Dodge’s target demographic

Dodge’s target demographic

not Veeky Forums related

fuck off to /pol/, reddit, stormfront, or whatever website you bus riding ass came from.

daily reminder that Drifting > Drag racing.

Are you aware that dodge is a company that manufactures vehicles for niggers and white nationalists.
Please explain to me how thats not Veeky Forums related?

you racist

Acknowledging the people who drive dodge vehicles is racist ? Hmmmmmm seems kinda car related to me......

The problem is i went to /pol/ first with this and then they told me to———>Veeky Forums due to its car substance.

Well then fuck off because neither board wants you.

I understand it hurts to realize you like dodge but are grossly misaligned with their target demographic. Dont get all triggered cause they dont make cars with you in mind.

True. The challenger/chargers are for the ghetto niggers and the trucks are for white trash rednecks

>tfw /pol/'s golden boy is facing life in prison

t o p k e k

Dodge absolutly dominates both polar extremes of the market in a way no other car manufacturer is doing. Could it be due to those fast & furious movies?


your mother is facing life in my sex dungeon

can i be in your sex dungeon too?

Which end of the human centipede would you like to be at?

wow lame. not my type of sex dungeon.

Human centipede is the best way for everyone to participate in the sex dungeon.
And i was gonna put you second to the front so the poop that you ate was only digested once , but now youre going more towards the end where the poop has been predigested 3 or four times and is almost completly devoid of any nutrients at all .

>First degree murder
>With those circumstances
Unless they get a plea deal, he's going to walk
Would've been wiser to go for manslaughter

He’s gonna walk. Maybe to the solitary excercise pen for an hour of supervised excercise a week.

Post ur law degree pls


>Replying to alphonse

Dodge = Lowest common denominator

Maximum velocity is all that ever matters. Not subjective "style" points.

Dodge must have godly advertising if they're selling cars on both sides of the line of scrimmage.
I just didn't realize that Civil War II was going to start in a dealer service waiting room.