Have you ever taken a drive while drunk? Did you feel bad about it afterwards?
Have you ever taken a drive while drunk? Did you feel bad about it afterwards?
I rode a scooter home through heavy snowfall while buzzed.
Ironically I then crashed the thing sober on another day.
Kind of?
I had to move my car because it was parked illegally but that's it
I do it all the time never had a single problem
Once because i didnt want to leave my car at the club and have the hassle to get it back the next day.
I wasnt flat out drunk so i have no bad feelings about it and i was lucky that there were no cops on the way back.
>parking illegally
End your life
Wouldn't allow myself to drive after drinking but I have been driving while on influence of weed.
I rode my bike drunk a few times. I hit the bar once after work and woke up a few hours later in my bed with tons of texts and calls. People thought I was dead cause I rode off shitfaced.
I don't drink anymore
Yeah mate used to alit no rbt where I am in the middle of nowhere once drive around high off me head on mdma was fun
I was coming back from a party after drinking many beers, I was tired and it was raining and foggy. I had to drive at around 30 km/h and even then I was barely in control of the car, it's a miracle I made it home. Needless to say, I'll never do it again, it's a terrible idea.
No, and if anyone ever has you're fucking retarded. If you can't walk in a straight line or keep your drink from spilling, what business do you have driving?
never been drunk but that shit seems like death i cant even fucking walk let alone drive. drive high all the time though, its mad easy and comfortable
>driving while under the influence of any mind inhibiting drug narcotic or prescription medication
End your life before you end someone else’s
when I was 17 I once drove my scooter for 2 km after about 8 shots of vodka
...while carrying TWO of my friends
when I came back my parents found out and took my scooters papers away for 2 months. never driven drunk since
how I felt? at the time I was kinda proud I didn't crash... fuck it I'm still proud. wouldn't try it again tho
No, never. If I ever drink too much I just sit in the car and listen to the radio or take a nap for an hour or two before I drive home.
I drove "buzzed" hundreds of times, only shitfaced a few times. Sober now. the problem with alcohol is most people would NEVER drive drunk, until they get drunk. hard to make good decisions when you're fucking drunk. i'm glad i never got caught and never killed anyone. be smart kids, take an uber
>crashed a scooter
Well, at least we know why you were riding one to begin with.
I don't drink alcohol in the first place, so no, and you should have your decapitated head on a pike waved in front of your weeping mother if you drink and drive.
Not him, but it isn't that big a deal.
>go to a party with your mates
>dump car right outside but on double yellows because they are near a junction but not obstructing anything
>end up drinking and getting fucked
>3am, point of no return
>know I won't be in a state to drive til at least the middle of the afternoon
>(((residents only))) private parking across the road
>fuck it, lets go there
>drive over at tickover in 2nd gear, no pedestrians or anyone else about
>leave car
>enjoy party
>hate hangover the next day
>go for lunch
>sleep some more
>late afternoon comes, go and get car and drive home
>nothing happens
I'd do it again for that reason, but I wouldn't go for an actual drive drunk.
>new years party
>get extremely drunk
>everyone's going to sleep
>go to my car, lay in the back seats
>puke all over the sidewalk
>2 hours later, wake up at 2am
>drive ~2 miles home
made it safely, but I also realized I puked on the interior of my car too
no because i dont really drink
Because I was underage at the time and couldn't legally drive a car yet.
no, because I'm a good boy
Crime is for niggers
I rode a motorbike completely shit faced while it was raining and cold without a helmet
That's the most manly I've been in my life
No, the worst I've done is drive 5 min to get maccas while heavily hungover
You mean the dumbest you've been
I've driven home shitfaced more times than I can count. Not something to be proud of.
even tho i never drink before driving not even a drop
there was one time when i was in Bosnia piss drunk from rakija and coronas when i decided to move my car from a parking lot to the other side of town to avoid paying a parking ticket (it was too late to buy one)
i didn't feel much at that time...
somewhat madman
Twice. Both times I was getting hammered alone and just really fucking wanted McDonald's.
Yes. No. Because I can be almost blackout drunk and still out-drive most fuckheads in Canada. Just watch CWD if you don't believe me. Pic related is with sober people sooo.
It's still a really bad idea.
>The "I'm a good drunk driver, I swear!"
never goes out of style
I had a margarita wine cooler and drove to the store if that counts. It was a wine cooler so it didn't have an effect
I've never been drunk. In fact, I've never even been buzzed. I have nice things because I don't blow my money on booze like the rest of you degenerates.
I’ve driven pretty buzzed a few time. It’s not too bad but it definetly slows your reaction times a little bit. Fully drunk I’ve only had to move my car from the street to the parking garage, I really don’t remember it too well but as far as I can tell everything went all right. Wouldn’t recommend drinking and driving, but if you have to, try to stay alert by having your window down, radio up, and make try to pay attention to stop signs.
Also never used my phone while driving.
Can't get drunk when you constantly have a dick in your mouth.
Practically every week. No I don't feel bad about it. Haven't had an issue yet. To be honest I'm more worried about some idiot running into me when I'm drunk and getting blamed for it.
Only accident I've been involved in ever in my life was because a fucking cab driver hit me at a stop light because he was checking his phone. Luckily he was doing like 3 mph by then and nothing happened to either car and we both just drove off but I was sober then anyway
Every time I drink I drive home lmao
That's also why you have no friends. Substance abuse is about social interaction. You get to meet different people that don't have a stick stuck up their ass all the time.
>Substance abuse is about social interaction
Please stop.
Drove shitfaced all the time as a teen, one night got pulled over by the local police chief (small wisconsin town) he drove me home and kicked my ass in my yard. Haven't done it since (34 now)
im 375 lbs and am such a lightweight that 1 beer makes me VERY buzzed (go figure).
so no, i would never drive with even a hint of BAC. i dont even eat alcohol chocolates and drive
I've done it heaps of times
Being Black out drunk and waking up in my house is the best thing ever
BTW I'm an alcohol
when I was 16-18 (no license yet) I'd ride a bike home drunk, from the bar.
after I got the license
>friend breaks up with his gf
>comes over, brings two 0.7 bottles of tequila
>we down one bottle pretty fast
>it's 2 in the night
>both hungry
>figure we need to go fast before we get drunk (ye lol)
>we drive to kebap place 10km away through old town
>old xboxhueg american van (cunt remember)
>my friend behind the wheel, one hand on head, other hand holding a cigarette
>friend pressing pedals (it's automatic)
>me in passanger seat leaning over, steering the car and smoking
we made it to the kebap place
ate some godly tasty kebaps
made our way back same composition
>next morning
decided never to drive drunk again.
and so I didn't.
I did drive high tho. quite alot.
>Be teenfag
>Have parents car for the night
>Drive with friends to house party just outside town
>Proceed to get rigidy rekt on cheap beer and tequila shots
>Can't handle it cause teenfag, first one put to bed on a big comfy couch in the basement
>See yall in the morning anons
>Wake up, feel like shit, totally out of it still
>Something on my chest, a half eaten homemade cheeseburger
>I'm laying on my couch in my basement now
>What...... the fuck?
>Look at cell phone
>Four missed calls, 18 texts
>Call buddy, ask who the fuck drove me home
>Apparently I got up in the night, backed the car out across the neighbors front lawn cause it was boxed in
>His lawns all tore up
>Drove home black out wasted
>Not a scratch on the vehicle ftw
>Made cheeseburgers and crashed
It was somewhat terrifying after the realization of having zero recollection kicked in that morning and its now a funny story I tell sometimes. And yeah, I finished that burger.
i drive erratically on purpose so it wouldnt make much difference
Only if I drank no more than a single small beer and feel completely fine. Even then, I try to drive much more carefully and slowly than usual.
If I feel even slightly buzzed, I just take a nap in the trunk for a few hours because >lolwagon
If I'm completely wasted I usually take the bus or a taxi.
i try not to because i really suck at it, same with LSD, i need to be following someone or i need to pull over.
Most people can't drive with any degree of ability sober. Posers in Veeky Forums are no different. If you have an actual skill driving, being mildly to even moderately impaired by alcohol will have no discernable difference.
This thread is nothing but fakeass virtue signalers
>Used to drive 6kms between 11pm and 2am two or three times a week for two years.
>It was from my buddy's home to mine in the suburbs of a big city.
>We used to smoke a lot and drink a bit everytime.
>Saw the cops only a handful of times, never had any troubles.
>Most of the time I'd stop smoking and drinking an hour before leaving.
I guess I was lucky the 6kms on the way back are almost exclusively one-way streets.