Fighting Games General /fgg/
SFV is fun
Remember to play a fighting game today /fgg/
Remember to practice tech that you have trouble with
Remember to view replays of both your wins and losses and learn from them
Remember to always practice good sportsmanship, whether online or in person
Remember to help newcomers learn by playing constructively without trying to frustrate them (i.e. keep doing one thing until they learn to counter it)
Rememver that your main is your main for a reason, and playing another character might set you back, but don't be afraid to change characters if you think it's best
Remember to watch some high-level play of the game or character you're learning
Remember to never discourage someone from playing a game they're interested in or having fun with
Remember that the lab can only teach you so much, real matches are the best way to learn
Remember to support and attend your locals and grassroots events, they're the backbone of the FGC
Remember to practice personal hygiene reguarly, especially if you're going to an event. How you look and smell isn't just a reflection on you, but on your game and the community as a whole
Remember to set realistic goals for yourself and keep working at them until they're realized
Remember to ask around to find sparring partners who play characters you're bad or inexperienced against
Remember that tier lists are generalized and tailored to the highest levels of play, so just play who you think is fun and don't blame your losses on your low-tier main or attribute your wins to your high-tier main
Remember to never dodge when you call someone out as being bad and they actually challenge you
Remember to seek out opponents who are of equal or higher skill
Remember that winning or losing isn't as important as improvement
Remember that no matter how bad you think you are, every single player you consider better than you was at your level at some point
And most of all, remember to have fun, /fgg/, because fighting games are something so great.
I want Wagner to step on me!
What's your weakness /fgg/?
Mine is that I can't hitconfirm because I don't expect to actually ever get a hit in.
>dealing with any kind of pressure/gimmicks in tekken
>blaming all my losses on P2 being cheap instead of not being able to outplay them
seriously tho pls kys if you play kat
me too, brother
Nah, I'm going to sit here and complain about games I don't play and make up bullshit stories to rile up people. Thanks, though.
Can't throw tech
I usually just do a ghetto option select where I hold back on wakeup and then immediately press grab if I don't see an attack coming out, but that only works like 30% of the time
And that still doesn't stop dudes from just walking up and grabbing me
>tfw going to my first melee tournament in two days
Ready to get raped
I love my wife and making salty with her
What if all of my friends stopped playing fighting because I took it more serious than them?
What if I work nights and I am unable to play at locals anymore?
What if I can only get good sets playing online maybe twice a week if I'm lucky?
Thank God for David Sirlin!
"Skeptics at these shows (and there were only like 2 or 3 at each) would say “isn’t there just nothing to this?” Then we offer to crush them really hard, either with me playing them or one of my staff. In all cases, we crush them easily, as in more than 10-0. You might think people get salty from that, but the skeptics were all very excited. It’s exactly what they wanted to see, that there is a level of play far above what they were aware of.
Our highest praise, in my opinion, came from such a person who, after getting crushed really badly, trained at our booth for hours and hours. Then he challenged me again, and I crushed him yet again (slightly less badly, he at least won a few rounds, but not games). Then he said the first time he faced me, he lost a lot of times because he was unaware of this move or that, of this property of a move, or something. But the second time, he said he had full knowledge of all that stuff, and “he was simply outplayed.” That’s exactly what he hoped for: that a higher level of play was possible, so there’s a skill to it."
Based op maker.
I have a hard time optimizing punishes, I often just do my BnB even though I know better
Dialing too much stuff on prediction and sometimes making bizarre hitconfirms, or assuming it's otg instead of grounded hit especially in Guilty Gear. Sometimes miss out tons of damage that way or end up doing really odd hitconfirms. Usually happens the most when I play someone way above my skill level and start overrespecting my flowchart frametraps or pressure has no chance of being effective.
Fighting games peaked with SF4. No fighting game will ever be as competitive, varied in playstyles and as well put together. The fighting game community will never be as interesting as it was during the SF4 era. Capcom doesn't even have enough money to make complete games nowadays, and everything they release is a flop with the exception of monster hunter.
It's sad that the game died but I'm glad I lived through that era.
Getting pressured in anime fighters. It feels like it never ends.
Find friends that take it as seriously as you
Take a personal day for a local every now and again
Then make sure you squeeze every ounce of practice out of those sets as you can get
We only grow stronger in the face of adversity user
>virgins think women suck at fighting games
ummmm, sweetie? say that to her diamond ibuki.
t. 09'er
She's discriminated against because people who are 10 times better than her aren't sponsored because they don't have a vagina.
okay but my penis sadly doesnt get me sponsorships
>tfw innocent Fuudo is in some area he's never been to
>he's taking pictures of a museum
>he doesn't realize that those pictures are going to make the Koreans and Chinese hate him from now on
Poor Fuudo. He's done.
This girl makes me so fucking happy
Not because she's a female diamond player, but that she's a 15 year old diamond player. That means kids are actually playing this game, and that some (but certainly not all) actually have a drive and ambition to push them to grind out all those hours in ranked to get to that point. And here I was thinking that all the kids these days have no goals, no convictions, no desire to grow and improve. But this girl? Not only is she a teenager. Not only is she a girl. Not only is she playing one of the least popular fighting games of recent memory, but she's also doing it with a character who wasn't considered especially strong until recently. And she's not doing it because her favorite streamer played it and made it look funny, not because it's what everyone else is doing, but because she has a legit passion for it and wants to be as best as she can be. That's interest that most adults can't even retain. This kid truly is a prodigy, and she's got her whole future ahead of her.
I'm starting to learn Phonon in unist, any advice for playing her? I've got a good feel for combos but I'm having a hard time getting in
i feel like i don't adapt fast enough to the other person's tendencies
she'll quit once she get into her first relationship
nice blog
The worst losses in my entire fighting game career have been to women.
Mostly because I'm actually so shit even women are beating me.
A girl wants me to drive an hour to her place right now. Please share your best tech for this matchup
Is Ky the only goober that is remotely honest?
I don't get it.
Why is ranked bad for getting better at fighting games but long sets are good?
At a tournament, you don't get 10+ matches to learn how your opponent plays his character.
Ask her if she wants to play fighting games with you
dash forward, throw into corner, land a meaty
make sure you save your meter
ky's not that honest
grinder oki is pretty retarded
*gorilla noises*
Imagine you need to study for a test
What's better, reading 20 books for 1 hour each or reading 10 books for 2 hours each?
what kind of fucking test would require studying that many books for that little time
>Magic tranny is in game
>Furry cat swordsman is in game
Blazblue went on for far too long.
This is the easiest character in any real fighting game. I dodge mai players on instinct because of how annoying she is to play
>no alpha
Not long enough.
fuck no
There's a 15 year old diamond player here that I made ragequit on stream because ranked kept on matching me against him.
Was hilarious.
she's a great sub honestly for when you just wanna unga
Leo and May are honest
its just another tranny calm down
Someone tell Fuudo to stop.
i really really like Ed
Does that make me a shitter who plays an easyish character?
Ky is not even close to honest.
where is my dragunov blocker with 8f of input delay and alternating between d2 and df2.
No Richard, it makes you a player who may struggle with execution, but who can understand a lot of other concepts. As long as you don't play Rog you're fine
>tfw can't even call Goobers dishonest considering I play SFV
>SFV with crush counters, no defensive options, and gorilla mash n dash for every character
>tfw SFV was supposed to improve on fundamental play, but they made all the neutral tools worse
>every new character is resembling goobers with slow walkspeed, but other means to maneuver and crazy specials
dang Mai and Naoto are the two characters I was looking at when i bought this game, one is too easy and one is too hard
>Abigail has a bunch of dad rock references
No that's playing Balrog
now i dont feel bad that one time i went 0-100 to hildr in vsav
So MVCI is saved?
If they added Pyron so my boy Daigo would not be washed up anymore.
you should feel worse now that you know you got 0-100'd by some shitter who gets perfected like that
That implies there was something wrong with it in the first place which is simply not true.
>Want to learn characters using Casual matches
>All I face are people who only play causal with 1 character
I don't see anything wrong with this?
Why would you want to play against shitters if you want to learn?
what are you talkin about
Calm down combofiend
whats a good sfv character that deals with throw spammers
He's posting all these images of Japan during WW2 because he's visiting some museum. I just know the Koreans and Chinese are going to get on his back and hate him for it.
>Remember that no matter how bad you think you are, every single player you consider better than you was at your level at some point
yeah but they didnt stay here.
I've peaked, and this is where I'm always going to be.
but lee requires more iq than jean to play
>>Remember that no matter how bad you think you are, every single player you consider better than you was at your level at some point
I'm 21 and just started, most people have a childhood with this, I'll literally never progress into someone good
Sfv, I...
Why is red stains on pic? They should be purple capcuck
I thought it'd a good idea and be with other shitters like me but I'm running into like level 75 akuma's and shit who have literally 0 ranked points to their profile and no rank from the lowest possible
I'm so confused
Time stone lets morrigan flood the screen with fireballs, so yes it's saved.
Nigga infiltration was an 09er
Not with that attitude
None because throws are hilariously broken in SFV
Whens gwen?
Season 2 DLC
Harley and gwen crossover when?
that's a girl not a woman
Whats the difference?
Those guys are like silver tier players who are too scrubby to just play enough ranked to find out what their rank is. I understand getting tilted if you try to grind ranked, I prefer battle lounges, but literally playing zero ranked is embarrassing.
anyone wanna play some unist or is this the wrong general?
i'll play some
neato. invite me. also im nit very good and im drunk. still learning the ropes.