That guy that calls himself a purist for driving a manual but still uses traction control, stability control, abs...

>That guy that calls himself a purist for driving a manual but still uses traction control, stability control, abs, a tachometer, electronic injection and a bunch of other gay shit.

You aren't that guy, right user?

That's not really difficult to achieve

Only thing I have of these is a tach

Am I still gay?

>that guy that posts their anemic carborated V8 that makes less horsepower than a honda and is stuck together with a 4-5 speed transmission and thinks drag """racing""" is a real sport.
you aren't that guy, right user?

You probably like traps

>that guy that """"drives"""" a laptop

Was this really worth a thread?

Get a load of this autist

Well, my first truck didn't have any of that. My second truck had injection, but dropped the power steering. Am I good enough senpai?

youre mum uses my fuel injection


Veeky Forums really does dickride contrarianism.

Also a thread died for this.

Don't forget that the car automatically rev matches and is essentially impossible to mess up a shift and you might as well be pressing a button to shift instead of moving a lever.

Why did you bump this?

It's that guy who thinks he's an elitist prick because he's too stupid to drive a manual car!
And also thinks he knows better than a computer, and can out-brake ABS!
And that locked wheels stop faster than non-locked ones!
I guess he's gonna die.

I spent a year with a vehicle with no driver aids whatsoever. Not even thick tires or a powerful engine. Two wheels, chassis, small engine. That's purity. Nothing else puts you in touch with the road like a small motorbike.

>not riding a push start manuel choke carbed shitbike
Lmaoing at ur life senpai

Hell, I don’t even have FM radio. Get on my level.

Love the Cuda, steelies are peak aesthetic

>tfw not have abs, trac/stab control

Because this is the best thread Veeky Forums's had in years

Why's there an HDMI cable hanging out of the grille?

>a purist cant even have a tachometer or electronic fuel injection

>Not having a manual crank start and manually adjusting spark.
You must be a complete fucking faggot

According to you maniacs the De Dion-Bouton Model Q is the perfect car.

What's wrong with a tachometer?

And traps are gay

>calls himself a purist for driving a manual
no I just drive a manual and don't call myself names for it. Fuck your autism.

Engine block heater faggot.
t. Upper Midwest

Not even, just a shitty old battery wrap.

Hello? It's gay shit, like steering wheels and clutches.

>tfw my first car had none of those things

>tfw tachometer broken in my MFI E21
Real purist reporting in

I have an intricate network of mirrors set up so I can count the number of revs, the crankshaft makes, with my own eyes.