/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

This guy slaps your girlfriend's ass edition

>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World revealed for PS4 and Xbox One early 2018, and eventually PC. youtube.com/watch?v=xe-RAeDfOMM
↳Information with sources: pastebin.com/TRFRGFn1
↳Gameplay 7/6: youtube.com/watch?v=zNfK-YqLUbU

-Monster Hunter XX Nintendo Switch Ver. confirmed for 8/25 in Japan, region free. youtube.com/watch?v=CvzTD_RYDXs
↳No current plans for XX localization "at this time". twitter.com/monsterhunter/status/875133030326652928
-Monster Hunter Stories due for a 9/8 release in EU, Q4 NA.

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243
In XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集 (page 1, middle right)
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/

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first for regios girl cute





Anyone have a double monster guild quest with brute tigrex on the left and sns bias? RNG hates me.


Reminder to give Milsy all your horn coins!

hahaha im up here in the sky and you cant hit me!
get fucked faggots!


do you ever think about monsters hone lives?

not so fast, monsieur


le daora grande faec

They're cute.

>MH game on PC
Just how many cheaters will there be?


about the same as there are now
which is to say, a lot.

>Not playing the pirated version solo

In my new file on 4U, I'm using this armor and it's really nice. Pretty cute but not slutty.


Fuckton, that's why you play with mhg or other friends.

Playing portable 3rd and thinking about trying some of the bowguns, should I go heavy or light?

>Hanako 42
Jesus Christ Pixel.


Implying that isn't masterfurryx

I need to get me one of these.

user, I...
It's masterfurryfaggotxDDD

>Implying half the discordshitters aren't furries
I know that's you, Nanaca.

Playing MH4U, need some serious help getting rajang hardhorns.

I have apex, I have the guild quest for two of them. They always die before I can break both with a group (running paralysis so GS can smash).

Any help would be appreciated. IGN is Drokk, room has the target of rajang.

Trying to get dat hote HBG set, need to trade HHS for Jhen fangs.

>dat hote
welcum nu fren xD

jesus christ

Can I get a quick rundown on mhg Discord and a list of all the members so I can blacklist?

Don't see you, did it already fill? Also, do you have sleep or no? Sleep GSing seems to be the most effective way.

>suddenly can't join 4/5ths of the people actually playing

All according to keikaku.

ive hacked some armor and weapons into my save game but with legit stats and not too OP, can u play with MHG or should I stick to just being an asshole cheater

Just filled up!

Same but they're pretty expensive and I'm too much of a cheap bastard to spend money on one.


I don't care. Just give me the list.

>the only people left are the ones worth playing with
What's the problem here?

Literally just MLX 20 times.
The quick rundown is that the discord's not so bad, and I almost think that all the hate is a false flag to get people to check it out for themselves.

Hey, just started MHXX with the English Patch. Can't read the jap for shit. How do I upgrade my weapons past their MHGen limits? I assume it happens "eventually," but I'd like to move up to the next step whenever possible.

I have a Buster Sword at level 7, and I see that level 9 with 340 and a very healthy white sharpness. I want it.

He's good for a snack

Discord is fine, but anyone posting in off-topic is pure cancer and should be permabanned.

The no rooms meme.

I think you have to get to G Rank, when I did my Gen maxed weapons got an upgrade called "Pioneer"

Nendos are overpriced, but they sure are cute.

You ain't seen nothin' yet chasseur....

Oh, so I just have to do that fucking Urgent in the blimp hall? Good shit.

I've mostly been doing the village quests, but I guess I'll try it out.

>cats will never refer to the hunter as leader instead of master again


The last quests was shitty. Both Rajangs in the same zone. Laser beams, slams and charge everywhere.

What is your favorite kinsect /mhg/?
Not in terms of stats, just aesthetically.
I really like Pseudocath; I don't like most RL moths but this one is pretty cute.

Whatever happened to ᶠ ᶫ ᵉ ᵉ ᵗ ᶠ ᶫ ᵃ ᵐ ᵐ ᵉ ʳ spammer

elscarad > pseudocath > ladytower > foliacath > fleetflammer

most of the rest range from okay to shitty

Yeah, it was brutal. Trying to get those sleep duals so people can come in with gses and smush em.

I want to hunt down and kill every cunt that posts harbinger of death in a farm room.

are we still throwing shitfits about MHW (MH5)?


Does Affinity just raise your chance of landing a critical hit, or does it also empower the critical hit itself?

chance of landing a critical hit. In X/XX, the skill critical boost raises the critical hit damage to 1.4 instead of 1.25.

I hope they remove capture quests in World. Shit is garbage.

Then the game will be Killer Monster.
Even in real life you have to capture your prey when you hunt.

>I hope they remove capture quests in World. Shit is garbage.
This is the cancer that is killing Monster Hunter.

I don't like capture quests, either, but they're a test of skill. They're easier, in certain ways, anyways.

Cheating in MH games is pretty redundant, it's not like playing with autoaimers and bots,
When you cheat in MH you're only cheating yourself out of a game at nobody else's expense.

Yeah, but knowing how PC players are, it's funny to think about just how many will do that and essentially invalidate most of the game.

>how PC players are
As someone that uses every platform, in my experience there are no more cheaters on PC for most games than any other platform, and this actually suggests that PC players are LESS inclined to cheat (because it's way easier to cheat in most games if you're on PC).

Honestly, i feel like most cheaters in games (both on and offline) are just total casuals who play video games just because it's a thing people do nowadays.
Every friend of mine I've known who actively cheats in games all the time are the kind of people who just boot up fallout every few months and runs around on godmode to reassure the world that they are in fact a l33t g4mr

>PC custom quests

I tend to play games obsessively for hundreds of hours until I've pretty much seen all they have to offer, sometimes I cheat afterward for a more casual and relaxing experience or to fine-tune or to some extent mod the game (for instance CE mods in dragon's dogma for custom vocations, or six million dash juices in MHXXX).

>6 million dash juices
Just shoot your cats at Gypceros.

Vanilla or Chocolate?

Why not both?

>hacking in dash juices in XX
>when they just hand 99 of them to you for free

The only right answer to A or B questions. Why does anyone even bother asking.

>99 MDJ
>He thinks this is enough

Delicious chocolate Kirin girl.
Dark skin + white hair combo is GOAT.

Provides on average ~1 extract per 3 hunts, often less, not worth it.

>Got to G2 in MH4U

>he has done less than 99 quests per MH
you shouldn't even be here

>1 extract
If you use the right coloured cats you get 2-8 stacks of ~4 most hunts, since you can get Gyp at LR, HR and G.

>LR duramboros urgent in 3U
>Get it limping
>Ran out the clock and had to abandon

No man that's not enough.
You always need at minimum 2 full pages of MDJ

XX hub up

Is there a reason to use the heavy bow gun over the light bow gun?

Seems like the light ones are just better but do slightly less damage. Playing portable 3rd.

I meant with purple. You don't get gypceros every hunt, or even most hunts, in ANY rank.

Does anyone use Weight kinsects in X/Gen?
I can see a use for any of the others but without G rank, Weight kinsects seem kinda underwhelming.
Am I missing something?

There's no real reason to unless you like the aesthetics or want a specific skill.
At higher levels you won't need to be able to fly farther when your speed is maxed.

MHXX, doing G3+ key quests, anyone interested? Already got one 200+HR japanese player.


Well, he's not around anymore, but the room's still open.

I'd join you, but I'm already in another room. Maybe next time, user.

HBG damage output is straight up better, but only if you're good enough to use it to its full extent.
At their skill caps, LBG excels at team support and HBG excels at damage output, with a few exceptions. LBG always has the benefit of being quicker and easier to just grab and go, so it's more appealing to beginners while HBG is a bit unforgiving unless you know your enemy.

>Is there a reason to use HBG over LBG?
Other way around. Also yes.
>Seems like the LBGs are just better, but do slightly less damage.
Basically. The way it's usually viewed is that the damage difference in favour of HBG is worth far more than the mobility difference in favour of LBG.
>Playing P3rd
P3rd is virtually the only game where LBG is better than HBG. Pierce S and Normal S will favour HBG, but Elemental LBG is fantastic in P3rd so roll with that.

Thanks, annons.

I'm in the second rank of the high rank guild quests right now and after I get done with them I'm thinking about trying MHFU. I'll probably pick heavy guns back up then since they seem fun.

HBG is solid in FU from my understanding, largely because every monster in that game is varying levels of weak to "shoot normal 2 at it".

Thanks for the thought. Room's closed due to AIDS now, got carried hard by more overlevelled Japanese players. Tell you what though, the sheer number of Japanese players with a billion skills with 2 points each is unbelievable.

>Just failed four G Rank quests in a row
Jesus Christ what is wrong with me, I'm really off my game tonight