/lolg/ - League of Legends General
What an awful edition
Best husband!
Rakan is really fun!!!
We are at the final stretch, Urgot-bros!
Kled is the cutes and my bf!
I don't feel like Kledposting I think I'm just gonna go to bed
can you guess my rank, /lolg/ ? bonus points if you guess my rank last season
Press F to pay respects
May his Season 1 self rest in peace with the 2 Ryze reworks
>lolg is safe for now
You know the drill boys, post em rate em hate
leona is cool
I heard you guys were getting your own succubus. How did you ever get along without one?
I miss lebagguette
cool guy with hipster skins
cancer toplane main but with good taste in cancer
Eve's always been a succubus you tard
Do Twitch has a feminine penis?
what is this? how do i do this?
eyoson dont tell me you're THAT new..
How many times do you have to hit an enemy for Skar to come back to you?
would a warwick ignore a Sion Q if he used his q at the same time? or would he be knocked up?
What is eyoson?
>tfw best yuri couple is canon
I want to run LEAGUE OF LEGENDS on strange hardware
Give me suggestions consoles will not work well but I can certainly try
Diamond V. Or a midddle Plat shitter.
xth for breast metal waifu
Which champion would make the strongest Green Lantern?
jesus christ dude
Gold 4.
I like your taste in supports.[/sub]
>Tfw someone does the OP of your main and its lewd
I'm upset
Why does Dark Star Thresh do this weird autistic moan every 30 seconds?
>implying he wouldn't be the strongest ever blue
Which ever one really.
Why do people always think that Udyr is a monk like Lee Sin just because he's unarmed? He's a fucking DRUID
>Tryndamere: Barbarian
>Bard: Bard
>Cleric: Soraka
>Druid: Udyr
>Fighter: Jayce
>Monk: Lee Sin
>Paladin: Kayle
>Ranger: Varus
>Rogue: Shaco
>Sorcerer: Syndra
>Wizard: Ryze
>Warlock: Veigar
>Alchemist: SInged
>Cavelier: Sejuani
>Gunslinger: Graves
>Inquisitor: Illaoi
>Magus: Kassadin
>Oracle: Ivern
>Summoner: Malzahar
>Witch: Morgana
>not bankstanding with your Engine-fu
Why even live fampai
he's jerking it
bad enough you're a furry and one of those trans faggots but you can't even english.
They should rework Zilean and make his ult freeze everything in the game except for Zilean for a few seconds.
So basically just a global Bard ult? That's dumb
don't you have some tranny in a bear hat to fap to osrs?
braum, illaoi, graves, garen, maybe an aspect
traps arent trans my dude
probably tentacle woman
she's all about willpower and strength
doesnt make everything immune though. he can still do whatever he wants with them like steal baron right before the smite.
i know its a stupid idea. im just shitposting an idea
I played nearly only these 4 champions in soloq this season. About 120 games on Taric, 110 on Soraka, 105 on Amumu and 35 on Sona.
Is having Gold 3 good or bad if I play League since like March 2016 (account creation and start of leveling) and had no experience with MOBAs before and only RTS which I played was Stronghold series?
That sidemouth on Syndra...
When should you take Eye of the Equinox over Face of the Mountain when you're supporting?
they really need to do this.
C - U - T - not you
Sick, this is actually nice
as long as it is something i have to opt into intead of having it be the mandatory thing. would just be annoying to see skins on the minimap
if you need the extra slot, which is pretty often considering you always want control wards
An update that someone won't complain about.
league aint fun
>would just be annoying to see skins on the minimap
According to riot the minimap and kill portraits will always be base for clarification, this ONLY affects your personal portrait next to your stats.
I don't think that will be a thing, mainly because of clarity issues and a fuck ton of work from the art department to make them look recognizable. This will only work only with your UI. Pros would be mad as fuck as well, so, no. That won't be a thing.
when you need an open spot
when you need early CDR
when the enemy team doesnt make you think you should have an extra shield for your adc
when you don't need upgraded sightstone for on use item cdr
any or all of them depending on how you feel
That's just, like, your opinion man
>would just be annoying to see skins on the minimap
You dont see skins on the minimap, you see base splashes. This is specifically for the user and the bottom row.
People already are, thinking this reduces the value of 3250 skins.
>It's an ARAM episode
>It's a Garen ARAM episode
>It's a Garen rushes YGB + BC as the only front liner episode
Taric all the time. This nigga needs as much inventory space as possible so he can hyperscale into a mid-lategame monster.
hey man ive been playing since elise was released and i got to gold 3, id say its pretty good
>ultimateskinbabs on suicide watch
It only affects the icon you see by your abilities, all game play related icons like the minimap and kill feed will stay the same
10/10 poppy holy shit thats cute
Learn to read, nigger.
I started around the same time and am Gold IV so ur doing better than me at least!
FotM is only really acceptable if you really CANNOT build redemption/censer on your current champ (so basically only tank support that aren't taric and you're up against a lot of grievous wounds)
Otherwise you need the 3 item slots + boots + control wards, that's 5 slots, cannot have face + ruby stone
Hey, that's pretty cool. I'd like this.
It's always something, eh.
lux is straight and is canon in love with ezreal
jinx is straight and is canon in love with ekko
get your gay shit out of here. lux is going to heaven when she dies.
That's because you don't have a support gf (bf) to give you sloppy head during your promos.
>he completely missed the point of her entire lore
I fucking hate normie memes but this made me laugh
Was Kled perfectly designed?
he only had 4 minor adjustments in 2 years of existence
I just want to chime in here and say you're right about Jinx and Ekko, but Lux is (in love) with __Garen_.
Whenever he's around Lux's pupils turn into hearts.
one thing i always liked about DOTA 2, was that certain items could change the icons of the abilities, i always found that pretty neat and would like to see that in league
good luck getting riot to put agh's in league, too much burden of knowledge
Imagine if your pupils actually turned in real life when you see somebody you're in love with
How extremely unpractical
Or maybe would people be more honest?
He got released last year user.
He's been pretty strong for a bit, but riot don't wanna touch him for some reasons.
>Kled is two years old
You're right about Jinx, wrong about Lux. Lux and Ezreal was reconnected. Besides why would Ezreal have a thing for Lux when there are so many better girls in Piltover?
he meant cosmetic items
>tfw you bump into your crush
>you see her heart-shaped eyes
>she sees your
>you both spill spaghetti
Given Morello was shipped off to riot's eternally in development 'other game' to make room for ghost crawler and most champs have 17 passives now I'd say the BoK stance has eased up a bit.
How bad is it, doc?
not actual in-game items, skin-like items
>Aspect of the Protector
It kinda sucks how literally all of the aspect champions are somewhat boring champions desu. Not that I actually hate any of them but they're all pretty unpopular beyond Pantheon this year.
2016 was 2 years ago