Tfw your gas guzzler hurts earth chan
Tfw your gas guzzler hurts earth chan
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>implying earth-chan does not like sic drifts and hot drags
*reinstalls catalytic converter*
‘Non guzzlers’ do too. I feel bad about using and disposing of so much plastic, even if I dispose of it properly and it doesn’t end up in the ocean.
I feel bad for all the turtles and birds and fishies. As soon as possible I will get solar panels so I can produce my own electricity and feel less bad about driving a v8 :)
I really don't give a fuck what i do in my short time here.
earth has been around for billions of years and it will be for billions more with or without us and once we are gone it will not even remember us being here after 1000 years which is pretty much a blink of an eye in the grand scheme of things.
Good, by the time i see anything significant happen to effect me ill either be really old or dead and it'll be the next generation's problem. Choke on my co2 earthchan you cunt (even though my car isn't that high in emissions) ill continue to do my part by only owning older cars.
fuck off
I for one think she would look great as a redhead
Good thing I don't have a car to drive anymore. I must protect that flat Earth.
well maybe if she was more well rounded like jupiter id care
earth chan is flat
you deserve rape
Earth chan is sick!
save earth chan ;-;
ok perfect then time to roll some coal, hope you don't mind earth-chan.
That's some kang-tier thinking right there. Protip: environmentalism isn't about the earth. It's about keeping our civilization going and hopefully advancing. If shit changes too abruptly, it leads to destabilization of societies and a shittier future for your descendants.
You better have cut the cats off of that.
Good. The sooner humans die the better.
asking if that thot minds? I pity you
>and a shittier future for your descendants.
good. adversity brings out the best in man, after all.
The best coal rollers are the yuropoor diesel shitboxes. Prove me wrong.
>tfw started bike commuting
>tfw takes the exact same time as before
>tfw getting rid of econobox daily driver soon and being able to afford a nice project car
Why not make ecoshitbox INTO project car?
this is a strange fetish of mine (2d girls being abused, 3d does nothing oddly enough)
does it have a name?
Ryona, although that usually refers specifically to gut punching.
Because that would be retarded. It's a four door hatchback 90 hp FWD turbodiesel with next to no aftermarket. What I want is a classic tiny Euro roadster. No amount of projecting is going to turn a four door hatchback into a classic roadster.
no it doesn't, global warming is a lie, and if it wasn't the pollution from ev manufacture would be a hundred times worse.
I will never wake and be as stupid as you. feels great
I wish you'd never wake in general.
Cars literally don't fucking matter for global warming next to cows, planes and cargo ships, so you can stop pretending that it doesn't exist.
Me too thanks
the bible, and many other religion talks about a flood.
In the past, there was an ice age.
Our cars are the cause of global warming which melts the ice up north and cause a flood.
then an Ice age will come but earth will recover after ice age.
well maybe we're fucked even without cars.
Yeah because a 4000 pound car made with plastic, platinum, gold, and rare Earth elements is sooo much better than the 3000 pound equivalent cars which some made the same or even better mpg 20-30 years ago.
no opposition here
I just wish they were bulletproof tho
raw and uncut autism ITT
I'm no hippie but it is surprising to see how much plastic trash a single person generates in the course of a month. I try to recycle what I can though.
As long as liberals are flying around in their private jets burning more fuel than any of us could possibly use in an entire lifetime on one trip, I'll do whatever I want.
I do still think people should recycle n all that shit though. But even if we didn't, we wouldnt be speeding up climate change nearly as much as the chinks.
Planes and cargo ships don't matter next to farming either. Stop eating meat and all the "organic" stuff that takes more resources for less yield.
>tfw every backfire is a thrust into earth chans tight pussy
Feels good to be a rotard
This is a dumb thread. Earth is going to outlive human civilization. The problem is that humans fucked with ecosystems we didn't understand and now we have droughts and floods everywhere and sea level rise.
Environmentalism is really just self preservation. Unless you actually like the thought of western countries constantly dealing with major refugee crises.
Of course Earth will out"live" us, it's an enormous fucking rock. But you can still extinguish most of what's on top of it including yourself. Look a Venus, yeah it's still a planet rotating around itself and the Sun, but does it look like it's got life on it? 96.5% carbon dioxide atmosphere.
>cargo ships pollute more than trucks
A single cargo ship can carry up to 20000 times more containers than a truck.
9,550 times more actually measured by the largest container ship in the world because container capacity is measured in TEU, and one TEU is one 20' container, and a truck fits two of them. Long truck combinations actually fit three or more.
The point however is that the most effective way of tackling emissions is tackling all areas where they occur, not just the most prominent one. Why focus on ships or on road vehicles when you can cut back on emissions of both at the same time?
Most underrated quote in this thread. If EVERY liberal shill who bitches about climate change refused to fly on private jets and religiously used renewable resources in their public and private llife then MAYBE I'll give them a little more credit.
>muh liberal boogeyman
you stupid fuck
>tfw you'll never have an old diesel mercedes with a swedish truck turbo to roll coal and do sicc drifto at the same time
I'm not white so i can't be a soyboi you stupid cuckold.
>I'm not white
My condolences
>coming from the wh*teoid with a 2 inch penis
lol stay mad
>not raping mother nature on a daily basis
>not wanting to see this planet being incinerated along with all the life on it
Go to bed, Khorne.
Shit niggers Im about as weeb as they get but what the fuck is this degeneracy?
Fuck off to your shit board
Lol you want this guy to go back to the /pol/ but you use their language.
>460 big block ford
>no cats diff dump
>running leaded avgas
fuck you liberal shit
He can still win the nomination. FEEL THE SAND
I recycled today so we're even
>Tfw my gas guzzler puts out less emissions that an average Chinese home.
Go bitch at china for having a shit power grid them come back and we'll talk.
I'll just let the hybrid and EV drivers save on fuel so I don't have to
Keep telling yourself that lie, the earth has been a lot fucking hotter than it i right now.
strange how they leave out the last few thousand years on the global warming charts, they just say "shit son it is bad now" when the reality is we are coming out of a small ice age.
who really gives a fuck if we sped up the process a little?
big whoop, volcanoes do that too.
>t.dumb and fat amerimutt
stop eating McDonalds while watching Fox News everyday lardass
So when did most of humanity's progress occur? Was it 10,000 years ago? Was it 5000 years ago? Or was it in the last 200 years that our entire modern existence is based on? Volcanoes dump less CO2 into the air annually than humans. We're talking hundreds of millions of tons compared to artificial output of like 30-40 billion tons a year. A large enough eruption will temporarily cool shit down with particulates but that's it. You have no perception of how much carbon is moved from the ground to the air. Of course the earth has been hotter than it is, but it hasn't had billions of tons of carbon removed in the span of decades and dumped into the air in the course of our existence on it. We'll adapt, but it's going to cause the people who can't adapt as fast to run from their equatorial, desertified regions and settle in Scandinavia where they get free access to your white wives and leech off of your tax money. Enjoy.
t. some fuckwit who thinks the earths climate should be constant
people like you are a special kind of cancer.
you guys going to freak the fuck out when the warming ends and earth goes back into another ice age too?
Yeah because the earth has never been hit by a comet/meteor and literally become a tinder box.
Get your /int/ cancer out of here
my old 460 got 4-6mpg
new 454 gets 8-12
Bullshit graph because the scale is simply too large for the last 100 years to even show up.
The conversation isn't about the deep past. Yeah, the planet has been through a bunch of shit and been literally glazed over by ice at one point, but literally who gives a shit about what happened tens of thousands to millions of years ago when the conversation is about it impacting modern human civilization which has only known a temperate climate. It's one thing for it to have changed over a thousand years, it's another for it to happen in 100. We'll adapt, but it's going to be SHITTIER. That was the whole point of trying to mitigate it when there might have been a chance. So it wouldn't be so shitty moving forward. But fuck it. I kind of just want to see how bad it gets now. I'm holding out for a Mad Max future.
>you guys going to freak the fuck out when the warming ends and earth goes back into another ice age too?
If we began to actively shove a bunch of aerosols and nuke the ground to throw more particulates in the air, then yeah, an accelerated ice age would be an issue.
>anime girls will never be real
Exactly, you people are so god damned delusional that you actually think you can stop a cycle that has been happening for billions of years, harden the fuck up if it wasn't getting hotter it would be getting colder.
big fucking deal, humans have to love in land a little bit... oooo the horror...
1.9 tdi golf?
Yeah, we technically could have stopped it from happening in terms of a human lifespan if we didn't put tens of billions of tons of CO2 into the air. Not exactly the most realistic thing to stop because people like to fuck and eat, but it's completely retarded to think that it's just "muh natural cycles" acting alone. Yes, there are natural cycles, but industrial activities can alter them. If you deny that, you've taken the oil-jew bait way too hard.
>big fucking deal, humans have to love in land a little bit... oooo the horror...
Simplifying shit. You know the Syrian crisis was an indirect result of agriculture failing in the region due to drought, right? That's gonna be the norm for a while before we all settle into our beautiful multiculti utopias and Russia becomes the greatest superpower on earth. Your descendants will probably be murdered or die in a war.
So that's the sharpest increase in two millennia, it's exponential in the last 50 years, and I'm supposed to just sit back and see what happens?
>The point however is that the most effective way of tackling emissions is tackling all areas where they occur, not just the most prominent one.
Uh no. The most effective way to fight pollution is tackling the biggest polluter. Planes still use leaded gas. Jets run on kerosene. Cars are not that bad compared to everything else yet they get the most shit.
Good, the earth has too many people on it, we need a few droughts to thin out the numbers a bit.
7 billion is way too many.
you can't stop the train once it is rolling, only the earth can.
maybe if people started caring about it back in the 1800's you dumb shits could be controlling the climate but people weren't that smart so suffer the consequences and stop having a sook about it.
I don't disagree. Much more than 7 billion could be handled well since there's an assload of room, but we've got a bad track record for using resources well. Shit never changes for the better without conflict either, so part of me thinks this is for the best in the long-term. It's like procrastinating up until the breaking point and somehow shitting out something of value in the last seconds.
You saying that is like saying "the most effective way to fight crime is tackling burglaries but not robberies". WHY NOT FUCKING DO BOTH. And that's not a question, that's an order for you to sit on your ass and have a good long think until you can find a better reason for objection.
Trains have brakes, you fucking dimple.
im just saying you think the warming is going to just magically stop?
because it won't.
even if every person on earth disappeared tomorrow it would probably still get hotter for at least another 200 years before it started cooling down again if you know.... the past few thousand years are anything to go by...
If you have enough expertise you can make models that limit the warming to a certain amount provided a certain atmospheric composition is maintained. It's seriously not hard to understand unless you're a post-factual retard who thinks science is about opinions.
so you don't see the pattern of 50-100 years of warming and 50-100 years of cooling?
every single spike on that graph is sharp and lasts for a pretty short amount of time.
more looks like it was getting warmer for 1000 years then got colder for about 1000 years and now it's going back to warmer.
What part of unprecedented rate don't you understand? You're just going to trust it to cool off again because lolrandomspikes? Are you just too lazy to think of a solution, or do you actually believe what you're saying?
Yes. Humans are causing the current warming of earth.
If you don't think it's humans causing it, then what is?
Two bombs were not enough.
The sun.
>implying the problem is "climate change" and not pollution and ecological damage
fucking amerifatsos are so fucking stupid, stop spending all day stuffing your mouth with fast greasy food while watching fox news
It isn't constant but human civilization has relied on constant climate. Do you think your cars and roads will survive without a whole supply chain behind it?
Fucking christ people are retards about this stuff.