Anyone else on Veeky Forums ride a bike? Nothing is better than pissing off cagers desu

Anyone else on Veeky Forums ride a bike? Nothing is better than pissing off cagers desu

Yeah I do, it's good exercise and it's fun to ride with friends and get drunk.

get out of my thread. and you drink awful beer

I drink any beer as long as it's not a shitty fucking hipster IPA

>Nothing is better than pissing off cagers desu
Strange, it's the bicyclists that rage.
When you're stupid enough to ride your bike on a highway, I'm going to do a WOT flyby.
Bicyclists riding on the road are worse than pedestrians with their "right of way".

Depressants are garbage.


I only really ride on bike trails, roads are too dangerous.

This art style is strange, I don't like it.
Also it's muscular to the point of being grotesque.

Only if I get paid to do it

I forgot you like twink shit. You truly have awful taste in men

Don't you have a 2 inch penis or something? LOL

On a good day, sure

Why even engage them?

Because its not blatant shitposting, because it allows me to poke a bit of fun at myself at my own expense, and because its 4:25 AM and I have nothing better to do with my sorrowful life

>fixed gear
>no foot retention

real fast way to eat pavement kid

You were literally just talking to alphonse and mrcummy. They don't deserve any attention. Ever.

Hm, wasn't aware that they used that particular image

Noted. Self-whipping by noon it is

sperg more
absolute state of the white race

Yeah, and did you not the see the furry porn crop and cummy's photos of himself?

I flipped the wheel, it's in freewheel mode.
What's wrong with talking to me?

did you not notice the brakes

brakes or not, if you ride fixed gear you HAVE foot retention. Why is this a debate?

It's not fixed... the wheel can be flipped to switch between fixed and freewheel.

gonna whore out my bike

Yeah I ride a bicycle with a kid trailer for my girl. She loves that, tonna good times. Have had one close call, thanks to my wits we avoided some douchebag in a Durango on the wrong side of the road.

>drive car for commuting and long distance cruises
>ride bike for exercise and for cozy riding on trails taking in the scenery
>use car to carry bike to good trails without having to worry about traffic

who /bikecarmasterrace/ here?

I do exactly this but I use my truck


Says the 56% white underage who drives mommy's Pontiac G6.

He doesn't drive at all, also he has a buzzed head

holy fuck someone actually is this obsessed
I literally don't.

Is the 1755 palm street address correct?


I don't believe so

I do, but they get mad only when I pass them.


>tfw I'm more likely to die in my car then on a motorcycle
Why is this cager thing even existed. It's just dum

>Riding only 1 bike
Pleb tier...

You could always just drink until you throw up or pass out. Or both.
Just down 300ml of vodka or something man.


I thought everyone on Veeky Forums has either a bus pass or a bike lmao.

>Spring loaded saddle and Hookworms on a DH bike
Dear fucking christ kill yourself...

Yeah right, like I was going to ride 40km a day on super tacky high rollers and a plastic seat.

Bikes make a really strange noise when I hit them.
Can anyone explain why?

Multiple synapse firing at once but failing to complete the circuit.

Don't be jealous, maybe you'll get one for christmas.

Just got a bike after many years, but I'm not riding in traffic anymore


Bit of a dilemma choosing between no-warning-driveways and car doors/blind drivers.

At least with riding on a footpath and driveways you know the delta is only what you're riding at, but you travel so much faster on the road.

I'm a bit (cough) unfit, so I know I can't keep up with the traffic, so I don't ride on the road.

I cycle in summer, but mostly off-road. What's good for footpaths, trails, and fields is SHIT on roads, and I'm kind of out of shape for slogging up hills.

I motorbike year-round, though.