify the cost. I really liked the feel of the Honda CB500X though, and it retails new for the same as the CB500F out here.

Should I look at getting a CB500X? I don't want a used bike for my second bike, because I plan on financing for a few months since I already have good credit. I just wish there were a Yamaha alternative, like a 400-500cc naked or similar, out in the US.

./r9k/ nobike here

Does having a motorcycle help in attracting a 7/10 girl /dbt/?

Nope. Just like lifting weights, driving cars, playing sports, etc... Some girls will notice, but dudes will notice a lot more.

Motorcycles only attract other dudes and the occasional lesbian

Get the fz07, it wont take long for you to want more power on the cbr. And why are you against getting a second used bike? Just get a clean one with low miles

Ah yes, the myth of the hot biker chic...

Do figure eights in the parking lot until you drop it, then forget about it and go ride.

Get the fz07. You dont have to be full throttle

You literally can't get any comfier...

Sheepskin seat cover with gel would make it comfier

Because I want to finance, and I don't believe in buying used from the stealership, not for motorcycles. I mean, I could in theory wait twice as long and pay cash, but I like the idea of having a second auto loan on my credit score because my last one is becoming less and less relevant, and your score is affected greatly by the kind of loan, as opposed to just paying off a credit card over time to maintain.

only a fool ignores the two second rule
starting to pour? make it four

The more I look at this picture the more I am entertained.

If you are set on buying new make sure you buy something you will enjoy for a long time. Even if you say you wont want anymore power, trust me you will. I test rode the cbr500r and 500x at a demo day and they were pretty gutless, and thats coming from a drz rider

>twisted radiator up after dumping bike in sand pit while riding with CC81PT and Wombat Combat
>finally get around to fixing it so my plastics fit right again
>probably could have bent radiator back
>two little sheet metal arms the hold it in place were mostly what was fucked up
>new radiator didn't come with the little tabs
>get to wait a week for parts
>flying to NY for three weeks on Monday so 701 will sit in garage in pieces like all my other bikes

get the fz07.

74hp isn't too much power. if it's too much money then sure get the cb500f.

i feel safer with power on tap. hate feeling trapped around cagers with no power to get me out of trouble.

and bikes are meant to be fun.

This if comfy guy is sportan.

Huh, I didn't know the 701 has a single piece radiator, don't know why that surprises me so much.

my new sports clutch shaves 30grams off my bike

I guess I'll take another look at the FZ07 then.

Still waiting quite a while anyway, and I may end up with an MT07 if the price is right, since I plan on buying well into 2018.

girls definitely do look when i'm on the bike. but i'm 6'4 and make my gsxr 600 look like a pocket bike so that could be the reason.

It has the trellis frame so nothing blocking it from being one piece. Fucker was $450.

sick of waiting at the red light every bastard night that I know is never going to change

is there some kind of tool to get the traffic lights to think I'm a car and sense I'm there

yes, theres a magnet. Let me remember how its called.

my gsxr is very comfy, and very broad power for comfy power delivery

that guy looks huge

What's the best way to prepair for driving in traffic for a new rider?

What does Veeky Forums think of the 2018 tu250x?

uhm, its kind of shitty.

I mean yeah it looks good and doesn't have a meme kickstart like the sr400, but it struggles to do 80mph. There's really no reason to get one, when every other starter bike is better.

helmet huds when

You'd be happier on a GW250. I know Suzuki isn't the highest quality brand, but the GWs are good enough to learn on for a year before selling it private party, and they're super freaking cheap.

I wouldn't use it for anything but learning though. I'd also highly suggest the CB300 if its engine wasn't a catastrophic failure.

Just get a craigslist meme bike for super cheap, it will only need to last you 10-15k miles before you trade up.

looks like they dragged out a really old design and said: we can make "retro" money