The Sims General /tsg/

No Edition Edition

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>Game Cracks:

>Parenthood Crack:

>ZLOrigin(Origin Emulator):

>Discord: (Now drama free) SQUEAKY CLEAN

>Previously on Veeky Forums's the Sims General

Other urls found in this thread:

More like NO EFFORT edition! (I kid, thanks for making a thread.)

Best edition.


Oh, people started a shitfit over you existing and there was a bunch of thread drama and they kept using your name as boogieman. HEY SOUNDS FAMILIAR.



what are you doing

you just can't stop yourself from creating drama can you you have to dig up shit from the past

See? Perfect example.

Nah, but really. Hiiiiii!


What are they doing

"We've know each other for a really long time, since we were kids."


"We've also been dating for years..."

"We have..."

She's thinking about going back to her old ways and murdering him like she did with his parents and her parents.

So I got the mods working to a point, but the animations don't work. could it be that the different version of them be fucking it up?
I was told to unzip them and put the packages all in there. Can I keep them in the folders they are made in?
It was suggested to keep them 1 folder deep, os is that not good idea either and I should just keep them all in 1 folder together? Unsorted

"I really like the sound of Horus Weilon, how about you?"


"Horus, will you marry me and give me the honor of having you as my wife?"

oh shit SAY YES!

Yeah i know who started that. All because i got fed up with them constantly crying over Steam about how girls wouldn't fuck them.
But really that's all over and i don't care anymore.
Its just nice to be back doing sims shit again. I missed you buttholes.

you don't understand the irony in your reply.


"That's my girl"

(intense loving emotions intensify)

Dude, thread drama is a joke. I just ignore it.
I for one, welcome you.

It's so ironic it hurts, that you have this "I can do no wrong, me me me" attitude when everyone hates you because of the shit you keep doing.

Stop causing drama and feeding it, this is old and stupid, stop it. I have had enough.

Is there a way to make noise in the middle of the night and piss off your neighbor like they do to me? I need my beauty sleep to look great at the kush office job my father got me, so I need to get back at them.


Here's the unofficial op image I was working on before the new thread happened. Just trying something new. Congrats to the sims who made it on

kim stop

I thought discord drama was over


play ur guitar

It was, until 'He Who Must Not Be Named' joined again.

it surprises me how much better nina looks with brown hair..

but why being it here. you're all at fault bringing it here. stop ruining threads discordfags


"Bro bro, why ya so far over there~?"

"You're allergic to this, remember?"

"Yea, yea. Wanna go skinny dippin' with me afta~?"


"I proposed to Horus today."

"...She say yes?"

"Of course she did, why wouldn't she?"

"Ya neva' know"

"You okay?"

"Yea, hurry and take off your shorts"

see? Now you got Betty mad.

>"Yea, hurry and take off your shorts"
Oh lordy

and you're not helping either.

Were you here for earlier of the story? If not they have a weird twin thing going on. She wants to fuck but he's not interested.

He barely fucks his gf




>fucking your girlfriend

That's absolutely disgusting. We all know the only way to experience a relationship is SHYLY HOLDING HANDS

I have to agree, that's the best way to have a relationship.

Oh yeah, I think I remember that.


jfc the kids looks like mike jackson

This nerd actually does her homework and chores without hassle.

sounds like someone needs to teach her a lesson

Let's beat her up and steal her lunch money. Fucking nerd.

The thing that bugs me the most about this is that the kid is wearing makeup.

Who puts makeup on a child?

Makeup on childsims bothers me almost as much as sims wearing makeup to sleep.

>beat up Iris
>get killed by either Horus or Mei


Clearly we didn't think this through.


Sounds like a fun way to die tho.


Horus would kill you in cold blood, but at least Mei will fuck you before she kills you.

I should play again. I need more screenshots to shitpost with.

that 'stache is anything but shit.

See, i'm fine with both those options.

He was supposed to be a recreation of Chef Gino from MySims.

He was married to the daughter of Mexican druglord.
They had three kids named Ree, Fry, and Bean Taco.

Is there anyway to tell what DLC's and downloads I need to have on a saved town without opening it on the sims 3? I had to reset the sims 3 and it's working fine now, but I can't access these two saved towns cause I don't know what expansion packs and downloadable content Im missing. It gives me the option to go to the town in the main menu if that helps.

>use mccc to impregnate bella goth
>check the manage households
>had triplets
>now she has 6 kids

that's pretty funny

check the town names and then look for them in the wiki to see what you need



cause using an airhorn on the customers is a good idea..

Thanks man but one town was Sunset Valley and the other was whatever came with island paradise. I know that it's some townie in a turban or some peice of decor in the corner of a room stopping me from getting into the saves.

>tfw you will never motorboat the shit outta each and every female sim in this thread

She used it on herself? kek

I think I'm gonna try to finish this now that I have some time off. It's been over a year since I stopped on it.

The sim she used it on has a high mischief skill, higher than her, so it failed and she ended up getting the fail for it

Maybe not the best thing to do right before starting the shift at the police station...

I didn't know that could happen. lmao
I should play with mischief more.

I have a few sims i did the mischief aspiration on
>remember going into the landgraab's place and sabotaging every bit of plumbing they had
That was a good day.


>That detective lady killed Don Lothareo's husband, I saw it!
Don't kids say the darndest things?

>Baby never shuts up
>constant rat and cockroach infestations
>Landlord literally doesn't exist
>crippling depression
>Constantly on either Molly or Xanax in order to get rid of some of the negative moodlets
>Her baby's father can barely stand the sight of her
>tfw you've accidentally created something more depressing than real life

>doesn't have him chained up in a rape dungeon yet

Maybe he needs to spend some time with child welfare..

Aw bro
shit got a bit real abit fast.

>tfw no basement to build rape dungeon in

I heard the modding scene in 4 is ded

Hey that's the kid who keeps calling Miriam

>has also been waiting for this

i feel like whoever recoloured this thing did a bad job.

Does anyone still have the original LumiaLover Taylor Swift hair?

This Taylor Swift

requires Lumia Lover Sims "Taylor Hair"

But the page for the hair is down. As a result I got bald Taylor Swift

Please show us bald swift

There you go, if this is your thing

I just wanted it for a laugh, it was worth


Do anons still play TS3 or are you all on TS4 now?

I play ts3 sometimes, but i tend to get lost in CASt and bythe time i'm done i don't want to play anymore

>Check to see what the others are doing
>oh no

Right now I'm trying to get into that vampire count's pants and take his house. It's working. Sex dungeon soon.

Oh great, just what you need, another fucking baby.

Just pirate the thing

I play a lot of TS2 and TS3, I just don't post the screenshots from it.

I've got a "legacy challenge" (not really) going of Stella Terrano but nothing worth sharing so far.

Guess what guys.
EA decided that they want more shekels.

It was always going to

Bish that wasn't me. I keep my shitposting in the discord where it belongs.

I want to bury my face in mary's hairy vagina


fix ur cc