Who here is sipping and driving?

Who here is sipping and driving?

>nfs 2015 drink of shilled choice

Report and ignore shill threads.

energy drinks will give you kidney stones.

if your a week piece of shit

Drink more water and have a better diet. Drink all the energy you want then!

dog shit-tier meme OP


You drink Monster? Thats hot.

>Drinking pure sugar
user pls

>using obsolete technology
manualcucks everyone

>being an autotragic faggot
honestly die manual master race

I tried the blue sips the other day, pretty goood. The white ones say they're made for monster girls lol

maybe you should stick to drinking water and put your energy drink money to buying a car that isnt a subcompact piece of shit.

Sip boys !

>4 speed

r u stupid or something

>drinking sugar free monster

S I P B O Y S 2 0 1 7



>no cupholders in my ancient nipbox
Not me


go full Dagumi and get an aftermarket one

Wouldn't be any better than the garbage ones I took out because if you breathed too hard on the steering wheel or gas pedal they'd spill all over the a/c controls, radio, and cupholder mechanism. I'll just live with sticking the cup between my legs.

fair point
mine is the really crappy one that attaches to the air vent, and is held in place with a toothpick and an old bus pass

uncle ben?

>has an ancient 4-speed shitbox
>steering wheel lock
>spends money on $3 energy drinks

you deserve to be poor

Glad to see all my fellow lonley drivers sipping and driving. Another victory for the Monsterâ„¢ viral marketing team, Happy Hanukkah!

>wew lad nice maymay
>people actually post pics of cans in their shitboxes
kek kill urselves

>energy drinks
literally liquid vape

even if you work at mcdonald's you can afford to drink a 3 dollar energy drink to get you through your shift. i work harder and longer because of energy drinks, shit pays for itself and is delicious

this shit costs 3 bucks in america? wtf

i only drink 30 cent dollar store energy drinks