What does Veeky Forums think of touchless car washes
What does Veeky Forums think of touchless car washes
Not efficient enough to thoroughly clean a vehicle.
Just use a foam canon desu.
If you care about your car's specific fit and finish (toy / project car) then don't.
If your car is a 10+ year old beater with a relatively short life expectancy then it is a easy way wash the shit off of it without putting any real effort into it.
in the winter time its a quick way to get shit off your car and underneath your car. But like user state before not that thorough.
I think they’re good for spraying shit off, this one uses foam so it picks up light stuff. Decent job for the boring daily
Good for a quick wash. I don't think it's worth paying any more than $8
It's like going to the strip club and have a private show. Watch but don't touch.
Not really a fan
White stripes if there is not enough water, doesn't take the unside properly, doesn't get brake dust off... I'll stick to my own washing equipment, or the self-serve wash if I'm just doing a quick rinse at the winter if I've been driving on salted roads
good if it's too cold outside and if you don't have too many bugs stuck to your car
They are shit but ok in a jam if you do as I do.
2 washes for the price of one. I pay for the basic package, use only half the time under the blow dryer then immediately park back in front of the shop/attendants windows and use a clean microfiber cloth to dry off the little bit of remining water. It will always pick up the dirt leftover especially on the roof. Bring in towel to attendant/cashier and demand another cycle.
Also, is there ever a time when there isn't snow on the ground in Norway?
Everything about that picture is just so nice.
That's how I like car washes: I don't touch them.
I see you're a man who appreciates the rugged quality of a vintage Toyota.
The mountain takes a while, the last spots go away about mid-June there. Outside of that its gone by about by early May. Snowfalls start up again mid-October
Rest of the country, excluding the far north and the mid mountain ranges have less snow and later
The view is great at the right days
Good if you wanna pre-clean your car to remove as much dirt as possible before cleaning it yourself with the typical bucket of soapy water.
>not using a variable-setting pressure washer
Fucking poorfag stick your head in that bucket and die.
>What does Veeky Forums think of touchless car washes
I use the commercial one to get the gritty dirt off before I drive it home and then do a hand wash with Megiaur's Gold Class shampoo to get the sticky grime off. I noticed that hand washing is easier and no chance of "missed a spot because I didn't rub it enough". Apparently, whatever chemicals are in the touchless wash softens the grip of the stubborn grime so that the hand wash removes it easily. Without using the touchless as my unofficial pre-wash, I really do have to rub the car a lot more to remove the grime.
Due to local laws requiring car washes to recycle their water, I don't know how effective they are at rinsing off winter salt. After a bunch of cars have gone through, what you're getting is basically a salt water spray that is only somewhat less salty than the salt already on the car. But since it is high pressure, you might end up with more salt in places it normally wouldn't go.
To avoid salt water at the car wash, they would have to use 100% bypass. Bypass is the amount of NEW water added. During the california water shortage 2 years ago, some car washes were said to have 5% bypass. Now, 5% bypass would be quite salty for rinsing off winter salt.
>tfw can wash my truck in 20 minutes just by using an X hose instead of a regular one
It actually doesn't take much effort
>Due to local laws requiring car washes to recycle their water, I don't know how effective they are at rinsing off winter salt.
Wow that's good to know. I guess getting the build of of slush/sand still helps a bit
It's better than nothing in the winter, most people are more concerned with spraying out the undercarriage to get the salt buildup off. With rust spray, it does help extend the life of your vehicle - especially smaller bits that would rust through faster. It's either that or I go back to hiring illegals to lick the salt off.
If it is truly touchless and no one wipes down your vehicle properly after it goes through the wash, you have as much chance of getting clean as a you have getting an orgasm without anyone touching you dick.
You're that guy in Norway right?
That picture summarises everything comfy in life
Yes, I am the one who has Sven-Ahmad for a neighbor
What car is this?
Most of them are complete shit and a waste of money, but if you find a good one they can be okay. There's one in my town at a Thorntons gas station that is pretty good.
Still not as good as hand washing, but I go through it if I'm feeling lazy.
I carry a 2.5 gallon pump sprayer. The night before, I fill it up with cold water from the tap and it will have somewhat warmed up to room temperature when I leave for work. After I arrive at work, I gently knock off any caked on ice and snow with the plastic spray wand. I then spray slowly as I walk around. I don't totally rinse off once section at a time because I spray enough to get it dripping before moving on. That way, the dripping action carries off the salt and conserves my water use. By the time I walked around the car once and respray that section again to get it dripping, a lot of the salt water has fallen off the car.
After I walk around the car several times, I am done when the 2.5 gallon container is empty. I crack it open and put it in the back seat footwell to take home.
By spraying the car at work, I prevent the salt from eating the car for the 9 hours the car is parked at work. Of course, I spray the car when I get home but now I have a garden hose and a lot more water volume.
They're nice in the winter especially to get the salt off from under the car
Better arabs than blacks
>t. South African
2017 Kia Soul
Are you the south-african I often see in /norgetråden/?
Looks surprisingly nice then desu
Wait, do TOUCH car washes still exist? Haven't seen one in at least four years.
It’s a base model, but it’s decent for a $16k box
Yeah we still have them in lot of places around me. I don’t trust the foam scratch pads
Fucking hell, base shitboxes have really come far I guess.
I mean I actually kinda like driving it. 130hp of hamster fury and three pedals.
It gets 2x the fuel economy of my truck and the gf is in boot camp (it’s her car) so I’m driving it
fuck is an X hose
Is that the flippin' view from your house?
I don't blame you tbqh, they look like they'd be kind of fun to drive around. For the price and practicality they look like a really great value.
Unironically a good purchase
Weird, around here snow season starts in January and ends in may.
May usually features the biggest snows.
>the KIA shills rears his ugly head yet again
begone shill
It aint the worst place to live
Our heaviest ones are usually in December and very early April, as thats when the temperatures allow for actual snowfalls - ouside of those months its usually a tad too cold for a good snowfall
Thats also the reason why we don't get the huge amounts of snowfall you'll often see around places in the US that has the "lake effect" and such, even if our snow doesn't melt until the season is actually over
We can easily get nearly 6ft of total snowfall through a season, but because of compression and such over time it rarely gets over 4.5 feet total
How many sandpeople live in your town
How many of your neighbours have been beheaded this week
Is it really as bad as /pol/ tells us
but my paint is rattle canned on and im scared that will wipe it off
This isn't southern Sweden or Oslo
Immigrant population of my town/municipiality is really low, and we dont have any issues with them. The few that we have are all really hard-working folks , good natured and well integrated
A sudanese guy who works at the main gas station always calls me "chief" because I pulled his Passat out of a ditch last winter, as well as giving him a new indicator bulb while I was at it
I'm still opposed to mass-immigration in the way that we've seen for the last few decades, especially with the lackluster requirements when it comes to immigration. It wasn't helped by a very recent report that showed how immigrants and the children of immigrants (mostly middle-easterners, africans and kosovo-albanians) are more than four times more likely to be involved with violent crime, robberies, drugs and more
The car wash is fun. Psychedelic.
>arab in charge of the most explosive place in town
get out of there man
>a cat was taken to the vet for a checkup today after a crazed immigrant attempted to light up an underground tank full of diesel, accidentally lighting the cat on fire
You can't blame violent refugee immigrants for wanting to leave their criminal records behind. Their criminal records make it hard for them to earn a living in their original countries, so they merge themselves into all those other refugee immigrants getting into European countries.
The other problem is that EU navies need to stop entering foreign country waters to rescue their boaters. Because of that, those refugees do the barest minimum to deliberately get into the water within sight of their own beaches and then call out for help SOS MAYDAY SOS MAYDAY.
>navy faggots come to rescue rapefugees
>o thank u boat man baba diddly doo
>navy takes them right back to where they came from
if they started doing this shit my laughter would be heard worldwide
I mean it's near Saudi Arabia but Sudan is in Africa.
>navy takes them right back to where they came from
They can't do it because many activists and former refugees in the EU have filed lawsuits in the past. If you are the Captain, would you jeopardize your career? It doesn't take much to sink your career promotions and the activists are counting on that fear to get what they want.
Do you have a relevant picture of your Hilux for every possible Veeky Forums thread?
instead of just salt on it you now have it soaking in salt water
if you like to wash your vehicle with sand then go for it. if it has a nice gloss still on it? pay the slightly more $$ for a hand job
add biodegradeable dishwashing soap
problem solved
Crap that clogs up radiators with oily suds.
Decent enough to knock the salt off in winter.
>I mean it's near Saudi Arabia but Sudan is in Africa
Africa continues to head towards Islam though. It continues to replace Christianity in country after country in Africa. It's also why so many immigrants from Africa are muslim.
Arab doesn't strictly mean from Saudi Arabia. Arab is an ethnicity - people from Egypt are predominantly Arab, and it's also in Africa.
And just for the record - tons of shit explodes in Sudan every day too.
Arab is a sub ethnicity, the major ethnicity is Semitic.
I dunno... name a scenario?
yeah I have a 14 and its pretty nice, comes with bluetooth and LED interior lights
Never noticed how clean your hilux is
>inb4 its because you just washed it
Its all photoshop, I swear
Its in decent condition. Probably gonna take the body off this spring/summer, gritblast the frame, axles and all that, and the underside of the body, repaint it it with stupidly many layers and then coat it all in Fluid Film
Current biggest "damage" is the chrome bumper with two patched rustholes. I've been meaning to get a new one, but I think I'm just gonna cut away the rusted parts and weld a nice square piece of steel on each, mounting some amber flashers on the plates
Why not just find a prerunner bumper and put that on?
>Arab doesn't strictly mean from Saudi Arabia.
In the time prior to 9/11 and for months thereafter, many people in the USA still used "arab" as a colloquialism for muslim or Islam concepts. As years passed, this error has been mostly rectified, but some people still use it as a lumped together label.
Perhaps those people use "arab" because they think the largest number of muslims is in the Middle East. But they are wrong. There are multiple parts of the world that have more muslims than the arabic countries of the Middle East.
>tons of shit explodes in Sudan every day too.
Sudan fell into conflict because special interest groups toppled the government due to the desire for mineral wealth. As the conflict continued, the groups of people fighting fractured into tribal as well as sub-ethnic lines.
It's sad that the living conditions in many parts of Sudan were better in the 1800's than they are now with the exception of modern medicine and aid workers. Back then, european colonization had built towns, cities, architecture, railroads, and roadways. All have been decaying since the europeans left after the country gained independence. Left to their own devices, society regressed back downwards. If outside interference (medicine, clothing, non-perishable food, durable perishable food) was not continually incoming, society would regress below the steel forging technology level. It's tough to say, but that seems to be the natural tech level of the indigenous peoples of that area. Only with modern interference has tech level living conditions remained where they are now.
The overall point is that you shouldn't trust anyone who is a different colour than yourself.
Nice kia
Because those things are sadly quite illegal here
I mean, sure - my lights, the wheels & flares I'm putting on and even the thin alloy-piping bullbar I have on it now are illegal - but they wont risk me getting prison time if I was to get in an accident
I'd totally love to have one of these, but with them being illegal AND adding a fuckton of weight it won't be worth it. I'll just weld on a 2-inch mount so I can mount a winch or other stuff there when I'm out in the field
What laws there make it illegal? Are any modifications legal?
Alright, the general thing you need to get something approved is;
Most things E-approved can be mounted with no inspection required. This includes alloy bullbars like mine (if they are approved and have the stamp), lights and a few more things
This is a branding that you typically find on more heavy-duty stuff like suspension, brakes and those things. You can get TUV-approved stuff mounted and written into your title so its legal, but you'll need official papers from TUV that relate to the part(s) in question and the vehicle its being put on, and an inspection at the norwegian DMV
>approval papers from the car manufacturer
This will allow you to get anything mounted as long as it says its ok in the papers, and its mounted correctly. This is typically for stuff like engine swaps, changing out tire sizes/wheels, different brakes and more. Its pretty much impossible to get tho, sadly. An example is how Toyota used to give out papers that made 31x10.5x15 wheel & tire combo legal on Hiluxes
And then we have some more specific rules
The diameter of the wheel/tire combo can be up to 5% bigger or 5% smaller than what it says in the title
For the front facing lights we use something called reference, which is how many lux at a certain distance. No vehicle can exceed a 100, meaning that the total of your cars two original lamps + 2 extra lights must not be over 100.
My old Toyota has 27.5 per lamp stock, meaning I can fit 2 x 22.5 reference lamps, which is "meh". My dad, with his modern Mitsubishi has 17.5 per stock lamp even when he has better/more powerful stock lights than mibe. Thus he can legally fit better lights than me
This system needs to fuck off. I dont give a shit, I run my overpowered xenon buckets & 50 inch LED bar with no concerns as the norwegian DMV never have inspections here where I live, police dont give a shit and I just take them off before inspection
Send help
Jesus Christ man.
Canadian here, even we can put an offroad bumper on our truck without all this shit.
Sorry about all the Jewish bureaucracy.
I take it that something like [pic related] would land you in prison for 50 years?
The lights you mean?
What happens is that you're given a slip/SMS where it says what you'll have to do, and the deadline. For lights you'll have to get the lights set to a "legal" setting, as in either go back to stock or fit two that are approved and within the reference restriction, then inspected at an approved car workshop.
I got caught having three lights instead of two on my Mercedes, and was given the slip. Not sure what the deadline was. I just took the one in the middle off, had it inspected and then put it on again
If you dont meet the deadline the car will be deplated and you may or may not be fined
Better blacks than racists
>biodegradeable dishwashing soap
Adding either soap or detergent is terrible. It would stick to the grime on the car and further attract more grime. The calcium road salts would also bond to soap and you'd have a saltier grimy surface.
>instead of just salt on it you now have it soaking in salt water
RUST sucks. Rinsing off salt is better than leaving it on. The salt melts the ice so it creates its own brine. Thus rinsing as much of it off as possible reduces the brine concentration a lot. Your argument that it is not worth doing because it cannot be perfectly done is not valid here. The purpose is to have a "good enough" job to significantly reduce the chance of rust.
Why is it that most of your people that come and stay in California sound like these guys and sometimes act like them?
I've thought a little bit about it, and the reason why norwegian and swedish primarily have those kind of accents when speaking english is that our languages are very "flowing", as in our sentences are much less broken up and can sound almost song-like to non-speakers
That makes us attempt to subconsciously apply the same flow to a language that doesn't really work that way
As for the way they act; we're faggots
If people could also "rust" then there probably would be better anti-rust solutions out there for cars too.
>touchless car washes
They never manage to remove the dirty sticky film on my car. It takes some sort of touching to remove that film.
Another worry is that the high pressure jets might force some liquid underneath the existing paint. That might occur at places where the paint is chipped down to metal. If it does this, then it only hastens rust especially if the recycled water spray is salty from all the other winter cars washing off their salt.
>What does Veeky Forums think of touchless car washes
They've all gone out of business in my giant metro area except for one at a gas station. I guess they just don't clean well enough. All the other automatic car washes have those long fabric strips.
Looks like you have a lot of laws created to enforce the concept of courtesy towards other drivers. Thus, there isn't the option of **_temporarily_** blinding other drivers on the road with the lightbar being illegally turned on because your laws prevent the installation of the lightbar in the first place. By having laws prevent the lightbar installation, there is no risk the driver can violate the law by turning on the lightbar at inappropriate times.
In the USA, the risk of illegal use is accepted because freedom is recognized as being more important than the occasional misuse of the freedom.
>What does Veeky Forums think of touchless car washes
They seem to be extinct in my Seattle (washington state, USA) area. There are none nearby my home or place of work. In fact, I know of none and cannot remember even driving by one of these types of car washes in the past 2 years. But I do pass by multiple other brands of car washes using "soft touch" fabric strips (no brushes).
But academically speaking, if there was a convenient touchless car wash on the way home AND I lived in constant snow country with lots of salt on the road (which seattle is not), then I would probably subscribe to a touchless car wash. For those that don't know, many car washes offer subscriptions where you sign up at their website or call the company. An automatic monthly or quarterly deduction is made from your debit card. You can use their car wash a bunch of times each month. In the Seattle area, Brown Bear Car Wash does this pretty well and has a lot of signed up customers. Their subscription works for up to 2 cars washed daily each month for $20. Since the one-shot individual car wash is $7 each, that subscription service is cheap enough that many people get it.
I don't subscribe because of previous testing with all my older cars (all bought new). I had a favorite soft touch and the "chrome" finish remained clear like a mirror. But one use of a soft touch fabric car wash resulted in slight hazing scratches of the finish. From a distance, it still shined the same, but up close, it was no longer perfectly clear like a mirror. If you ever decide to use a soft touch, then use that chrome test on the car wash. All of you remember when you bought your cars new, the chrome was clear like a mirror and you could see your facial features reflected back like a clear picture. If your chrome is no longer clear enough to see your face, then you should determine when and where all that scratching occurred. If it occurred because you buffed the car with a compound....
You can wash your car and dry in under 10 minutes. Use a carrying bucket and apply all the suds, scrub with the sponge to get all the dirt out, rinse the crap out of it, use a giant squeegee to get water off, hand dry the rest with only 1 towel (on a standard car). Waxing can be done quickly too if you have an electric buffer.
>You can wash your car and dry in under 10 minutes.
If you meant that time as a lawyer would describe it, then yes. The actual washing process does not include parking the car in the right spot, preparation of materials, vacuuming of the car, and time spent checking the condition of the car prior to washing. The time spent walking around the car is also not included nor is the time spent repositioning the handle and my body in a position. Only the actual time that the car surface is washed is included in the 10 minutes. All other time is excluded by lawyer-speak and technical legal exclusions.
The time spent cleaning and rinsing the cleaning materials, drying, and putting them away is not included in the car wash time. Otherwise, the 10 minutes would be exceeded.
>scrub with the sponge to wash car
>use a giant squeegee to dry car
No wonder it only takes you 10 minutes.
>tfw live in apartment cuckplex
>no hose to rinse the car before or after
If you’re gonna wash the car dont half ass go all in. It always goes Wheels - Pre-soak to remove bugs and heavy shit - rinse - foam cannon - rinse - contact wash with a good quality mitt and soap and 2 bucket method - rinse - dry with a good towel and usually spray wax as i’m drying to keep towel lubricated and to give it some sort of protection - wheel dry and dress - done. I do this at least once a week or every other week.
Also spray wax on windows = trillion times better than windex, I promise. One spray of it will cover a whole window, clean it absolutely streak free and make water fall right off, making visibility nice.
iktf user. I get cucked 12 bucks a week to the service station down the road because they're the only ones that use the nice foam sponge bristles.
At least there's a self-service place with pressure washers 20 mins away from me. But in the winter time that means 20mins in the snow to get back
It's why the bucket system of washing exists. Even people cleaning cars at home with a hose use the bucket system to conserve water OR to avoid street runoff (not allowed in some HOA). As for the final rinse, you can always get one of those 1.5 to 2 gallon pump sprayers for not much money. That's more than enough water to do a final rinse before you dry off the car.
Thinking Outside the Box:
Since the winter season has rains for parts of the country that doesn't get snow, you can choose to wash the car during the rain. The rain provides the rinse off. Of course, that means you'll be soaping one section at a time rather than the whole car because the rinse is continuously ongoing due to the rain.
Get yourself a wash mitt instead of a sponge, and use a second rinse bucket. It'll be much more effective at cleaning and it'll cause far less swirls.
You use a fucking squeegee on your car? My gos, i wouldnt even do that to a 3k civic.
>wash mitt
That does sound like a good idea. Might pick one up
>second rinse bucket
I tend to rinse with just the high-pressure washer on a weak setting - or is this haram?
Does anyone have any good tips on the heaviest of fucking brake dust cleaning?
Meguiars & TurtleWax wheel cleaner and a wheel cleaning brush does most of the job, and for the heavier stuff on the inside of the wheel I've used a rough dishwashing brush - but there is often spots/areas that are stupidly caked on
Optimum No-Rinse my nigga.
The second rinse bucket is for the mitt/sponge, but I guess you could pressure wash it while it's in your hand but the narrow spray means you're likely to miss a spot. The wash mitts are great, a good one will last you ages and you can just chuck it in the washing machine or bucket rinse it.
For the brake dust, get a fallout remover like Iron-X. They're all mostly the same so it doesn't really matter what one you get.
I use AutoSmart Smart Wheels, a trade wheel cleaner. I keep it diluted 1:9, but 1:2 or 1:3 to clean the inside of the wheel. At 1:9 it's like Meguiars Smart Wheels.
>I don't think it's worth paying any more than $8
Check into whether your local car wash places offer monthly or quarterly subscription plans. That makes the washes a lot cheaper. I didn't know until I looked at the website for my local car wash.
In eastern Canada where you can't wash your car outside 6+ months a year, and salt kills everything, they're great.
I try to go once a week in winter.
Anything with acid. Autoglym clean wheels uses hydrochloric acid and some other products use phosphoric acid if my memory serves. Be warned: do not use on chrome or aluminum with a thin clear coat. Ex ford rims. It will burn like sin if in the eyes or on skin so wear latex or nitrile gloves. Also it will cause dyed concrete to become discolored so be wary of the overspray and what it drips on.