Midriff edition.
Incoming nerfs
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Midriff edition.
Incoming nerfs
Official Website:
Tool for deckbuilding and card checking
Useful Links: pastebin.com
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>go second
freaking epic hearthstone killer
>you so much as go second, you lose
>you so much as miss a single curve, you lose
>tfw getting surprisingly good results from Dread Shift
>chemo edition
I like it
Glory be!
>emoting urias/vaniafag
Just more condiments for the salt. Definitely feel satisfying when you go through that bullshit and win.
Idol expansion when? I want to make my tanuki posse deck with Miria as the wincon.
What happens if you sea queen Saha?
Saha's fanfare doesn't activate when you play her.
She'll cost 0 and have nothing to summon unless you draw something next turn.
post more chemo bros
>tfw Ephemera gave me lethal to win against a faggot Dragon whereas if I had played Alice, I wouldn't have because I'd be 1 off
>against a bloodfag
>he's a GM
>still playing neutral blood
If only there was a way to convey a message to him that he's a fucking asshole.
>NEET + Evolved Enhanced Albert
Reminder that Eris is young and fertile.
Are we watching this guy?
holy shit kyb shadow mirror is boring as fuck.
Did they finish rigging the leader poll yet?
Seraph is surprisingly good. Snow white and naoisse are really good, I just hope neutral is gutted so I can play baldy again.
>getting rekt by Cannonmeme CSword
He was playing fucking Deepwood Forest.
post list
>forced to do solo dailies because Vampy's cancer has spreaded to unranked
Snow white needs to be 3pp, there is no excuse for having a 2pp 3/5 rush that comes with a built-in rahab dog enabler
What is the best deck to play when you're high on weed?
Neutral spawn blood
3/5 rush ?????
Bring back pre nerf LB.
kiss your brother
Is the combined stats of Snow white.
x3 seraph is a must.
Burn Rune
It's not rush though, only tove gets rush when you play another card on its turn.
So Otomeme is a 6PP 7/12?
I really hope that dread-shift becomes the new t0 deck since it'll mean that they'll either have to nerf dread queen (free vials) or d-shit (which finally puts an old cancer to rest). Theres really no way to fix it without gutting earthrite entirely.
How about fucking no. It basically deleted 2/3 of the decks in the game and was a sick joke cause you just alternated grimnir and bakamut while you sat on them
>NEET + Siren's Tear
Cry more shadownigger.
No, because an early curve autoevolve actually matters unlike a midgame 1/2 that are easily cleared for no significant loss
Regular DShift hard counters DreadShift though.
It loses outright to aggro, so it's ok :^)
>He thinks the QotDS version of the deck is good
It's inferior to the original. The only reason it can work right now is because it is heavily teched against Blood.
yeah because an evolve on turn 3 isn't fucking broken specially when that 2 drop can trade freely with almost all 2 drops or even 3 drops and enable a 2pp ward.
Try tempo bats
Cry more Seraph players.
i knew shadowniggers were subhumans from /gbfg/
fuck off
Actually it doesn't since it banks on all the healing\removal from the earthrite engine + saha\luci\israfil.
If prenerfed LB was still in this game, spawn fags wouldnt be a problem.
>play memeshift
>shift turn 10
>play regular dshift
>shift turn 7~8
Yeah sure.
And if I pulled out of your mom at the right time you wouldn't be either.
A deck like this
That deck is completely different from regular DShift. They aren't comparable.
What is dreadshift? I unpacked 2 dread queens and would like to put them to good use. I played with pic related but it wasn't too good.
>skull beast in this day and age
How often does that pup help you against blood? Maybe late game fuel for demon eater, what else?
Well you should have because my mom is my sister. Fagboy.
Spawn wouldn't be a problem, shadowniggers wouldn't be a problem. Nerfing zell was necessary but LB was a travesty.
Post dick, also how can you compete with neutral tempo?
>Potential nerf
>complaining about a literal meme deck
yeah lets also nerf disco dragon rite guise???
Not him, but you should understand the value of a 1 drop in this day and age, especially for a craft like Shadow in which it looks to fuel its wincon fully before dropping it.
>dragoncucks still crying that there bullshit full board banish card got nerf
Is there any better feeling than a shitter wasting a Themis on your spell immune followers?
Honestly I prefer Apocalypse D-shift, the meme'est variant of them all.
Go back to bed son, and don't forget to throw away that pillow with the anime tiddies on it you fucking weeb.
>dusting anything from a current set ever
>justifying putting a 1-drop that gives you only one extra shadow
I don't
There's also the lack of Lyrial and Skullcradle Widow.
>Only 7 Tove
>He went to this extreme length to tell us all that he's below AA rankings
Next you'll ask if Cygames will delete a whole class from the game I bet.
Shit luck my firend.
>He can't even guessed my rank right
Better than playing a regular gob, and playing nothing on turn one is a huge tempo loss even if you go first. There's no deck that has a positive win rate against spawn (not sure about neutral cat) so not much I guess. You could replace them with phantom howl and death breath with other shit but they work for me
I only play lyrial in neutral engine, I don't find her effect that good to justify taking out a squasher or an eater. The widows are right there
>mad hatter
why would they nerf a terrible card?
>have Blood dailies
>screw it, might as well play Neutral and get some points in ranked
>immediately queue into D-shift
Best decision I made all day.
Dshift. Just try it. It'll be hilarious, I swear
If you think that getting 2 shadows plus a body for 1 PP is not good value, may as well not put any chimeras, cerberus or catacombs in any midshadow deck right?
Well, i bought it with your money, pops.
I fall over and die crying. Even perfect curve just can't match that kind of stat generation when it's cards from the old age. Powercreep isn't a meme when everyone gets heavy knights, 2pp sage commander, and 4pp sage commander: Hand Edition. I guess they did fix everyone's hurting tempo lists by giving everyone the same broken bullshit
Considering your horrendous spelling you're probably have ESL and that means you've mained blood since the start of WD so either you're pic related tier or still pic related.
If they nerf Tin Soldier because of Teatime, Mad Hatter would be affected too.
So she is the new haven leader right?
Avatarposting is againts the rules you know?
That's coming out of your college fund hope you know. Hope that Asunakamatata character is planning on helping you complete grad school, nerd.
They won't nerf Soldier idiot. They'll nerf Teatime itself.
Why the fuck would they decide to nerf two cards over just 1. We already know that post nerf the viability doesn't matter.
Just starred anything that potentially get nerf (remember ToS?) this card is not that expensive anyway.
nice comeback
I started in RoB, how do I otomemer? Realized I had two of them sitting around.
Could you guys help me make the meta great again?
How good have those widows been doing? Being 1/2 is awkward when most of your followers have similar low stats. Do you even keep her in your opening hand going first?
One problem I struggle with skull beast is that I never get it on curve and it appears late game.
Quite probably. She was pretty popular in both Japanese and Reddit community polls.
You're welcome, shitter.
Dad. Remember i told you i wanted to shine and become a star? Well... I plan on becoming a full time streamer. You can forget college.
Who's ready for another month of Eachtar and shadowniggers dominating the meta again after the massive blood nerf?
They nerfed Gobu over Roach.
im ready to quit
what happens if Shadow isn't T0 after the nerfs?
as long as /svg/ tourneys ban shadow im fine
>Topdeck walfrid
>Reduce him so he's not a brick next turn
They are good if you don't draw a soul conversion or eater, since you are playing so many low value followers you may run out of cards, and also to help you draw party/breath/eachtar.
If you don't get a good curve, pray that you get lurching plus urd or assassin, they'll get rid of the opponent followers. Then stall until you draw one of the above. If you brick (by getting eachtar/cerberus/breath) you are fucked.
>played a deck similar to this
>been 9k for the last few days with hours of grind
Maybe I'm just suck at this 50% winrate deck?
My long prints with crybbs will be posted here
nerfing Mage nerfs one literal card.
nerfing Tin Soldier nerfs two literal cards.
That means both cards get vial refund, whereas things that were empowered by Mage didn't get a refund.