/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1885

The absolute madman

>Recent News
New Rose Queen Weapons (Bow, Harp, Fist, Axe) - Medium Boost to Allies' Attack and max HP + Reduce damage from off-element.
New Tier 2 (Gilgamesh, Hector, Prometheus, Anubis, Morrigna, Ca Ong) Weapons added.
Tier 2 Raids hosting requirement changed (1 True Anima).

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>Schedule for July:
6/30 - 7/8 - Ranger Sign: Bravo!
7/9 - 7/14 - A Slice of Summer (Rerun)
7/12 - 7/17 - Cerberus and Fenrir Showdowns
7/18 - 7/24 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash
7/25 - 7/30 - Rise of the Beasts
7/31 - ?/?? - New Scenario Event

8/2 - Summer Livestream @20:00 JST

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Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

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>not posting his roll


In memory of Helesanon. Please...

F I R e

For those of you who voted "now", I hope you feel really, really bad, Because you should.

Does any other user want to be dumb today or

I actually feel pretty great, it truly made my day

You could have stopped this.


I'm never rolling again.

So how is this bad ?

mfw seeing the same faggot leeching 6m buncles

still better than cockanon's

Atleast I know rateup isn't a lie

So Golden Knight is earth. Do you think she'll be the next grand series character if she changes sides?

My summer wife soon!


>/gbfg/ pushes a man to spark before Legfest

Even i'm not that DEVILISH.

>Any non-rogue knights joining your side
I don't think so, Tim.

>earth stole light knight just like it steals baha HL mvp

gib legfest

>implying it won't be cain whos already joined

>earth gets TWO knights


Someone post a list of what cockanon rolled!

It's Cain, just accept it now

/gbfg/ should feel ashamed of themselves for bullying someone into sparking outside legfest.

I only voted Now because I didn't think he would actually go through with it

If you truly love her spark her

All I can remember is Io.

You can't shame someone else for doing exactly what you did you woofus.

Is there a recording of the spark?

Just relive it yourself


>No Videos Found

How is cyber bullying even real?

Vods only last for 2 weeks if the streamer doesn't pay for the twitch streamer package.

how do you record one anyway? I wanna record my spark on twitch when it happens

Aw shit, my bad then


Helesanon didn't enable the auto record feature

just google how to enable auto record for twitch

Telling you now, Green Knight is Abel.

Give me a heles doujin to jerk off to

>this is the average seamonkey
Why do you think we rag on you subhuman fucks?

really makes me think...

Who comfy leeching here?

My wife and her senpai

What do you mean two?

>my name is in there

Soon, friend. soon.

Still gonna 5* Okto first.


Wind leecher is real

So Apollo is dark, Red Knight is fire, Gold Knight is dirt, Walfrid is probably water, Green Weeb Knight is probably wind, White Knight is probably light.

So what the fuck is the Harvin knight?

I don't even like potatoes but charlotte is VUTE

PSA: 5* Sarasa is core for Ca Ong. Bring her instead of Okto unless you wanna get cucked by a billion 90% damage cuts.

What did you learn today, /gbfg/?

Isn't this guy in TP?

>no sharechest makes it far better to leech from multiple raids instead of trying to get mvp/vice in a single one

Good job, user. I just got her earlier today. She's a very cute cow.

/gbfg/ how do we unironically fix Nighthound?

>Atelier gets a taste of their own griefing

How does it feel?

>not bringing 5* song, the universal core

More like that's what he gets for being a fake who doesn't even care for heles that much

It's just a game. They're not mad.

Give swap two charges. Get a new charge every 20 turns

>20 bronze
>7 silver
3 SSR characters
>S Vira
>S Heles
5 SR characters
>S Eugen
>Goblin Mage
2 R characters
>F Camieux
>S Walder
5 SSR summons
And 1 water buncle, which I needed.

Helesanon better have recorded it

We only voted Yes because he is a weak fag that said he is going to roll for Yuel instead

>not having dispel
>thinking a character who needs to be almost dead to do damage is good for whale

Then why did they post it?


I will be streaming it, yes. That's if my laptop and internet can take the strain

Y-Yea, not even 1% mad, h-haha....

start Prometheus

We thought it was funny that people were already leeching.

8SSR in 200 rolls

>thinking Sarasa needs backwater to cap damage
>thinking one dispel is enough

To warn others. Prometheus isn't hard raid.

But it finished

Well he's a subhuman seanigger so it all adds up

When will it be?

>forgot pic
post your collections!

>wipe last 25% because STD whore infects you with aids and there's not enough clears

Doesnt mean you should leech 6man

>Post someone leeching
>"Hey look at how funny this is!"

>The griefing crew warning other out of the goodness of their heart
Now this is funny

Nothing that prevents me from, blame the devs

summer legfes

Hahaha, such a funny post m8 XD



Turn Gran into a cute trap.

Is summer Yuel real?

>Trying to get the rebound bonus for akasha fight
>Accidentally use elixer

Null knight
Potatoes confirmed master race


Wait a few hours.

At least I have 100 draws left in case she is.

Not anymore.


>finally dealing a million with a single ougi
F-feels good

Don't worry user, one day you'll be cool like me and get 20million off a character doing an ougi attack

buy your potions user