[-Dirt Bike Thread - /dbt/-]

[-Dirt Bike Thread - /dbt/-]

Road bikes get out edition:

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>Dirt bike Tips & Tricks
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>Dirt bike Pics & Webms
>Dirt bike Dating Advice
>Dirt bike knobbie loss support groups

/dbt/ map: Meet & ride dirt bikes

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Dirt bike Ergonomics simulator:

Road bikes for numales bikes:

Check your helmet's safety rating here:

webms with sound:

Previous thread:

Dirt bikes are cool because they don't get in the way in my touge
Remember slowfag bikecunts stay off my touge tyty

didn't you put that car in a ditch trying to be takumi?

Nope I've put plenty of limp wrist bikefag in a ditch tho

Is this EF trying new forms of shitposting?

how new are you?

post boi pucci

First for the real Rydaz up in here

>how new are you

Spotted the newfag

Shout out to myself for riding harder than anyone on daily butthole thread

it's nice of your dad and your uncle to take you riding with them.
If i ever have a special needs son i hope i can do the same.

I think you're the one whose special needs, son

am i the hard core now too?

So did you do that in a low speed maneuver?

Git gud boyz

So you scraped peg while doing a u-turn?

Why the fuck do i like this baiku...
And FOR FUCK SAKE what the hell is happening to SEM poll

I'm sorry you dropped your bike EF, mistakes happen but I'm sure you'll do better next time.

Because you forgot about the 1098 and who knows.

>road bikes get out

I scraped my entire bike doing a high speed corner
Fz fags cannot apply

Good thing I don’t ride an FZ


>that’s a man baby!


Is there a better commuting bike for riding in underdeveloped areas?

I think not.

Nah just a ninja 1,000
Liter bike

>this digits

Your old touring bike isn’t a literbike. I’d have a 1/4 ounce of respect for you if you bought a zx10r.

yes, you just have to not be poor.



Nope not a liter bike


Literbike implies 1,000cc supersport. You just have a 1,000cc sport tourer. A bmw k1600 isn’t considered a literbike so why is yours you fucking retard?

liter engine =/= liter bike

Anyone have experience with bmw/guzzi single plate dry clutch?

I was taught on a wet clutch and was told to feather it during low speed maneuvers to control speed. Probably not a good idea for a dry clutch

>being this wrong

Shiiiiit son

>best beginner motorcycles

Are you genuinely retarded?

Just throw 60/40s on, street hooning isn't as fun if you can't jump into the dirt at a moment's notice without slippage.
Is a ninja 1000 a sport touring bike? I know it isn't a "Supersport" but it's still a budget sports bike.

one day

It’s advertised as a sport tourer

Any trails you could get down with 60/40's you could get down on road tyres.
they are pointless.

>those 7's tho

This kills the dbt

If my post ends in a number ef is a nigger cuck

I knew dbt was racist

This is the weakest argument I've ever read.

>This entire thread is just namefags and car cucks.
I miss when dbt didn't have these faggots. I just want to talk about bikes and look at cool pictures. Think I'm gonna leave for a while.

You and I had a conversation about niggers yesterday.

I remember when dbt was mostly cruiser bro's.
It was nice

Found this hero on my way to work

Rate his bike

Natty life

>natty light
>all red sport wear
>spray pained wheels and tires
>aluminum foil?

>wrecked ninja 250 "street fighter" bro

is that fucking tin foil?

Nothing to see here officer/10

Better not put that bike in the microwave.

it's fucking chrome bro. do you even ride?

>chin strap undone

Problem is everyone who used to post quality content can't be arsed anymore.
i know i can't be fucked posting my pictures here or my webms.

Why cant you post anything? Do your feelings get hurt?

lol I feel like i'm the only person who loves the look of this bike. It's also the last handmade ducati before they started using automation. Gonna try and get one this summer.

to you want me to start a blog or something?

did you not see the first reply to that post?
everything that is great about the 999 is better on the 1098

i'm talking from a pure aesthetics standpoint. The 999 just calls to me for some reason.

has he put fucking tin foil over the scratched/broken parts?


Looks as if. Lol

998 tho, arse end just looks better on them imo

They sound broken and they look like a cyclops
Fuck Italian shitheaps

like a 999 with a 998 arse end would be perfection

I think early 2000's bikes in general just remind me of my childhood and that's why I like the look of them so much

you rode a ducati 999 during your childhood?
you must have been the most bad arse kid at the playground.

autist detected

yeah those nerds didn't have a chance of keeping up

do GPS trackers work right up until the bike is torched?

>search kid on ducati
>justin bieber rides an 1198
>has no chicken strips
how does it feel knowing the beiberino rides faster than you on a better bike than you?

I don't have strips either
Doesn't make me fast

everyone on dbt has inch wide chicken strips and rides a bike that is 300cc or less.
those are the rules.

wat. his strips are miles wide

Question to any BR in here.

How much should i pay in a used suzuki intruder?
What should i take into consideration? I found a bunch of used models but they vary a lot in it's characteristics so i'm kind of unsure on how much i will spend on one.

Also, i only want to spend up to 3.000,00 R$ in a bike because i am poor and i still need to buy a helmet and whatever else i need to ride a bike safely, do i am open to other recommendations.

You got me, fuck

unironically get as gs500.

well your picture is a GN

it seems the bike costs way more than i can afford.

they are called intruder here in hu3land. it is the exactly same thing for what i know.

you can't afford a gs500?
how many dollarydoos is 3000R$?

It can take some abuse but don't keep at it for long periods of time. One you overheat it and glaze it there isn't a damn thing you can do to fix it minus replacement. You would really have to try to do it though, the clutch disks are sized pretty overkill.

the cheapest gs500 i could find here on the interwebs is at least 6000,00 R$. which is around 1.825 dollaridoos

Oops, i meant 19.784,40 $

oh shit. look at communist bikes maybe.

nah forget it, the first price was correct., i'm just fucking tired.

is R rubel?

R$ is for "reais"

Hey guys. Im thinking about getting a rebel 300 to commute to work. Its 7 miles on a highway or 9 on a back road (will be going up to 20 when I move in a year). Would I do okay on the 300? It would be my first bike. Im thinking the 300 would do just fine at highway speeds, or should I get the 500 to go faster?

is the new rebel a single cylinder?

The 300 is


looks dope if I'm honest
I'd get one to just take apart and put back together

hmmm idk what bikes you could honestly even get for that price, probably looking at getting a scooter mate.

those the engines you strap to a push bike?

there's no gearbox