/lolg/ - League of Legends General

elderly memes edition


Are they ever going to make highlights available for others to see on your profile???

>everytime i see sneaky in the highlight videos its him getting killed or oneshot, never see him making any good plays
really prompts my pistachios

I wish leblanc wasn't so bad, the new prestigious splash is god tier

according to the site that tracks all the stats and shit, cho'gath is now very good top

xth for Syndra

when's the elo where people stop building full damage like mentally handicapped 12 year olds?

literally never

d1 promos

Zed or Irelia

Which is the best for Syndra?


give me a rundown on solo lane bard


Does anyone have the version of this image where there's a bunch of Malphites photoshopped into the rocks?

do me a favor and explain why I was the one who got flamed by diana and gp


does everyone in this game lack self-awareness?

>let's introduce a champion that can do 1800 true damage on a click and point ability, while also making him a tank xD

why would you ever not build damage?

what are you going to do, kill them with armor?

just one shot them and they cant kill you.

we know you're here alan. we love you. please come home.

>sunfire teitch

closet fag or dirty roastie

why is this a thing?

they were a duo duh

>1/8/3 jungle diana
>just deathcap
top lul

should also post the enemy team, if it's your lane showballing and roaming then of course you get flamed

the only thing more sad than people NOT banning chogath is people that fear him as a laner

Tell me a story about your waifu user

>get secondary role
>guy who got your primary role is playing your main and inting


She has bigger tits than Sona. The end.

How do I into nasus mid?

I just wanna farm peacefully but these cockroaches keep constantly poking me.

And thanks to shit that fucking bullshit chapter item, everyone gets non stop spam


I want to love somebody

protip: for most champions there is no such thing as "just build tank bro"
there are however, correct items that can save your lane

You talkin bout ADCs? In some cases their own teams complain if they build defensively and lack damage in TFs as a result, so they're traumatized. They're also used to outscaling everyone so they just keep building damage and waiting for lategame+.

But Ahri loves you user.

>he ALSO blames the game on you

notprotip: if you're 4 levels behind and you're still trying to finish both of those pure damage items you're probably not gonna be doing much more by the time you finish them.

FACT: Lulu is the CUTEST!

There's nothing wrong with loving someone, but there will be bad times, too.


i like you. please stop acting like a slut and be my friend instead.

>get into lobby as ADC
>your team
>top riven
>mid zed
>jungle khazix

what was the context of this?

Cho top gets dicked on by jungle pressure since he has 0 escapes and pushes to trade and doesn't really make good use of his kit. His jungling is busted though

Okay, let's be best friends forever with benefits if you like then!

this teitch

Is that what you're concerned about? Tell me about her user. The person.

Start with loving yourself. It gets easier to love others after that.

If that's difficult, then start with loving people for being people. Put the details aside and just have an appreciation for your fellow human, flopping around in life on this rock. They're in the same boat you are. Having love for your fellow human is another good starting point towards loving an individual. Storge and Agape are good things to read about on this.

But at the end of the day, there's no trick to loving someone. You just have to want to, and you have to put yourself out there. It's a risk, and no one had a fulfilling loving relationship without an element of risk.

One reason people find difficulty loving is that they are afraid of the risk associated with it.

>0 LP
>4 game win streak
>2 game losing streak
>2 LP

I want you both to be my cute kids who secretly have crushes on each other.

alright. give me your discord or ign then, user.

>tfw morello was right
never thought i'd see the day

Maybe you should try getting up to an Elo that isn't garbage

Tough luck dad

How? Even if I win 66% of my games from now on it would take me forever to even get out of this division.

>haha chill bro its just a game

how do I refute this?

>Maybe you should try playing 500 games getting literally 2 LP per 6 games just to climb one entire division :D

Honestly just stop playing Ranked until you improve drastically, or select better champions.
One or two wins a month is all you NEED to do.

because your MMR would quickly shift back in shape if you actually won 66% of your games.

There is no evil djinn at riot doing tricks to keep your MMR in poor shape. It's the same for everyone.
Man the fuck up.

>play 40 games
>get many honors
>get 0 keys
really activates the jew detectors in the brain

What server do you play on?

>feeling lame things like love
>reading books like a fucking nerd



"it's just le game xd"
if you're in ranked
Normals you're fucked

If it's normal, then yeah it's just a game

If it's ranked, fuck him

I want to play Riven, but I'm so terrible with her it's ruining my Elo in every queue. What do I do?

Same one as you.

>tfw you first blood riven as toplane amumu but you have ""support" orianal and a TF who fed veigar 13 kills on your team

Main her and be happy stomping the elo you drop to


Rank the following:


How do you know?

i can tell.

I wonder if they would all hate each other if they met.

I got autofilled as support in the first loss and then someone afk'd on what would have been an easy game. Neither of the losses was because I played bad.

Hit the practice mode or whatever it's called.

Why is Sona so biggest?

There is only one(1) acceptable father figure in these threads.

And he's my daddy :3c~

That's spooky, user...!

Is it braum


Why do people not understand that there's literally unwinnable games in Silver?

Ideally you should be able to carry if you're better than the competition, but one good player cannot outweigh two lost lanes and a terrible jungler.

You bet your ASS
Now bend over ya little shit

but if I played 6 games and won 4, i'd be up 50lp not 2.
- 17 (+4)
+21 (+25)
+21 (+46)
-19 (+27)
+21 (48LP)

abyssal used to be core on her and I was happy then they removed it and i'm sad

elo hell doesn't exist, get better and stop blaming other people. There are people who go 40-0 on alts. Why can't you admit you are shit and need to get better?

Cute trap champ when?

Look, are we gonna do some gay erping or not?

>Lethality is fine
>Duskblade is getting nerfed
>Damage changed from 55 - 360 scaling on level to 65-320 scaling on level
>It's getting buffed early where it's the most abusable
>But ranged can't use it anymore
>No they will free damage is still insane
>And abusers like khazix, jayce, talon are all melee and wont be affected by the nerfs

The difference is that people who do smurf are usually at a much much higher skill level. You shouldn't expect people to be Diamonds in order to solocarry out of Silver.


Nah, you can 1v5 in Silver if you get fed and play something really stupid like Akali, Diana or Riven. But yeah, you're not looking to win impossible matches where people already start bitching and threatening to feed in champ select - you dodge some, you lose others and carry your ass off so you can win the rest.

this just makes me want to punch her, smug cunt

Yeah, of course there are, especially if you're also Silver.

>but one good player cannot outweigh two lost lanes and a terrible jungler.
This doesn't happen every game, though.

>been in silver for X hunred games because bunga team

You tell me, user! You decide!


He's adorable

Good for you, but that's not the case for me right now. All I can do is hope to not be put in conditions I can't carry in like my last 2 games.

I don't expect you to be diamond to "solocarry" out of silver. Literally all you need to do is win more than you lose. If even as a gold player, you lose more than you win against objectively worse players, you deserve to be in silver. If a plat player can do pic related, there is no reason a "gold" player is stuck in silver

kalista is for bffs

what if that guy didn't get his primary role too?

I want to kiss his cute widdle trap feet!

Yes! What now?

>tfw ur team ffs at 20 due to the fact that you created a toxic atmosphere and could sense the tilt

it feels definitely good that you were the defining factor resulting in your team ffing, no way im playing a game where our ''team'' is even but im not doing good and we just lost our first mid game teamfight

i've been participating in tournaments on battlefy for the last couple days and losing the first match is that normal?