Hey Veeky Forums,
how often do you use MemeFuel™?
Hey Veeky Forums,
how often do you use MemeFuel™?
are you upset your shitbox cant run on it?
Every time I'm near a BP that sells it.
It makes literally no difference on my bike too.
Wish we had memefuel in the states
Well since it's like $2.30/L at the moment, I use 95 now. Haven't heard any knock yet.
Premium? Only when they run out of regular and mid. Isn't that the same as 94 on the freedom scale?
Must be a shit bike, you can't even run most race bikes on 91.
doesn't 94 octane freedom fuel have ethanol in it?
huh? you don’t have 98 octane?
I think they rate things differently over there.
AKI/MON/RON. Gib it da googles.
yes but American fuel is full of ethanol right?
probably how they raise the octane rating.
"Shell V-Power 98", "Caltex Platinum 98 with Techron", "Esso Mobil Synergy 8000" and "SPC LEVO 98" in Singapore, "BP Ultimate 98/Mobil Synergy 8000" in New Zealand, "SP98" in France, "Super 98" in Belgium, Great Britain, Slovenia and Spain 98 RON 89–90 MON 93–94 AKI (USA, I believe)
The fuel in US is cheap as fuck anyway, so you could buy octane boosters and it would still come out cheaper than NZ, for instance, where 98 is like 2.35/L now.
Yeah the higher end fancy shit just has less. Pretty sure you gotta go to a supplier like VP to get ethanol free gas.
Not really sure, I've ever only had to deal with RON.
I know there's issues with ethanol and gaskets/seals, and that USA ( I think, and for lack of better words) uses different base "blends" for octane raising.
honestly I just bought a used 2006 liberty and i wanted to know if it was worth using
>I just bought a used 2006 liberty
I'm so sorry
it's slow but I payed a good amount for low mileage
it has a bunch of cleaners and shit added to it that helps keep your ports clear and what not so it's not a bad thing to use it if you can afford it.
i tend to get better fuel economy with 98 than 91 in any car i drive but you need to get all of the old fuel out of the tank before any difference will be noticeable.
my car for an example gets 10l/100km on the highway with 98 octane and 12-14l/100km on 91
since i've got it it's had about a tank and a half's worth
Practically never. Here in Straya, I prefer Mobil fuel. Better than Shell which is easily the worst. And way cheaper than BP. No problems with the fuel. It’s good.
7-11 plus a lot of other independents use Mobil.
Though the BP pumps are damn nice. Pump quickly while not letting out much fumes. But the nicer “pumping experience” doesn’t make it worth it for me
I only put BP98 meme fuel in my meme bike
>found a BP that doesn't have minorities working there
>Only go there for my fuel now
Am I a bad person? I like being able to understand the guy, plus he's fun to talk shit with.
why are most petrol stations legit run by pajeets?
They like the idea of being their own boss, running their own shit. And handling all that money makes them feel rich. Even if they don’t get to keep it all.
So my dad tells me anyway
Depends on what your motor likes. On the race bike I only run shell 98, it's a high aromatic fuel and you never get a total burn from it, but I get about 5hp less running the low aromatic BP or Mobil equivalent, so I deal with the mess. Detergents are about equivalent between both, you just get more soot in the pipes with the shell.
ALL Japanese diomestic market turbocharged cars are tuned to run on 98 Ron from the factory as it is available everywhere there and has been forever
I only ever use bp/mobil 98 in my z (fuck gull, theirs has ethanol in it)
I’m not going to mention anything about performance as if the difference between 95 and 98 is likely minuscule, the main reason is the knock resistance
>They like the idea of being their own boss, running their own shit.
They can also source a lot of slave labor that is otherwise unavailable to most small business owners. Pajeets will know solicitors who do dodgy migration work, and they'll tout for workers back in bangalore or wherever. Bring them over for a 'cooking school' or some shit, work them for 15hrs a day and pay them for six. They'll often pay the working poo in loos for a full shift and demand they pay back half of it cash in hand.
Consequently their overheads are a lot lower than someone who isn't bypassing immigration and employment law. Just don't buy fuel at a place where there is an Indian behind the counter - all you're doing is promoting coolie shit.
Desu, I just fill up my car with Shell V-Power 98 every single time. I don't really know how I'd notice a difference in performance just from switching between 98 and 95.
>Just don't buy fuel at a place where there is an Indian behind the counter
I do regularly from an indepandant Indian. He never has any workers at his store. Always just him.
And even if I did get fuel from one of those that you speak of, I'd only care for the worker getting mistreated, not the owner's unfair advantage. Cant give any fucks about that.
>I don't really know how I'd notice a difference in performance just from switching between 98 and 95.
Wrong board buddy
>I'd only care for the worker getting mistreated, not the owner's unfair advantage.
If you like living in a society where people can't get work because coolies living in shipping containers will work for pennies, go ahead.
I just make a point of only shopping at places where I'm not seeing foreign semi-slaves behind the counter. The cash saving isn't worth it.
Never, because my engines don´t profit from it:
Naturaly aspirated with port injection and only 10,5:1 compression ratio.
It wasn´t even made for 98 octane and couldn´t do anything with the increased knoking resistance.
It was desinged to run on 80 octane fuel, 95 is already overkill.
It runs on basicly any type of liquid hydrocarbons, including diesel when warmed up.
I used 100 octane fuel once, the slower combustion costed my about 5 km/h topspeed.
(got it for 1 cent/L due to error at gas station)
so why not just use the more cost efficient
my vehicles are tuned to run 98 only. it's easy power and more reliable
I only ever use 91
MFW racing fuel in the US of A costs pretty much the same we pay for standard gas here in euroland.
my shitbox is tuned to run 100. but it'll run 98 because injector magic.
dad said 98 will make me faster
I have a 540i with a n/a 4.4 liter V8, im using 95 only, am I going to feel a difference if I start using 98?
If you don’t then you’re not really autistic enough for this board. Your car may be optimised to run on 95, but should adjust to take advantage of 98.
The main way I notice the difference is I can keep revs lower without the car complaining. Better fuel economy offsets the extra cost.
I just fuel up either whatever is most cost effective. In the state of NSW we have a fuel price app. Sometimes there is a station selling 98 for less (or about the same) as 95 octane everywhere else. It then becomes a no brainer
>so you could buy octane boosters and it would still come out cheaper than NZ, for instance, where 98 is like 2.35/L now.
close to half the price is tax. because our politicians are a bunch of bicycle riding faggots.
Most BMWs are tuned for 98 stock. So with 95 only you will have a bit less power.
Here in Germany Shell and BP/Aral are phasing out 98 and replacing it with 100/102 Gas.
Have even bigger memefuel E85. Only subsidized memes here.
98 is the only thing I use in my car, makes a huge difference in mileage compared to 95.
Stop complaining.
2.35 nz$/L. That's still 10% cheaper than Dutch prices for 95.
My car needs premium to not complain, so it gets Momentum 99, since that's what my regular place does as premium.
My motorbike is going to get the odd tank of premium, I think. Just to keep the fuel lines clear.
You don't even have ethanol-free.