Ruins car culture

Ruins car culture
>what do

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jump on the hype wagon

Please elaborate your argument.

Begin by explaining in your own words what you think car culture is and then explain how that man is ruining it.

First he's making manuals obsolete by forcing electric cars on the market.
Second he's pushing hard for driverless cars which, if effective, will make it financially impossible to drive your own car because of huge insurance premiums.

>making manuals obsolete
Americans been doing this since the middle of century.

Dude that's fucking retarded. Look at how electric R/C cars started out compared to gas ones. Look at them now. It'll be a shift, but enthusiasts will still be modifying and enjoying cars for years to come. Nothing wrong with a single speed electric either, yeah it's not *as* engaging but there's no point to it.

yeah dude electric motors are so fucking cool

While it doesn't sound as cool, it's a big block on steroids to drive. I think that's pretty cool. The biggest issue with them is that they're shackled to all the other crap with modern cars and no real performance models have been released. In time, people will figure out how to make really good electric Locosts etc. Lightness is the name of the game.

>First he's making manuals obsolete by forcing electric cars on the market.
Manuals have been making themselves obsolete long before EVs were a thing.

>Second he's pushing hard for driverless cars which, if effective, will make it financially impossible to drive your own car because of huge insurance premiums.
Certainly not going to happen in your lifetime. Even then, that's more of an insurance company issue. It has nothing to do with auto manufacturing and consumerism. You still need to have the same proper license to operate driverless vehicles.

>Ruins car culture
Blocks your path...Moore's Law...

based top gear

noisy cars that look good

>lithium and cobalt are mined in africa
>ICEs still power the plants that produce the electricity
>range and charge aren't efficient or fast enough to realistically compete with ICE
you're not helping the planet, you're beta testing a billionaire's toy that pays for his mars pipe dream (which is also retarded and unfeasible)

Manuals have been made obsolete due to people not buying them. You wanna know why Ferrari doesn't make manuals anymore? The last time they made a manual they spent millions on R&D on it and only two or three people ended up buying a model that has it.

Driverless cars are being pushed by almost every manufacturer. It's the dream for those of us that aren't fucking neets and want to be chauffeured home by a computer after a long days work.

I work and I don't want to be a cuck that gives control away.

>musk admits the first roadster was a disaster
>sues top gear anyway

man, i hate this faggot.

Get into plane culture because you certainly could land one on that forehead.

>I work and I don't want to be a cuck
ummmm, you're already a wagecuck sweetie

Sorry kid but I'm my own boss.

Nitro RC cars still have a large following.

However Brushed RC cars dont anymore because
>muh brushless
>muh lipo

just wait. in a decade you'll be doing motor, battery pack, and gear set swaps for a weekend of racing. during the week you'll DD with parts for long service life and long range. Then on the weekend you can change parts for racing.

What a glorious future. Heaps of enthusiasts will die working on 500VDC w/o being properly trained in HV safety, hahahah

Why do we still need manual transmission on personal use vehicles again when you can just accelerate and brake without having to fuck around with a stick?
Stop LARPing as a Fast and Furious character, you're not doing drag races while drifting in Tokyo, faggot

>actually thinks he's in control of anything
Unless you're the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, your balls are in someone else's hand, and even then they're being fondled by a random jew/saudi prince somewhere.

And Tesla are brushless. What is your point? The tech got better.

pull a disconnect to remove the current from the pack to the car.

don't touch the color coded parts.

reconnect the battery pack last.

Watching Tesla crash and burn is so much fun

true, I suppose if you leave the battery alone you’ll be perfectly safe. but, I wouldn’t want to drive a car where the stators have been messed with...

The superchargers are not for commercial use. What’s your point?

supercharger stations are to enable long trips, to serve as primary charging stations. Musk has been saying this since day 1.

Plus, with a fuckton of new teslas hitting the road soon, it doesn’t make sense to allow taxis etc to use them. Lots of people can’t charge at home; it sucks to have a supercharger with no empty stalls when you really need it

He want to hide the shitty interior to the public. Having teslas as uber car would be a great publicity.

>Worst quarterly loss yet
>700 employees laid off
>Less than 250 model 3s produced with a promise of 1500
>10,000 units a week promise slashed to 5,000
>Model 3 was under SEC investigation and Tesla didn't tell investors
>SEC still won't talk about it meaning investigation still ongoing
>Bans Tesla cars from using Tesla chargers because they're using their cars too much
>Threatens using the botnet to ban your car entirely if caught

the solution is to region lock the cars that didn't come with unlimited free super charger use. the cars will know where it lives and where you work. Then not allow you to use superchargers with in 50 miles of your home and work, normally. Though it will allow it if you agree to a fee.

this keeps teslas from using the super chargers near their usual area. unless they have a real need to.

So basically the rich yuppies are crying they can't charge their car because working people are there first.

and it is probably those that leased their tesla and don't have a wall mounted charger at home. so they are using super chargers mostly because the included charger can't charge a car fast enough.

i'm ready to live on Mars in 2020!

Running gas stations out of business

Thank you, based Musk. I only ever liked cars as a symbol of wealth and as pussy magnets. Electric cars still do these things but now they're simpler.

>people unironically believe future cars will be modable
Cars will be literal safes that you're going to need special tools for to even open the hood.
Every change that you make on the car will be automatically registered and uploaded to some servers and you can say goodbye to your insurance.

“I think public transport is painful. It sucks. Why do you want to get on something with a lot of other people, that doesn’t leave where you want it to leave, doesn’t start where you want it to start, doesn’t end where you want it to end? And it doesn’t go all the time.”

“It’s a pain in the ass,” he continued. “That’s why everyone doesn’t like it. And there’s like a bunch of random strangers, one of who might be a serial killer, OK, great. And so that’s why people like individualized transport, that goes where you want, when you want.”
He's sort of on your side

>Cars will be literal safes that you're going to need special tools for to even open the hood.
the electric bimmers already can't be opened by one person to prevent people from trying to modify them or repair them without sending them to a BMW shop or licenced partner.
It's already happening.

>ICEs still power the plants that produce the electricity
Fuck off you moron. I know you were trying to say fossil fuels power electric plants but still fuck off for not really knowing what you are talking about.

Tesla is probably going to have an awful 2018, model 3 production will still be very low, stock will drop. They may realize sticking with more boutique manufacturing us the way to go.

God bless America.

And I'm not even American.

I love oilcuck tears in these threads.

Don't worry dipshits, in 5 years time you will be buying 5-year old leafs instead of 30-year old rusted corrolas

>First he's making manuals obsolete

Wait, stop right there. Manuals started becoming obsolete around the last decade. Stop giving Elon credit of killing off manual transmissions because it's not true.

>implying Australia will ever embrace electric cars
They don't sell here and they never will.
No electric car can do a 2000km journey and that is a day trip to an aussie, All cars will be LPG before they go electric.
stay cucked eurofags and merilads.

whatever, man. more EVs = more african immigrants.
I'll key a tesla when I see one.

You're ignoring nuclear, wind hydro and solar power.

>You're ignoring nuclear, wind hydro and solar power.
In what way will these change anything to the problem of batteries for the cars themselves?
>inb4 nuclear power plant in your car

Come on man, even a shitty car shouldnt be keyed. Its not right

>Driverless cars are being pushed by almost every manufacturer. It's the dream for those of us that aren't fucking neets and want to be chauffeured home by a computer after a long days work.

I personally look forward to the drive home after a long day's work. Preferably wouldn't like to lose this.

>>nuclear power plant in your can
>you will never have Cherenkov underglow
>you will never do hard launches with prompt critical pulses
feels bad

We aren't about to run out of resources for the batteries.

>Be in self driving car
>sensor/camera breaks due to harsh weather or wear and tear
>car is now undriveable and has to be taking to the dealership costing $$$

>prompt critical pulses
nigger i dont think you understand how dangerous going prompt critical is

I fucking love all the retards on this thread that say "driverless car will never happen in your lifetime/ever" how fucking dense can you be you potatoes. I'm 23 now, if I live to let's say 60. That gives them 37 years. Its going to happen and soon. Fucking dumbasses enjoy driving while You still can

they'll take my old alfa romeo from my cold dead hands.

Our Carbuertors will last 1000 generations.

Many research reactors can do it briefly

Installing manual shifter in Tesla and clutch pedal for emulation of manual transmisson and petrol engine