/dag/+/bwg/ - Dragon Age & Bioware General #1088

Tenderness Edition

Last time in Lothering: News:
>Bioware's new IP Anthem is set for fall 2018
>Dragon Age: Knight Errant #3 comic is out (it has not been posted here yet)

>We occasionally discuss other, smaller RPGs that don't have their own generals. This does not mean we are /wrpg/
>Leliana is extremely cute.

Dragon Age Stuff:
>Check THIS before asking questions:
>DA:O Mods

>How do I import my save into DA:I?
You can use this website to create your own DA World History by bringing over your choices from the previous games. You need an Origin account.

>Where is my Warden?
Picking Andraste's Grace blossoms for her beloved Andraste.

>/dag/ (incomplete) Art Archive

>/dag/ booru

>Help me /dag/+/bwg/, I want to watch something wonderful!

Friendly reminder that Winnie user killed our general!

Other urls found in this thread:



No rudeness allowed!

>intentionally letting the thread die so you make another OP about Leliana

this is too much autism, i'm leaving.

Umm, nobody else was making a new thread.

It hurts. Why can't we have both?

I intentionally let it die to make an actual thread but his autismus was faster. See ya next try!

Don't go. We need sane people to kill the Lelianafag


I'm sorry!
If I woke up sooner I could've saved the thread! *cries*

Should've never woken up, then.

I wish

*Blackwall posts until the thread wakes up*






Just let it end

One Blackwall is like THREE Lelianas!



Because anything worth doing is very rarely easy. Got to work for that egg.


Thomwall actually looks really good with his hair pulled back. Shame that that wasn't in the game.

Runnin' on empty...

Yeah, there aren't any mods for it either, just baby faced Thom. feels bad mayne

>there aren't any mods for it either
Wait, you're telling me that people don't want vanilla Blackwall with different hair, but they'll go for Nancy No-Chin?

He has a chin tho

I'm just happy about Thom! Thanks, user!

Can't work for the egg if he's heading towards destruction. "This world or the elven world" can't we reach an inbetween?

Give him his beard back!


Still better than Solas'ss butt-chin.

It's not a butt-chin.

This is the only Thom pic I have on my phone. I don't know why I saved it.

It's literally a butt with a hole. Yes, it is.

He's dreamy, even with that stupid haircut

There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a cleft chin. Delete this.

I'll be home in an hour or two and can post more Blackwall for you, user.
Anything is better than Lel or elves.


>/dag/ is such a hollow shell that it just accepts the troll and gives in instead of making a real thread

found the troll


Going to have to disagree with
>Anything is better than Lel or elves
but more Blackwall would be nice. Variety's always a good thing.

Gross. Maybe I'll post Anders when I get back home then

>posting Anders
You're the gross one.

>being rude

Better post Awakening Anders

You're right... I'm sorry.

I forgive you, user!

Why are the prices of dlc so expensive

I could buy a new game for the cost of DAI's dlc

>can't we reach an inbetween?
I don't think it's that easy. Either the Veil's coming down or it isn't, Inquisition and the Breach proved you can't really half-ass that sort of thing. Maybe it'd be better if there was no Veil in the long run, but maybe there's a solution to that that doesn't involve microwaving Thedas in the process.

Pirate them. EA are fucking jews.

>Maybe it'd be better if there was no Veil in the long run
It just sounds like a horrible idea. How would you keep the demons out of Thedas without it?

There probably wouldn't be so many demons if people weren't forcing spirits into the mortal world and corrupting them, though.

Meant for

Demons didn't exist before the Veil. They are "a wish gone wrong", as Solas said, caused by the curious spirits entering the world and being traumatized by it or by forced summoning that alter their nature. Thedas' true status has always been Veil-less, the Veil is a forced construct that only did harm.

Uhm.. if you still their games we might not get DA4, anons..!


lol.. I'm too tired to post..

Uhm.. Shut the fuck up!!

You do realize the money you keep paying for the DLC goes directly to EA. Whatever Bioware gets for developing their next game has nothing to do with you being a good goyim and buying overpriced stuff that came out years ago. Milking fans with this shit is apparently extremely profitable, but in return you get lit garbage like Andromeda. Save your foodstamps for something else, my anons.

Let's pretend that our choices, especially the final ones in Trespasser, are gonna count something in DA4. What do you think will happen in that case?

>Solas changes his mind, but Mythal intervenes out of the blue because the plot needs to continue and we need a villain
>Solas doesn't change his mind and the Inquisitor can decide whether to kill him or not
>the Evanuris are gonna get free regardless

A choice with the Qunari might also pop up: there was this theory going around based on what the Qunari wrote in Trespasser, about strenghtening the Veil so that spirits, demons, and magic will stop pouring into the waking world. So we might decide whether to focus on changing Solas' plan, but keeping things as they are or choosing the other drastic way and stopping magic from existing altogether in Thedas.

That's true, but buying DLCs, especially if overpriced, shows an interest towards the game and the series, which in turn is going to affect the budget and development of future entries of that series. Any singleplayer DLCs for Andromeda were probably thrown out of the window when EA/Montreal realized the game was fucked, while Edmonton churned three of them for Inquisition in less than a year because the demand for it was strong as fuck, even if EA's DLCs are notoriously expensive.

Big companies like EA don't need your "support" or sympathy. They can fund their games just fine.

I wasn't talking about funding, I was talking about interest. If many people ask for and buy many DLC related to a certain series, that series will have more probabilities of staying alive, because EA will see the interest and money people pour into it. They have no money problem, but they certainly aren't willing to fund games nobody is interested in. DLC are a way to gauge that interest, not a way to collect some needed funds.

>Solas changes his mind, but Mythal intervenes out of the blue because the plot needs to continue and we need a villain
>Solas doesn't change his mind and the Inquisitor can decide whether to kill him or not
>the Evanuris are gonna get free regardless
This is the most likely to happen, I think. The dev team's had to deal with the consequences of having multiple outcomes with the dark ritual before and they've said they don't want to do that again. So I think they'll honor your decision re: Solas in Trespasser, but the result will be the same either way. Not only does that prevent multiple branching plotlines in the future, but they've built up the Evanuris to the point where it'd be stupid not to include them.


Is /dag/ kill?




What are your thoughts on Zevran


Not my type but he's okay.

I bought this game again to dick around over the weekend.
I forgot how many mods it takes to make it not look like muddy shit.

I smile whenever I think of him.


What mods do you use?

If you will keep making Lilly threads then I will start making ACTUAL good Lilly threads!


Don't believe everything he says. We can see and interact with demons in the Fade in Origins/Dragon Age 2/Inquisition. The ancient exiled Forbidden Ones were demons too.

Spirits in the Fade can turn into demons when they explore the minds of dreamers and encounter a negative emotion.

>replaying DA:I
>come to this part
>can't help but keep a giant fucking grin on my face the whole conversation

God damn it.
What made DA:O so special?
Bioware get your fucking shit together please.
Dragon Age has so much potential.

I really liked the part where she mentioned that the HoF would be most pleased with himself when he gets her letter. Morrigan is so fucking great.

It is too late now!


>What made DA:O so special?
A more talented team and enough time to finish it, both things are absent now.

I miss them

I wish EA would sell the Dragon Age IP to our bois over at CDPR

I don't want to play as a grizzled man

But imagine how sexy Leliana would look in their engine!

Leliana is fucking ugly


>Hawke winning
>Warden has the fewest votes

Hawke is overrated

Nostalgia fags BTFO

Warden = Inquisitor > Hawke

Hawke is overrated. Tumblr or BSN has a hard on for Garrett specifically

Hawke is pretty fucking based, anons. Please get some taste!

Please get some taste, Lelianafag

DAI was released 3 years ago. Jesus christ.

New game when?